I found this on the Science Fiction Writers of America website. I think I've seen something similar on this site, but I can't remember where it is so I'm posting this.
These are the critquing rules the SFWA uses, and they look pretty good to me:
Note from Kathleen: this link is now obsolete. Please scroll down for a link to the current list of critiquing guidelines from SFWA.
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited September 03, 2010).]
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Thanks, Christian.
If you want to see the other topics on critiquing, you can use the pulldown menu under the POST NEW TOPIC button near the upper right corner of the topic list page.
If you pull down the menu and select SHOW ALL TOPICS, you'll see several topics on critiquing.
Hope that helps.
Posted by Christian (Member # 7825) on :
Ok...so that's where they went. So, this will just be our little secret.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
I need to post in them again, so they'll be visible. (Wish I knew how to make them "sticky.")
Posted by Christian (Member # 7825) on :
It's in the code. If you're using javascript to build the page, I would have it hardcoded for certain topics so that they were always visible. I'm not sure who the webmaster is, but (s)he should be able to exempt whatever topics you want from the "vanishing" rule.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Thanks, Christian. I'll ask the techgnomes about it, then.
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on :
Hmm... that link doesn't seem to be working anymore.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
You're right, the link is obsolete.
There are several links to critiquing guidelines on this page: