quote:Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Feel free to update the NSG Work in Progress thread with your current projects. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).
What were your goals last week and did you accomplish them? Describe what you worked on. Set goals for next week. Did you learn something during this week?
Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).
Writing on a novel Characterization World Building Relevant research
As for me.
Last Week's Goals:
FIRE AND EARTH (formerly known as SEVEN STARS): Continue promoting. Eh. Not really. Holiday weeks are hard.
BLOOD WILL TELL: Nothing right now. Well, that was easy.
BLOOD IS THICKER: Rest before (hopefully) final revision pass. Begin planning a launch. Try to come up with a decent pitch. I think I'll also serialize this one on wattpad. I've started the serialization. Not sure I have a decent pitch yet.
THE BARD'S GIFT: Send out three queries. Yes.
MAGE STORM: Rest. Wait for feedback. Get feedback on the query and pitches. I've got a good start. The query needs a good deal more work, but what else is new.
MAGIC AND POWER: Continue with second draft. Chapters 7 thru 10. Nope. Not even close. I finished the second draft last night.
FIRE AND EARTH (formerly known as SEVEN STARS): Continue promoting.
BLOOD IS THICKER: Start the (hopefully) last revision pass through this one.
THE BARD'S GIFT: Send out three queries.
MAGE STORM: Work on the query, pitches, and synopsis.
MAGIC AND POWER: Let it rest a bit before starting the third draft.
OTHER: Update my blog twice a week.
Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
Last week: Write 1/2 hour every day, new words in Soul of the Machine (working title). YES. Finished section 2 out of three sections in the novel, so I'm about 2/3 of the way through draft 1. I'm on track to get this draft finished before the end of the Summer, when my writing time will decline severely.
NEXT WEEK: Write at least 1/2 hour every day, finish at least 2 chapters of section 3 of Soul of the Machine.
Posted by arriki (Member # 3079) on :
Same as last week and probably the same next week and the week after that.
I add to the end of my text. I re- and re- and re-write what already exists. Sigh. However, the end of composing new text IS in sight. Probably two or three more chapters to the end of book one.
It's set on another world and has aliens and interstellar travel. All sorts of good things you can read about. Good, that is, if you are one of the aliens.
[ July 05, 2013, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: arriki ]
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
The end is in sight, but not here, yet. I broke 222k on my W.I.P., but I keep underestimating what it is going to take to get to the end. Characters keep demanding their fair shake, and have prolonged the process three times (but one, at least, became not one but two twists in the plot).
My goal is to end this damned thing. Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Some of us have been busy with novel--very good.
I have been.. Just one and it was revising. I have been going over "Two Struggles" my UF novel I am going to Indieize. (Hey I'm a writer I can make up words)
But as usual even though I went over a few chapters for spelling and proofreader checks I did light revising. But I realized that even though I said on my blog it was ready I forgot the last couple of chapters haven't been revised at all. ONe chapter was fairly easy but this last one wasn't. I refined it some, smoothed out some places. made it even harder on my MC, added some of the five senses but only a little. I also added two bits that went along with previous bits so those original bits would not be forgotten. Whew I'm done.
I hate to say this for a couple of different reasons but I feel like this chapter is a Masterpiece. An unique fight for my MC. To get her ready for the main battle.
But one of the reasons I hate to say that is, even though I believe it...someone else will have to read it to see if it is true.
Goals for next week is to finish the revision of last chapter and to spell check, proofreader check, and double check certain words the last two chapters.