This group is for anyone who wishes to join me in committing to writing ten thousand words a month - and is willing to give progress updates along the way.
I'm planning 10k new words a month (333 a day average) for the rest of 2013, but if anyone wishes to join for one month, two months, etc, feel free.
New words are - One word after the other. Blank words on a white page. From imagination to fingertips.
Rewriting an old story counts if the page is blank. Flash. Short story. Novels - all count toward the total.
Outlining does not count. That helps speed the word count later. (Which is a good thing.) But counting an outline would kind of be like counting the same words twice.
Editing does not count. Editing is part of the process and is done independently of word count. * Update #1 April 8. As of today, I've written 3000 new words. Most are for my Q3 WotF, but some are for my novel. I'm a little ahead of the daily count which is 2664.
[ April 09, 2013, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: axeminister ]
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
Hi, Axe.
I didn't see you listed as one of the Hatrack Q3 WOTF story exchange Group participants. If you want to trade stories with me anyway, just let me know.
Boy, I really wish I could take-up your challenge. Working full-time as a doc throws chains around my creative inspirations during my work weeks. For the next couple years I'll continue to binge write during the weeks I'm off, and mostly edit and revise (or sleep, read, watch TV) in-between.
Last year I managed only half of what you propose, but I hope to do a little better this year. In 2015, however...
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Thanks Dr. Bob. I appreciate the offer.
Given my own schedule, the above goal, and reading / commenting on slush for EDF, I can't join the WotF group, at least not now.
I do wish I was in that last one, however.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Irina! How awesome. I didn't know you had an account here. Seriously awesome.
Great to see you. Thanks for joining in.
I'm hoping 10k a month is doable for most. It's like mini Nano, but monthly.
I look forward to your updates.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
I'll jump in. I'm a little foggy on exactly where I was in my novel at the beginning of the month, but I think I can safely credit myself with 5700 words in April.
And I'll be honest, my goal is 50-55k more by June 15. I hope that's okay to join.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
I like it too. I need a good kick in the pants. Excellent challenge. I'm in.
Hit 3792 yesterday.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Trina, Of course! Join and destroy the goal. That's great. Might even pump the rest of us up.
Great to see you Anna!
April 11 update: 4100 April 11 quota: 3663
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Thanks, Axe! A little accountability goes a long way.
April 11: 4348 month to date
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
800 words added
Current word count on the novel: 39,214
Goal: 85-95k (or until it's finished) by June 15th
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
I'm in. I've made a goal for myself to write 1000 words a day this april, and am failing at it. maybe 333 will be better. I'm at 2200 words thus far this month.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
40k - in the wee hours before going to work. Okay, maybe not so wee, but early enough. Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
41,400 words
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
3000 words this month. I've also written two blog posts. I'm not counting them, I'm just justifying my slacking.
Does anyone else feel like they spend more time writing about writing, than actually writing?
La blurg.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Irina, I agree that if a goal is too high, better to back it down and reach it than to become discouraged and not try.
If that's what you meant.
10k a month is a WotF entry, or 10 flash fictions, or 15% of a novel. Not bad for a month if writing isn't your full time gig.
Update #3 4675 April quota: 4995
I've fallen a bit behind due to circumstances. Now I have a biz trip tomorrow/Wednesday, so I'll have some butt kicking to do.
But that's the beauty of a goal. Normally I'd shrug and say whatever, but now I'll really push to make up the lost time/words.
p.s. Welcome Shimmy!
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
This morning I was tempted to watch Dr. Who. I'm about to start the 3rd episode of a 3 parter. Lots of what happens next going on.
But I'm behind on word count. So, I wrote 757 words instead. Truly, this is how I worked in the past. A little each day with a goal on the way.
Or something.
Update: 5432 April quota: 5328
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
8340 new words (can't speak for their quality)for April so far, and I watched Dr. Who.
But I'm not playing (I think).
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Hi Trina, Irina, Sheena, Dr Bob, Axe... did I miss anyone?
