Welcome to August, all. The month that sees the first leaves falling, and temps in the 40's in the morning. Seriously, summer is way to short here.
10k's the goal, putting the daily average count at 322.
Question for this month:
Having missed the target last month, I wonder, how crushing is the failure to reach a goal you'd set for yourself? Does it depend on what the goal is? Or are you the type of person who is very serious about each goal?
There have been all kinds of studies about how important writing down goals is. Where do you want to be in five years, etc. Without them, some of us just flounder in the mire.
So, the question is: How important to you is reaching each of your goals? And how disappointed are you if you don't?
New words are - One word after the other. Blank words on a white page. From imagination to fingertips.
Rewriting an old story counts if the page is blank. Flash. Short story. Novels - all count toward the total.
Blogs count. Reviews written for public entertainment.
Outlining doesn't count. That helps speed the word count later. (Which is a good thing.) But counting an outline would kind of be like counting the same words twice.
Editing doesn't count. Editing is part of the process and is done independently of word count.
[ August 05, 2013, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: axeminister ]
Posted by mayflower988 (Member # 9858) on :
Is there a different group I could participate in where editing does count? I'm working on editing my Camp NaNo novel from July. It would be nice to have some kind of accountability.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Mayflower, You can bend the rules if you'd like.
Or you can list it separately. Edited words:
After all, I'm counting two things each month. Novel words and overall words. Novel goal is 8k, overall is 10k. They just happen to be working in tandem.
As for me, today:
Words: 1478 (novel) Quota: 644
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
I've got some short stories that have been gnawing at me. I need to get them out on paper, so I can begin working on my novel. I need some accountability to keep me honest so I am in.
words: 958 Secretly hoping to hit 20K this month.
Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
I am at the end of this particular novel. About a page and a half to go!!!
(The crowds cheer! Fireworks leap into the skies above my computer!) And I shall soon sit with my fingers poised above the keyboard!
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
20k? Daaaamn.
Go Arriki!
I'm continuing the late-last-month momentum on the novel. If I can finish early this month, I'll have plenty of time left for the endless editing facing me on my short stories.
Words: 3371 (novel) Quota: 1288
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
quote:Originally posted by axeminister: Welcome to August, all. The month that sees the first leaves falling, and temps in the 40's in the morning. Seriously, summer is way to short here.
Where's this, axe? I live in Maine and even we are at least a month from the first leaves falling, although we'll see a few changing color late in the month.
quote:10k's the goal, putting the daily average count at 322. Question for this month:Having missed the target last month, I wonder, how crushing is the failure to reach a goal you'd set for yourself? Does it depend on what the goal is? Or are you the type of person who is very serious about each goal?
I may get disappointed, but that's about it. Life's too short to beat yourself up, and it is self-defeating. That energy is better spent to trying better next time, or enjoying G-d's good Earth with a fine glass of wine and a glorious sunset.
quote:There have been all kinds of studies about how important writing down goals is. Where do you want to be in five years, etc.
Alive. Right here on this dock on the rippling cool waters of Lake George where the surrounding heights of the Adirondacks are mirrored, with my arse planted on this chaise lounge and my netbook computer (or equivalent) on my lap for writing (whenever my Muse moves me), and a fine novel and drink at my side (when she doesn't). Of course, it would be nice to be published professionally by then but, if not, as the esteemed Kurt Vonnegut wrote in Slaughterhouse Five: "So it goes."
quote:Without them, some of us just flounder in the mire.
Get over it. Strive for your goals but do not let them rule you. Love living. Say something kind. Lend a helping hand. Be good.
quote:New words are - One word after the other. Blank words on a white page. From imagination to fingertips...Outlining doesn't count...Editing doesn't count. Axe
Never quite agreed with this. Slapping sh-ite on a shingle does not a house make. I have greater respect for the craftsman who blueprints carefully what he/she will construct and, having set the complete frame, finely completes his/her labor with precision and eye for perfection.
That said, having completed my first week of my annual two week vacation, I've written over 4500 words of what, unfortunately, will be a novel and not my WOTF Q4 2013 entry, and (ignoring all the outlining of the second part of this novel and a story in Brandon's Collaboration Challenge whose new deadline I doubt we'll meet, and all the editing editing)another few thousand related to this website and its members in some capacity--hmm, seems I should stop procrastinating with you lot and focus more on my own writing.
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Dr. Bob, I wonder if there might be some scene or other (or set of scenes) in one of your longer works that couldn't be excerpted (or adapted) to provide you with a WoTF story.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Hey Dr. Bob.
This thread isn't meant to encompass my life, just my writing life, in particular my word count life. So I'm not so bummed I'm not out living my life or anything. In fact, that's why my word count suffered in July. And why I posed the question.
Although I appreciate your stance, I wasn't necessarily declaring mine to be one of sadness or anger. Just bummed I didn't make it, but resolved to make it this time. Sometimes a loss is good. Like Rocky's loss to Ivan Drago.
Oh, I'm in the Catskills in NY. Some trees, tho to be honest they aren't the healthiest, have started turning yellow. Leaves were raining on my car yesterday and my daughter got all excited that fall was coming. She can't wait to sport her Stilinski hoodie.
The weather report comes from the weather channel: Tonight: Mostly Clear: 50° LOW (The 50 read 46 when I first typed that.)
