This was a critique group for writers that entered a story into the fourth quarter of 2012 in the Writers of the Future contest (29th year).
After the end of the quarter, entries submitted have been responded to as thus:
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Hicks (JenniferHicks) Anna Yeatts (A Yeatts) Rebecca Birch (rabirch) Frank Dutkiewicz (snapper) James A. Hanzelka (Utahute72) (Boone)
Congratulations to everyone that submitted!
If you participated in the group and got some kind of award for this quarter, let me know and I'll add you to the list.
These are our Woo-hoos!
(Original posts from the quarter shown below)
[ January 17, 2013, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: WriterDan ]
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Holy nut-job, Batman. This guy must be crazy. It can't be that time already. We're still waiting on results from Quarter 1, for crying out loud!
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Yikes! You're right. We're still up in the air about Q1, and for those who haven't received word on their Q1 submission, it's nail-biting time.
Oh, BTW, I've sent in my Q3 piece (thank you fellow critiquers for thoughtful and helpful comments), and to keep my mind off Q1, I've started work on my Q4 piece. So, I'll start the list:
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
Well I've heard back about quarter one, but haven't sent in my Q3 entry, so I guess we're even.
mbwood Utahute72
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I forgot to remind you! But with the whole baby thing I was distracted. (yours, not mine.) Huh?
I'm probably gonna sit this one out because I did around two dozen crits during Q3, so I'm looking for a break.
Plus, I've got nothing for Q4 yet, so I need to hunker down and focus a bit.
However, there's still time, so...
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
I'm out this quarter. I had a great time working on my Q3 story (it should go out the door this weekend), but I want to focus on a different project for a while.
Success to you all!
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
I'm in!
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch
Posted by Boone (Member # 9776) on :
I'm in as well.
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch Boone
Posted by Strycher (Member # 9821) on :
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch Boone Strycher
ETA: Have you guys ever done log line swaps in the past? I've got a couple "meh" ideas that I'd like to narrow down before I commit to a story.
[ June 15, 2012, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: Strycher ]
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Ok, I'm in too. Hopefully that will force me to finish what I started this quarter. That makes it
Strycher - Generally WriterDan splits up the group as the first draft deadline comes near, so we can have fresh eyes on later drafts and are not overloaded with work. However, that would be too late for what you propose, and I like the idea. It shouldn't be too much work, so I'll swap some loglines with you (and whoever else wants to join the fun).
Posted by Strycher (Member # 9821) on :
Yeah, I don't think it's too time consuming. For anyone else who's interested:
You want to sum up your story in one to two sentences, including your protag, their goal, the antagonistic force, and maybe the genre.
Mine's done.
Posted by Strycher (Member # 9821) on :
Brendan, I e-mailed you.
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
Strycher, I'd swap a couple. Brenden, you too.
Posted by Strycher (Member # 9821) on :
And I've e-mailed you too. =)
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I said mine was done but I need to go back over it to see about adding more struggle--assuming the new guy likes struggle--and adding even more of the five senses.
Plus probably a number of other writing fixes.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Some of you are done writing already? Ack! I'm about to punch some scientific journals and hope an idea squishes out for Q4.
Also, Louis, what are you talking about with the 5 senses? That's your most consistent crit of MY stuff. Surely you have plenty of it in your own.
I can't recall any specific examples, but I also can't recall that ever being a problem for you.
Besides, 98% of your scenes take place at night, so you could probably go easy on the visual stuff.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I wasn't going to participate this quarter, but I had a dream...
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch Boone Strycher Brendan LDWriter2 Owasm
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
quote:Also, Louis, what are you talking about with the 5 senses? That's your most consistent crit of MY stuff. Surely you have plenty of it in your own.
I can't recall any specific examples, but I also can't recall that ever being a problem for you.
Probably most consistent crit of most propels stuff.
But this here story was written a bit ago, nigh onto five and a half to six and half years ago. 'Tis my first HM and I be thinking I'll give it another try.
quote:Besides, 98% of your scenes take place at night, so you could probably go easy on the visual stuff.