Fell off the planet for a couple days so I had to double time it yesterday and play catch-up.
Cracked 8000 last night when I finished the first draft of my Q3.
Happy writing to all!
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
I stared contemplatively at a David Tennant meme on facebook. Does that count? *sigh* Love that man. He distracts me to no end.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Concur. Although I sort of prefer the boy in the bow tie.
Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
I want to join this group - and I will join this group eventually - it's a great idea.
- but, about a week ago my computer ate my novel and spewed it out as 360 fragmented files of story, notes, discards and gibberish all mixed together. Don't ask, it's not pretty, and neither is my sanity at this point.
Maybe I can sort of semi-join until I get the mess (the story and myself) put back together again? I don't suppose wading through tens of thousands of words counts, though, does it?
Anyway, I'll cheer ya'll on. I'm seriously impressed by your daily dedication.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
742 hard fought words today. Very emotional scene.
Current novel total: 42,137 words
Posted by MartinV (Member # 5512) on :
God, I need to get back to writing! All the editing lately made my juices turn dry. Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Hey Martin!
Yes, keep that word count going.
This AM I did a readthrough/edit of the first 25 pages of my WotF WiP, but also wrote some new. I'm happy with how things are coming together. This is what DW called an onion story. Or at least I hope it is. Ha!
Update: 6141 April quota: 6327
Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Onion story, as in it makes you cry? (as most of my attempts do...)
Or that it has multiple layers, and sauteed in butter it's oh so sweet and delicious?
Mmm sauteed story...
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
4/22 update 9022 wds
WHEW.... reworked an ending to an older story collecting dust instead of making the rounds. Sending it off to my alphas for bleeding. Fun, fun.
So what exactly is a butter sauteed onion story?
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I can't speak for the butter and sauteing, but an onion story is one that reveals itself a layer at a time. Like Ogres.
Or something.
Update: 6966 April quota: 7326
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Ai yi yiiii....
Butter sauteed ogres in onions. Now that's a story.
Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Sounds like something pdblake could work with...
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
45k - Slow but steady? No, I work in spurts. Trying to change that.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Actually subbed some stories last night. Now I'm up to 3. Ha!
I nearly finished the first draft of my WotF this morning. I'm looking forward to putting it away and getting back to my novel. Damn WotF is addicting. I can't miss a quarter...
Update: 8455 April quota: 8000
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Falling behind on my 10K... working on editing these last couple of days. My own backpile and a line edit for a friend. Tedious stuff!
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Finished the first draft of my WotF entry! One month. Not bad. Now it sits for a while.
Update: 9231 April quota: 9000
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
New words count!
I'll refine next month's "rules" to also include blogs. That can also be creative writing.
I'm excited about my entry. Not necessarily because I think it will win, it doesn't have that "it" quotient (IMO), but it's finished and it's another story in my pocket and it's the first new thing I've written in around six months.
I'm a big believer in celebrating first drafts. When they're done, they can't be undone. You've completed a story/novel.
So many people talk about that, right? "I'm going to write a novel someday." Or "I have an idea for a novel." But when you type The End, you've actually done what so many others merely talk about.
Only 3 days left everyone!
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
47k on Lavender
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Well, today's the day!
I woke up early and went hog wild and managed over 1k words. Therefore, I made it!
This was a great exercise because I'm 100% sure that without this thread, I would not have written this many words this month.
So, as far as an experiment for myself, this worked great.
Hopefully it encouraged a few of you to write on days and at times when you might otherwise not have.
Let us know if you reached your goal for April!
Update: 10691 April quota: 10000
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
You are awesome.
But I repeat myself.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Stomach bug ripped up the family for the last three days so after playing nursemaid, it was my turn to get it. I just crawled back out of the sheets today to realize:
1.) Its a new month.
2.) I haven't written a word since Friday.
3.) Final word count was 9237 which is pretty darn close and far more than I probably would have done without this group.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Hooray Anna! (Not about the yucky colds.) I say, close enough!
Yup, May is here. The thread is posted, so keep us updated when you get some new words going.