Regarding new word count, I'm hoping people will be the judges of their own work/art. Maybe people count every word. Maybe they only count them after they've done an editing pass. It's really open for interpretation. In fact, I've modified the original post, changing the word: Rules, to: Guidelines.
I'm only trying to build a frame, not fill it. This is what got me through my first novel back in the day. I realized that a few months back when I was floundering and decided to start these threads.
Since I've started them, I am 100% sure I've written more words than I would have had I not.
If anyone besides me needs some kind of motivation or accountability to write more productively, then I welcome them to keep track along with me.
Butt in chair - is the ultimate goal.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Dr. Bob, I agree with Kathleen. Any way to work a beginning, middle, and end out of a section of the novel? Or is it too early to tell?
I've read a lot of examples of people doing that with their WotF entries. I think that adds a level of richness to the short story that an independent tale might not otherwise have.
I'm doing that now, for my Q4. There's a history and a future in the story that might not otherwise have been there if I didn't have a novel around it.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Hi, all. My daughter will be an official one-year-old tomorrow, and I've realized that I spent most of a year picking apart other people's stories instead of putting my own words to paper. I'd like to change that before my little girl goes turbo. I'm fairly certain my downtime will dissipate at that moment.
I'm setting a goal of one page every day for the rest of this month. That should give me--very roughly--6500 words. Most if not all of it will have to be handwritten.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Hey Aspirit, enjoy the b-day party! Take lots of pictures of the messy cake. A page a day sounds great.
As for me, I'm chugging along.
Words: 5218 (novel) Quota: 1932
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury: Dr. Bob, I wonder if there might be some scene or other (or set of scenes) in one of your longer works that couldn't be excerpted (or adapted) to provide you with a WoTF story.
I should finish my current WIP this week (slow and steady), even though it is now the first third of an unanticipated novel which shares and expands, in greater Dr. Bob detail, the world of my Q3 WOTF entry.
In my aborted attempt to participate with our Hatrack WOTF Group for Q4, I imagined the first 8.5K words could maybe possibly potentially serve as my entry. AYeatts and mbwood recognized it, however, as the "partial story" it was.
Be that as it may, I'll be in Europe the last two weeks of this quarter and have the Jewish High Holidays the week before, and I'll be back to my full-time doctor gig next week and until then. And I've got to draft an outline for my entry in Brandon's Collaboration writing Challenge I should get to Utathute as soon as I can.
I am running out of time. (Where's a time machine when you really need one?)
Therefore, if I am to enter Q4 at all, I will likely resect and splice together (with a touch of needle & thread rewording) this current WIP and hope I don't merely wind up with a Marry Shellian construct.
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Axe, we held something like a party over the weekend. We had cupcakes, but my daughter is such a dainty eater that she barely got any on her. She did almost manage to choke on a candy flower my sister had used to decorate the cake. It was a beautiful day, regardless. My little bugaboo enjoyed spending time outdoors with a bunch of familiar faces.
I remember when a page a day seemed impossible. Now, it's merely intimidating. That's emotional progress!
Today, I wrote a page and a half for my never-ending young-adult novel, RITN. Day's goal: Achieved.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I've switched over to editing my Q4 WotF which would have stopped the word count completely but I've added 723 new words.
So, I'm happy with that.
Words: 5941 Quota: 3864
Novel: 5218
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
Alright, time to come clean. I have been revising my WotF story for the last few days and am nowhere near my target so far. Time to get back to work. My new word total so far this month: 5175.
Posted by RyanB (Member # 10008) on :
At the end of the 21st:
Words: 7576 Quota: 7000
But I may not write any more new words this month since I'll be editing my WotF story.
I've been reading 2000 to 10000. It's changed my ideas on what I should be tracking.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Hey Ryan, Sounds like you're doing well. Good luck with the WotF as well.
I had a few slow days during the Hatrack downtime, but I also had some good days.
Words: 9938 Quota: 7406
Novel: 9208
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
Working slowly on two collaborations, a WOTF story to complete by 14 SEP if possible, and that dangnabit unexpected novel that grew in the teling.
So: Over 21K this month with a week to go. [Don't expect to have a month like this again for a while]
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
Not so slowly it seems. Another 3100 words today (though I can't use them for WOTF).
Barely got off my butt (and I have to pee real bad)--but it is a great feeling when a story grabs you and it just flows.
(Oh! I shouldn't have used that word. Gotta run!)
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by mayflower988 (Member # 9858) on :
quote:Originally posted by History: Not so slowly it seems. Another 3100 words today (though I can't use them for WOTF).
Barely got off my butt (and I have to pee real bad)--but it is a great feeling when a story grabs you and it just flows.
(Oh! I shouldn't have used that word. Gotta run!)
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Thanks for the laugh, Dr. Bob. I needed that. :D
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Well, I admit I gassed out toward the end of the month, which is disappointing considering how I started.
But this is a good reminder to get things in gear again for September. I keep searching for new ideas for flash and WotF and short stories in general, when I should be searching AND writing. The novel isn't going to finish itself...
Words: 10828 Quota: 10000
Novel: 9208
Posted by Dirk Hairychest (Member # 10105) on :
I also pooped out. I spent my time revising it critiquing. Poor timemanagement.