Hmm, really? I need to check that out-not that it matters that much...but this one takes place in a busted war-spaceship. Himm, maybe add a scene with the lights going out. "Oops, knew I shouldn't have cut that red, light refacking, fiber optic power cable" "If I hadn't been drunk in my repair class I would have known it should have been the Mauve with Chartreuse stripes light refacing, fiber optic Comm cable. Now I'm going to have to find that invisible, luminescence pulse racing cable. And do it fast I think I smell Alpha Induced Spearmint gas they use in the Sublight Quasar-like Interstellar Drives. It always leaves a bad taste in my mouth I can't get rid of for days. And if too match of that gets concentrated around dead bodies it turns then into face eating zombies. Oh boy I fall asleep in the class about how to deal with face eating zombies created by heavy concentrations of Alpha Induced Spearmint wasn't my fault; the Prof was boring, it was early early and I stayed up late chatting and drink beer with an old buddy...What just drifted across my arm? Air from an open hatch? And what was that a footstep? OH OH."
Before anyone wonders my HM story does have a space ship but has nothing to do with zombies or Alpha Induced Spearmint gas or any type of gas etc..
[ June 25, 2012, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: LDWriter2 ]
Posted by greenroom (Member # 9692) on :
Hmmm 1st drafts on July 14th, eh? Well, I've got 600 words . . . That's a start, right?
Do you guys actually start writing for the next quarter a month before the present quarter's deadline? It sounds fantastic to be that far ahead, but I think this is the first quarter where I started ahead at all. And I only started writing Q4 on the second to last day of Q3.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
I've got about 1200 done. And a lot of critiquing to do in the meantime. To the typing-cave!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
quote:And if too match of that gets concentrated around dead bodies it turns then into face eating zombies.
Oh boy now I've gone and done it. I had a few minutes so I relaxed which was a big mistake. My Not story this line came from came to mind and without asking me for permission my muse took it on. I thought out the next two scenes for this zombie tale before I realized what I was doing. Talk about being a writerholic .
Oh, great now I may have to actually write out the thing. The MC has rescued a girl--civilian he has no idea of how she got on the ship--and there's a half zombie blasting away with an automatic weapon. is he shooting at the Zombies or the MC and girl??? He will turn all the way soon and forget about the gun. I may have to finish it just to see if they escape and where that darn girl came from.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Is it too late to join up for this quarter? If not, I'd like to jump in too.
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch Boone Strycher Brendan LDWriter2 Owasm Greenroom A Yeatts
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
It's beginning to look like I might actually have a draft done by the 14th. I was afraid for a bit there that it wasn't going to come together. I've got just over 3k words so far. Phew!
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
I'm toying with the idea of submitting a story that got an HM last year again this year. New judge, different result? This story has gotten really good feedback from magazines in form of personal rejections, but hasn't been picked up. Some of you have read it before though. So, anyway:
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch Boone Strycher Brendan LDWriter2 Owasm Greenroom A Yeatts mrmeadors
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
First draft is done! I'm looking forward to starting the critique process.
Also, I'm very grateful for this group and the deadline. There's nothing like a deadline to get me writing. =)
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Yay! I'm hoping to be done very soon too. But I need to do some repair work before I can send it out for critiques, otherwise people will think I'm on crack (like they don't already...). So then I will have two stories to choose from for this quarter.
Posted by Boone (Member # 9776) on :
I'm making my final tweaks. I 'll finish the 1st draft today.
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Er, it's Friday the thirteenth and the good news is the first drafts are due out tomorrow... I wonder what the bad news is?
Are you ready? Are you really ready? Are you ready for / to do some kick-butt critiquing?
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
quote:Originally posted by mbwood: Er, it's Friday the thirteenth and the good news is the first drafts are due out tomorrow... I wonder what the bad news is?
Are you ready? Are you really ready? Are you ready for / to do some kick-butt critiquing?
Bring it ON!
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
The bad news for me is that I'll be on vacation (including a writing workshop) for over a week in there between first and second draft due dates. Good news is I already finished all the crits for the workshop, otherwise I'd be panicking right about now. I can only do so many at once!
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
I'm going to be on vacation from the 20-28 or so. But I should still be able to do the crits. My story might be a bit late, but NOT like the past couple of quarters where I kind of died. At least I hope not. There's still always the chance of a family crisis, of course...but let's hope for the best!
Posted by greenroom (Member # 9692) on :
quote:Originally posted by mrmeadors: But I need to do some repair work before I can send it out for critiques...
I finished my story a few weeks ago, but I also have some repair work to do -- possibly a lot of repair work -- before I'd feel comfortable sending it out. But that's what tomorrow is for, right?
