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Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Feel free to update the NSG Work in Progress thread with your current projects. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).

Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).


First, welcome to the newcomers from last week. It's always good to see new writers post to our group.

Last Week's Goals

Still working on this old / new project that takes up much of my time. It should be worth it because I'm hoping that it will bring in some extra cash. My wife wants to become a "content editor" for science fiction and fantasy so we're hoping this new money will help subsidize some of her education. In the meantime she's looking to practice her editing skills.

My goals for next week:


  • Rest a bit/list]

    Because of this project, I will likely not write much of anything (not that I was before.) So, I will rest from the writing for a while and let the ideas churn.

    What did I learn this week?

    Still, sometimes you just need to take a break.


    Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
    Last Week's Goals:

    DREAMER'S ROSE: Nothing for this month.
    Such an easy goal.

    MAGE STORM: No queries this week.
    Another easy goal.

    SEVEN STARS: Let it rest.
    Sheesh! Did I set any goals last week?

    BLOOD WILL TELL: Take another look at the revisions. Start trying to decide what to do with it, now. (Query or e-publish)
    Ah. Finally something. I've just started working on this.

    Update my blog twice a week.
    Revise and submit my WotF entry.
    Yes to both. And that's where all my time went this week. On the WotF story.

    Next Week's Goals:

    On the Shelf:

    I actually started just a little bit of plotting (I never do much outlining) for the rewrite of THE SHAMAN'S CURSE. (Hint: This time it'll be MG.)

    Nothing for this month.

    I need to do some serious thinking about a couple of revisions to the first fifty pages or so before I move forward on this.

    Let it rest. First readers start on it next month.

    Last round of revisions (hopefully). Decide what to do with it, now. (Query or e-publish) At the moment, I'm leaning towards querying it again, this time as paranormal romance instead of urban fantasy (different set of agents. )

    Update my blog twice a week.


    Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
    Well, here I am with some good news.
    This morning, I wrote THE END.

    This is something I've only done twice before and it feels great despite the light word count. (23k)
    However, since it's meant to be that short (lower end of middle-grade) it counts because it's entirely done.

    Haha, did I say done?

    Now begins the editing.

    I'm going to take a break from this and work on some overdue critiques and maybe get some more daily sci fi reviews in, but I thought I'd share with y'all the news that I've got another novel under my belt.



    [This message has been edited by axeminister (edited June 24, 2011).]

    Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
    Congrats, axeminister. Writing THE END is a great accomplishment. Unfortunately for me that meant becoming lazy and not doing much after that. And now I'm on a new project that will take me away from writing for a while. Worth it, I hope, but not writing.

    Congrats again.

    Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
    Congratulations. Writing THE END is a really good feeling.
    Posted by enigmaticuser (Member # 9398) on :
    Axe, that's a chance for some celebration!

    For myself:

    I think I almost did reach my editing goal on New Arbor Day. And I did write something for Evangeline. Well actually the Evangeline story but two books later. I'm really getting to know a character who I thought was going to be kind of just crossing the path, but I think he'll turn out to be one of the most significant in Adam/41/the Guardian's life.

    Next week?

    New Arbor Day: 100 pages of editing.
    Evangeline: Write a page or more of something new.

    Posted by EmilyS (Member # 9447) on :
    Axe, that's great, congratulations!

    Last Week:

    THE NULL PROPHET: Revise 2 more scenes, cut word count
    Yes. Revised 6 scenes, down to 125,978 (from 126,934).

    MINDWALKER: Finish a scene.

    Next Week:

    THE NULL PROPHET: Revise 3 scenes, cut word count (aiming for 120k).

    MINDWALKER: Write another scene.

    Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

    Worked a bit on New Mage. hard to get very far with ten to fifteen minutes a slot every two nights. Got to get back into the habit of working on it.

    Started revising "Storm Born" Didn't get very far though... am looking for someone(s) to read it for me.

    Same thing on Bright Lights as last week.

    Did a tiny bit of work on "Angel Kin".

    My goals for next week are(hey I didn't forget this time):

    Work on the revising of "Storm Born" and reading more of the crits on Bright Lights.

    And working on "Angel Kin" and maybe starting a new novel or working on an old one I still have to finish. But I am also working on short stories so we shall see.

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