quote:Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group. Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Feel free to update the NSG Work in Progress thread with your current projects. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).
What were your goals last week and did you accomplish them? Describe what you worked on. Set goals for next week. Did you learn something during this week?
Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).
Writing on a novel Characterization World Building Relevant research
As for me:
Last Week's Goals:
DUAL MAGICS SERIES (THE SHAMAN'S CURSE, THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BEYOND THE PROPHECY,and WAR OF MAGIC): Promote the group promotion for fantasy audiobooks. Done.
Wide Distribution Project: Wait for Amazon to resolve its issue. Everything but the short stories/novella are done otherwise. Consider which of the shorts, if any, I want to publish beyond Amazon. Three weeks and still not resolved.
BECOME: BROTHERS: Promote on social media. Some.
MAGE STORM: Probably nothing this week. Good call.
DUAL MAGICS SERIES (THE SHAMAN'S CURSE, THE VOICE OF PROPHECY, BEYOND THE PROPHECY,and WAR OF MAGIC): Nothing this week, except possibly begin planning another promotion for the audiobook.
Wide Distribution Project: Wait for Amazon to resolve its issue (turning the text red). Everything but the short stories/novella are done otherwise. Consider which of the shorts, if any, I want to publish beyond Amazon.
BECOME: BROTHERS: Promote on social media.
MAGE STORM: Probably nothing this week.
OTHER: Update my blog twice a week.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
The Courier is still stalled-still need a proofreader and now someone who can modify pics for the cover I want-but in one way that is good. I thought of adding a couple of more touches and tried to make the point where she sees her friend laying in his crashed airship more emotional. While I was at it I redid a couple of sentences and made them more readable-hopefully. And found a few typos on my own.
Was able to work some on that steampunk dragon punk thingie with no title. My MC is in his home town, visiting while on break from his wizard training. A bodyguard is along he thinks as much to watch him as to protect him. The MC will get into trouble of course. Just not sure how much and with what. A train robbery maybe.
And worked on a story I had forgotten about with no title yet. I said story but I am not sure how long it will be, which is why I mention it here. I would be surprised if it is under 10,000 words. But it could be a full book too.
A steampunk Urban Fantasy tale. There have been others like that but I am trying to make it a UF story set in a steampunk universe.
Been doing a lot of steampunk maybe it's time for a steampunk cyberpunk fusion
Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
Raw draft sketches for the project in progress leapt ahead after the location of several sensation description models studied. The models are close though appreciable shortfalls of that that I attempt.
LDWriter2, punk: a kludged-together synthesis of polished and improvised technology and culture artifacts. Punk rock from which the "punk" of steampunk and cyberpunk draw liveliness is brat garage bands -- improvisational practice in urban family garages -- who cover chart-topper songs and perform those live at the gyms and small civic halls in the community, maybe high school dances.
No reason cyber and steam cannot fuse -- a steam-powered Sterling engine electric generator for a Turing machine!? However, that's the tech background at the edges of an idea.
The true punk action thereof is the impact the tech imposes on people's lives, and the subtext action that of a social commentary and moral truth discovery about the impact that's nonetheless the true core of punk's paradigm: a late young to early adult resistance to mature adulthood's responsibilities and frustrations and an age fraught with self-identity experimentation and exploration wants and problems. That's all of punk's conventions above, regardless of whether rock, hand-me-down and thrift store-Madison Avenue fashion apparel meld, steam, cyber, fusion, nuclear age, Digital Age, Postmodern, Pluralism, crossover science fiction, fantasy, horror, or whatever altogether.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Came back to add one I forgot. I am almost finished with the revision of Journey of Mystery. Each segment had one fast revision but this one is longer and more detailed. Almost proud of some of it. I think it is an excellent tale but others will have to decide if I am right about the writing and plot.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Yeah, not sure if I am getting across all of how each "punk" is effecting people's lives that much outside of having to operate a stream car instead of internal combustion engine. Or flying in an airship instead of airplane.
But you should see that airship fight at the end of The Courier