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Repair work? Oh, boy, does that sound ominous. Yeah, I guess all of our submissions require 'repair work,' 'cause nothing we submit is perfect... right? Please, please, repair my story... please!
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Grr.... I am SOO close yet, so far. I keep finding blanks in the story that need to be filled in. And I have a feeling I am going to have to rewrite a lot in this. I must press on!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I have to go back over my story one more time to find some of the nitpicks but other than that it's ready.
But as to repair work, we all need it, some more than others but
It's not up to critters to do the repairing--they just point out the broken parts we need to do the repairing...
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
I'm satisfied with my story *as a first draft*. It's got more work to be done, and I know it, but it's got beginning, middle, and an end, so there's something there to work with.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
yes, exactly... mine has holes, so I have to keep working. There is also some extra stuff in there. Too many words
Posted by greenroom (Member # 9692) on :
So I haven't done this before. Do we get split into groups of people we are supposed to send our story to?
[ July 15, 2012, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: greenroom ]
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
I think so, greenroom. I'm ready press send and get critting!
I'm a little wound up. I love story-buzz.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
WriterDan usually comes in and sets up the groups, but he's busy with being awesome elsewhere...
WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch
Boone Strycher Brendan LDWriter2
Owasm Greenroom A Yeatts mrmeadors
I'll e-mail him and see if he'll come in and set everyone up.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Mine will be a day or two late. I'm busy trying to not to go through other words I'm writing new stuff before I start screaming and/or getting cranky.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
I'm screaming and getting cranky, and my story will be a bit late too. Hopefully by the end of the week you'l see something that resembles a story from me.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Okay, here we are, and here I am. Finally. Moved residences two weeks ago and between moving in (which is WAY more than just relocating our "stuff") and trying to get someone to come set up my freaking internet, I've pretty much been a basket case. To say the least, I'm about another week out on finishing my story for the quarter. But it's coming.
Here's groups for this round of crits (we'll go with Axe's suggestions from above, as they're so nicey and stuff...):
Group 1: WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch
Group 2: Boone Strycher Brendan LDWriter2
Group 3: Owasm Greenroom A Yeatts mrmeadors
So, for this round. Everyone swap within your group (aka, send your story to everyone in the group you're listed in). To make things simple, PLEASE review the crit suggestions from my first post in this discussion thread. I'll explain how things will go for the next round once we get there.
Here's to hoping for the best this time around. I feel like I've been out of the contest/writing loop for forever, but I'm committed to getting a story in this quarter. I hope everyone else is too.
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Okay, I've sent my story off to WriterDan, UtahUte2 & RABirch. Please send me your stories and I'll get right on it.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
Mine's off as well. Yay!
WriterDan, I hope things settle down for you soon.
Posted by Boone (Member # 9776) on :
Mine is out.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
I'm running a tad bit late this quarter but I'll get mine out soon.
Posted by greenroom (Member # 9692) on :
I just sent mine off to the people in my group. If you don't get it, please let me know. Or even if you do get it, let me know so I don't worry its lurking in your spam folders!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Not sure when I will be able to finish giving mine a final look over. My computer times has dropped significantly.
I may just send it tons of nitpicks and all.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Update: So people who are friends with me on Facebook know that last night I was practically suicidal over my story. After writing 13k words, and being at the end, suddenly I found that the story just was not what I wanted it to be. Not satisfying, not convincing, and just...not. Seriously broken. I was so very upset, and almost convinced that I would have to, YET AGAIN, throw in the towel. But I wouldn't let myself. I pushed and pushed, and this morning had the epiphany I needed to continue on and make the story work. IT's going to need a lot of work though (it's a complete rewrite). Would it be OK with you all if I sent my story late (which means it might go to second group late as well)? I am still reviewing everyone's stories on schedule. I just need more time for this one. I am not giving up!!
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
More than fine by me. I'm still working on mine.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
Question from a newbie to this group. When we send out the second drafts, are they going to the same readers as saw the first drafts, or do we re-shuffle?
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
quote:Originally posted by rabirch: Question from a newbie to this group. When we send out the second drafts, are they going to the same readers as saw the first drafts, or do we re-shuffle?
You send it to a different group. Dan will let us know when it gets closer to that date.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
Okay, cool. Thanks for clarifying!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
MR remember the critters in your group might help with some of that.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
LOL I don't think I would inflict this upon my poor critters . If only stupid family vacation wasn't next week! Grrr.... (it's an IN-LAW vacation. I might be able to get a good horror story from it...)
