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Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Feel free to update the NSG Work in Progress thread with your current projects. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).

What were your goals last week and did you accomplish them?
Describe what you worked on.
Set goals for next week.
Did you learn something during this week?

Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).

Writing on a novel
World Building
Relevant research


I forgot this last Friday and nobody busted me!

Last Week's Goals:

FIRE AND EARTH (formerly known as SEVEN STARS): Wait to hear back on the request coming off of Pitch Wars.
Hmm. Well, I didn't hear back last week, but I have heard. The answer was no. [Frown]

BLOOD WILL TELL: Figure out how I want to proceed on a couple of ideas coming out of IndieReCon.
Started serializing BLOOD WILL TELL on Wattpad. [Smile]

BLOOD IS THICKER:Let it cool before going back for the next round.
Easy goal. [Smile]

THE BARD'S GIFT: One final read-through. Send out three queries.
Three queries out last week, three more this week. Read-through on-going. [Smile]

MAGE STORM: Wait for feedback.

MAGIC'S FOOL: Edit the handful of chapters I've done. The character voice is too young.
Hmm. Nothing on this one. [Frown]

Update my blog twice a week.
"Magic and Power", probably a novella that I just started.
Yes to both. [Smile]

Next Week's Goals:

FIRE AND EARTH (formerly known as SEVEN STARS):
Start working on cover art and planning an e-book release. I may start serializing this one on Wattpad, too, to build up a little pre-release interest.

Figure out how I want to proceed on a couple of ideas coming out of IndieReCon.
I started serializing BLOOD WILL TELL on Wattpad. Next up, investigate finding a narrator for BLOOD WILL TELL on audio books. Someone who'll work for a share of the royalties.

Let it cool before going back for the next round.

One final read-through. Send out three queries.

Wait for feedback. Think about another approach.

Edit the handful of chapters I've done. The character voice is too young.

Update my blog twice a week.

Continue work on "Magic and Power", probably a novella, that I just started.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I ended up writing a first draft of a WotF story. However my 72K words ballooned to 100K and I'm into the second rewrite of my first Warstone novel.

This next week:
More Moonstone rewrites
WotF rewrite
Daughter Disinherited grammar rewrite is still on the list but relegated to the back burner.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
A tiny bit on my two WIPs. I am thinking of going back to the beginning of each and redoing and/or adding things. I made some changes and added characters in both WIPs so the beginnings of each do need some work.

My goal for next week is to work on the revisions of two novels. '12's NaNo Novel and Two Struggles. I want badly to get each done so I can indiaze them.

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