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Off my story went. To Group two that is.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
I'm so spastic this quarter! Agh... my stories are running roughshod away from me and I can't rein them in. I'll get something out soon. I swear.....
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Last night I realized I have received one story for Q4 so it sounds like most of us are late this quarter. So you all are not alone.
I say us but my story has been sent.
And I came back to add that I am working on that story. It's a bit on the long side so will take a little bit longer for me to do.
But that's okay.
[ July 21, 2012, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: LDWriter2 ]
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I'm very late, but I had a novel first draft to finish and this behemoth came in at 14K words.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I've sent out my crit for the one story I've received. Hopefully it was more helpful and more what was expected.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
Just got my second draft done! I really appreciate how this group has gotten me to get myself in gear much earlier in the quarter than I usually do.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
I should have people's crits out by the end of the week. Ugh. Hopefully I'll get back to writing my story soon.
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Melanie, I still owe you a crit from a while back. If you want another set of eyes - even late, I would only be too pleased... mbwood
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
OK great! I definitely should have this done in the two months I have left until the contest deadline, but for the purposes of this group, it's probably going to be a bit late. SO any eyes will be appreciated .
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
Don't feel bad Melanie, between weddings, babysitting and what not I'm just getting around to really working on this quarter's story.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
LOL glad I'm not the only one!! I can't even say I'm a slacker, because I can barely breathe for the amount of stuff I have to do. BUT, A Yeatts and Greenroom, you should both have received my crits by now . Owasm, you're in the hot seat next!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Received one more story. And three crits.
Time to start redoing mine.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Right there with you, Melanie. I haven't gotten to bed before 1:30am for the last 3 months, just trying to keep up with everything I have to do, let alone trying to diminish the pile. Although, I did get 3 more reviews done for EBR this week (pulled an all-nighter on Monday to do it), AND I got one of my two crits for this round finished last night (woo-hoo!), AND I got two more chapters of my buddy's YA novel critiqued as well. Give it time. It'll pass. It can't stay psycho for forever. : Best of luck with YOUR list. And know that you're definitely not alone.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Thanks Dan
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I feel left out...I'm not as busy as a lot of you are, only reasons for me to get in bed late is that I'm too jazzed about what I'm writing at the moment and that has only happened for a only twenty or so minutes, a couple of times.
And I better get busy on my story, I have two days to get it ready for the second group. But I don't think too many people will mind if I'm a bit late this time around. I have another story I want to finish. It's going way long but it's almost done. I say way long but it will be under 2,000 words. That is loong it was suppose to be a fun, simple story of around 200 words. Opps.
Now it might introduce a character for a novel.
Posted by Strycher (Member # 9821) on :
I think I'm going to have to drop out of the second group. I know that's bad form. It was idiotic of me to think I could finish a story this month. It's the busiest month of the year at both work and home.
I've got one more critique to turn in (soon! sorry!), but I won't have a story for swap until next month, and I'm afraid I don't have time to critique for the second group.
Thanks for letting me participate in the first group. Next year, I'll definitely sit out the Q4 critique group.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
I'm sorry to hear it, Strycher. You'll have something done for the quarter, though, if I'm reading your post right? That's the big thing.
Is there anybody else ready for second draft swap time? I think I've hammered my story as far as I can take it for this time around.
Posted by Boone (Member # 9776) on :
I finished my 1st round edits too.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Sorry I'm a day late, peoples. See my previous post...
Anyhow, here's the swap routine for this round:
If you're listed in Group 1, send to Group 2. If you're listed in Group 2, send to Group 3. If you're listed in Group 3, send to Group 1.
And a re-post of the groups (minus Strycher), so y'all don't have to go searching for it.
Group 1: WriterDan mbwood UtahUte72 rabirch
Group 2: Boone Brendan LDWriter2
Group 3: Owasm Greenroom A Yeatts mrmeadors
Hope this is a good round for everyone!
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
Thanks much, WriterDan! Once again, I'll say how grateful I am for these deadlines. I work SO much better with deadlines.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay, I'm way behind with my revision.
I let myself get sidetracked with small and minis stories I wrote. One fifty word mini is for an On The Premises contest. Others were just for fun, anyway my plan is to work on the revision this weekend.
Oops, that reminds me I have to finish another revision so I can send the story to F&SF Saturday. And I have a story to send to Flash Fic. But that last won't take long.
I have received one story for round Two. Sounds intriguing from the opening----which is all I will say about it.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Whew. Done. Sent mine out to group 1. I've only received one story from group 2 to crit. Let me know if I somehow missed any or if you didn't receive mine.
This group is such a huge help. Thanks to all!
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Owasm I sent your round 1 crit out today, and Boone, I sent your 2nd round one.
I have no idea when I will have this story done--I found out a week and a half ago that I placed in a romance novel writing contest (I will find out 1st, 2nd or 3rd in October), and that means I have to finish that sucker by October. I am really tickled by this news, but it leaves me little time to work on my science fiction! But Brendan and Louis, don't hesitate to send me your stories when you are done--I will still critique!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I am in the middle of revising my story.
Partially revised another story and sent it out for the first time, wrote a 50 word story and sent it, which means I slowed myself down on the revision but it is still moving on ahead--maybe not done by Sunday though.
Some good comments and my heart felt appreciation to the critiquers. Even though those side comments get a little confusing when the arrow points somewhere else. It's amazing what I missed. And one word I was asked if I wanted it that way or not. I remember I had it right once, I don't know when it got switched or why.
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on :
Send it whenever you are ready . I'm open to last minute stuff too.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I finished the one story I received for the second round. It's the type of crit I don't like. The writing is good enough that it's hard for me to find something to say. I was able to give a handful of suggestions and found a couple of nitpicks. I still wonder how people do that.
The biggest problem was the cliche opening, which is all I will say here, but I suggested reading David's "Kick" about cliche openings.
That could be good for everyone here. You would have to scroll down a bit to find it but still it would be worth it.
Okay, I received another story for the second round. Finished the crit of the first story.
One confession, that type of story makes me a bit jealous. The writing was good enough that I almost reached the end of my knowledge. I made a few suggestions and spotted a couple of small places that could have been done better but there wasn't much I could say about most of it. I might be the only one here with this problem but it happens every so often. At times I wish I could write that well.
I'm working on mine. Cutting out more of that large scene that takes place in the second half of the story and I will probably cut the awards ceremony. I never did like it, so I think I will leave him at a certain point waiting.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Going out of town this weekend--wedding anniversary trip to the mountains. So there won't be any crits from me 'till next week. I think there's only one to go anyway.
And no story from me 'till maybe Tuesday.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on :
I know I missed the signup for this group, but I just finished revised my 2011 HM story, cutting it down from 16k to 10k words. I plan to submit it for this quarter.
If anyone from this group would be interested in exchanging crits, just shoot me an e-mail.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
You might try me but there's one story ahead of you I need to crit.
And my story to finish revising. I managed to cut 1,000 words from it. Some from sentences I tightened or did away with but most from cutting bits from some action that took half the story at least. I'm thinking of cutting even more.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
So far I'm not as far along with my story as I thought I would be. But I did start the crit for the last story I have received. Mostly done with it too. It might be longer than usual for me.
And I need to get a short story revised to send out to F&SF this weekend. Somewhere between 10 and 13 stories in a row there. I keep expecting Stephen to say something like enough--it's not helping.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I was going to work on my story tonight for ten or twenty minutes. But the first thing marked on one crit got my thinking about the opening. The rhythm seemed off. I changed sentences, rearranged others, deleted one or two all, in the opening. I have no idea if it really reads better. It does to me and it seems to follow what I have learned about openings but as I said I really don't know if it really is better, or if the old way was as bad as it seemed.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay finished all the revising, well need to go over it one more time to make sure everything is in order.
But I ended up changing so much that by the time I got to the third and fourth crits some of the advice I had received wasn't current anymore, I usually don't do that but in this story it needed it--I hope.
I may try to cut twenty or so words to make it officially under 9,000 words. That final Loong scene still is too long, I think, anyway.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Finished mine and sent it to group three. If the groups are still active, as I said in my note don't worry if someone dropped out or is too busy now, since it's late.
Part of the reason it's late is because of the restructuring I did and part because of all the nitpicks and bad writing that had to be fixed.
Group Two : sorry for all the extra work but you all did a good job and I appreciate it even if I cut some of what you critted out.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Submitted early. Thanks for all the help.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Done! Thanks to all!
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Hello, I just sent my entry in for this quarter.
I still haven't received all of the submissions from this group for critiquing. There's still time for you to send it out and get honest feedback...
Posted by Boone (Member # 9776) on :
I submitted mine. Thanks for all the feedback.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
It's sent.
But I realized why I am so unsure of this story all of a sudden.
I've never done so much reconstructing on a story before. I set out for a trim and ended up with a complete shampoo-color, conditioning, cut and styling with hair extensions.
I'n afraid I created a Frankenstein monster even though in this case I haven't added any bits from other stories so it's more like a clay figure. I cut some off, added bits of new clay, scrapped more off, reformed some parts, added more clay, moved parts around. So I end up with something with three shades of clay and even though certain parts look more like they are suppose to I'm not really sure about how it fits together or the whole effect.
The forehead and horn of the unicorn--there's no unicorn in my story--look great, maybe even award winning but the flank and the tail, well I tried. You know what it's suppose to be but beyond that I can't say.
But on the good side, with the final go over I found few nitpicks, which may not mean much, and it seems to be mostly seamless, now. I found a couple of places that were not seamless but I fixed those.
But it is still my writing when all is said and done.
I changed the title when I decided to make it a whole new story.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I'm not in the group, but I am submitted as of 15 minutes ago. I didn't even think of the idea for my story until about mid-September. I'm proud of how it turned out, but I'm not sure it's quite the right fit for WotF. We'll see what DW thinks in about three or four months.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
I finally stopped tinkering and pushed the submit button. PHEW!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Good good you two.
And Boone, Owasm and a few others I missed.
We need to make a submitted list the First.
And I say thanks to those who critted mine. A lot of hard work there even though I'm glad to say the second version had a lot less comments on it then the first version.
Even though I must say that if it does get in you may not recognize parts of it. I explained a couple of how he was able to do something and I added some more danger to my MC and made a couple of points harder for him. David seems to like it when things do not come easy for your MC.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay, it's the first. Surprised no one has started one but let's begin a list of those who made it.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I'm in, too.
LDWriter2 Jennifer Hicks
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
I made it in too, although probably not my best effort.
LDWriter2 Jennifer Hicks Utahute72
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
And scrolling back I'll add a few more:
LDWriter2 Jennifer Hicks Utahute72 Rabirch OSWAM Boone Mbwood
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
LDWriter2 Jennifer Hicks Utahute72 Rabirch OSWAM Boone Mbwood Axeminister
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
LDWriter2 Jennifer Hicks Utahute72 Rabirch OWASM Boone Mbwood Axeminister Brendan
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
It looks like the first wave of rejections went out tonight. I hope everyone escaped unscathed. (I haven't heard anything yet.)
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I'm toast.
Posted by mbwood (Member # 9525) on :
Yeah, me too. I'm toast.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I'm burnt toast.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
I am very sad for all the burnt toast on the list.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Looks like I need to scarp off my burnt side.
I knew last night but didn't come back here to say,
And with all the fine help I received on that one too---maybe too much work on my part.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
The rest of us can start looking at other markets now.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
We are all toast now. How would you like to be served?
Me: With a generous spreading of strawberry jelley set on a flora patterned saucer.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
Honorable mention for me, which I will enjoy with a nice buttery spread.
Posted by A Yeatts (Member # 9500) on :
Honorable mention here as well! I'm a peach preserve kinda gal.. guess that merits a biscuit to go with it.
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
HM for me. I'll take that with a nice, thin dusting of cream cheese.
Posted by Utahute72 (Member # 9057) on :
HM for me also, I like mine with peanut butter.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
One thing for my story. I now know which story to send to F&SF this Saturday. I was going to send it to Lightspeed--since they close to submissions for a month starting the 15th--and to see if JJA liked it any better this time. Last time he said I lost him in the middle--I could see why. But it's too long for Lightspeed.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on :
Extra jelly for me. Got my HM as well
Posted by Boone (Member # 9776) on :
Sorry to be so late. I got an HM as well.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
Dunno if this is good news or bad news, but I've heard nothing about my story. I'm assuming that everyone who has received notification entered electronically? I did mine by snail, which means I might not receive any kind of notification for awhile since snail mail entries are normally last to know. Correct?
Where would I go to see a list of the HMs or semi-finalists?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on :
There isn't a list posted yet. The finalists have been announced, and the semi-finalists have been notified. I suggest e-mailing a query to Joni.