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Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
I'm in. Look for me as shimiqua on the Nano site. I'm happy to be your buddy.

Anyone else deciding to be crazy?

Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
I'm thinking about it as motivation to pound out the last of this story I've been working on. So I'd have to be the um, what's it called, rebel or something - the ones who don't really follow the rules.

I'll probably dive in. It looks like my job is ending Nov 5, so I'll have a lot more time on my hands than I thought! And who wouldn't want to finish the next blockbuster novel just to show 'em all?

I'd love to be a buddy, if you'd tell me what that involves...sorry, newbie to Nano as you can tell.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Me, me, me, me, me! Now that I know what I'm doing for the first couple of pages, I'm getting very excited!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I'm in too, using the same user name as here.

I see about looking for you.

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
I'm there as KayTi, I think we're already connected.

In a bit of denial about how soon Nov 1 is...

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay I will try to put include all who said yes as writing buddies but probably not today. The site's very slow probably because of being super busy. I will see if it's better tomorrow night, and I can write as I wait if need be.

And of course you can include me, same user name as here.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
How's everyone doing? I am trying for 3500 words a day...Way more than I've ever done before, but the kids are all in school now, and I'd like to finish early.

I made it today, but it was close. I was feeling pretty drained, and then...magic happened. I was wondering why exactly my villain was out and about that day, and the scene was about petering into oblivion when I suddenly realized it would be a grand time to get my hero beat up badly. Wow. What an adrenaline rush. The scene ended up on a bang and pushed me past my goal for word count. It turns out my villain has been hiding some secret powers from me. I wonder where he got those from. I can't wait to find out!

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I got in about 7,700 words and really enjoyed seeing my outline unfold. No new characters, but some new plot elements unexpectedly popped their heads into the story.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I'm not doing too badly even though not as good as some. A total of 3, 800 some words but I need to get back to it now.

The plot is forming well I think even though knowing my writing it will need some work after Nov 30th.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Tonight, I found some items in my MC's past that helps to explain why she is the way she is.
It was flowing good. But there's tomorrow morning.

Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Okay, so there's a funny thread running on the NaNo boards called something like 'Things I didn't know - but my character did'. Have your characters been taking over in suprising ways?

Mine have. For instance, I never knew my FMC wanted to act like Cinderella and impress the matchmakers so she could marry a rich guy and pull her family out of poverty. Of course the MMC will shortly put a disasterous end to that...

How about you? Any characters wrestling the stories away from you?

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
So far mine hasn't except for some back ground info I didn't know at the beginning. But a very minor character wanted more air time so he is now my MC's sort of love interest. Makes the book longer anyway
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I'm now at 18,032. I peeked and shimiqua is at 13K+. Great going. It's all about relentless writing.

I wrote through the second half of a Utah Jazz basketball game.

As far as characters doing strange things. I'm writing from a pretty robust outline and one of my characters suddenly erupted with a voice that surprised me. He's supposed to be the love interest towards the end, but his personality erupted out of my fingers as a guy who makes corny jokes and has a bit of an irritating personality. Out of the blue.

[This message has been edited by Owasm (edited November 04, 2010).]

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
LDWriter2, one thing that is cool about a love interest, especially a "sort-of" one is that you can have that character help the MC at times, and at other times hinder the MC.

A love interest can be a sort-of sidekick combined with antagonist.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

LDWriter2, one thing that is cool about a love interest, especially a "sort-of" one is that you can have that character help the MC at times, and at other times hinder the MC.
A love interest can be a sort-of sidekick combined with antagonist.

Thanks for the advice Kathleen.

I was trying to figure out how to include him more. But he doesn't know she is half fey and some of the adventures she will be going through will have a tendency to shock him. Not to mention some of her abilities-which aren't much but still more then normal.


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay, the group on Nano is up

hatrack river writers

Edited to fix the link (it was missing the ht at the beginning).

[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited November 05, 2010).]

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
LD Writer,

But he doesn't know she is half fey and some of the adventures she will be going through will have a tendency to shock him. Not to mention some of her abilities-which aren't much but still more then normal.

So he's a normal and she's a special? I think if he is the love interest then he should probably grow to love everything about her, especially her abilities. I say shock him, and then have him slowly get used to it, or else over it.

But your call.

I'm at 18,342 now. I don't write on the weekends, because Saturday is the day I actually do the things I ignored during the week, and Sunday(the day of rest), is the craziest day of the week.

So look for me Monday.

Good work everyone,

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

LD Writer,
But he doesn't know she is half fey and some of the adventures she will be going through will have a tendency to shock him. Not to mention some of her abilities-which aren't much but still more then normal.
So he's a normal and she's a special? I think if he is the love interest then he should probably grow to love everything about her, especially her abilities. I say shock him, and then have him slowly get used to it, or else over it.

But your call.\

I was planning to.

She was told a prophecy at the beginning and I may go back and add that she will have a unexpected helper or two. I say two because there is someone already who will be helping her even though she doesn't know for what.

This guy is a mystery. You would have to be reading Seanan McGuire's books to understand who I am trying to use and at the same time not use as a model. In the books this King of the Cats may be becoming a love interest. They seem to care for each other more than just friends but we shall see how that goes. But I won't be using that in my novel. However there does seem to be a relationship there I can't figure out. He can't be my MC's father, maybe an uncle she doesn't know about. ???

But back to the love interest--I think in the next chapter he may start to get the hint that her ears are real, that she was born with them. And soon after she has to use magic in front of him. Something small, which is all she can do, but it saves their lives.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
26770 words gone with 3,504 tonight. Half done for NaNo, but my over all goal is to do this in two weeks. I'm working more nights this year, so it's going to be tough. This novel is planned for 75K to 85K words so my first draft may be 50K to 60K and then I'll spend the rest of NaNo adding a lot more description and perhaps deepen the conflict. We'll see how everything unfolds.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I'm only around a fourth done maybe heading for a third.


Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I took advantage of a Saturday and got another 8,241 words under my belt. I'm now at about half of my novel at 35,010 words. Another 15K and Nano is satisfied, but I've got to get it all to 70+ words.

Update: 40451 5441 on a Sunday

[This message has been edited by Owasm (edited November 07, 2010).]

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Owasm, you are impressive.

I took the weekend off, and am just finishing up for the day at 21,544

My goal is about three thousand words a weekday.

Story wise, I've been having so much fun.

I was worried that I was writing myself into a corner, things just kept twisting darker, and more challenging for my heroes, and I didn't see a way to get them to a happy ever after.

And then, yesterday, I was sitting at my computer trying to help my husband adjust our new wireless router when out of nothing I figured out the hugest twist ending that my subconscious has been leading me towards all along.

I'm so excited to write it. But I've got another seven thousand words (give or take a thousand), before I can write the inciting incident that leads to the ending.

Right now my characters are training, learning, and healing so when that ending comes it can pack the emotional ninja kick to the head I got while checking MBPS.

Happy writing,

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Speaking about writing one self into a corner. I just realized that I haven't done a certain something yet. I started the novel with my MC out on the town with the Three Fates. Then it goes into a flashback to explain how she met the Three. But I'm almost a third of the way through and nothing about that yet. I expected that by now she would be done with the flashback and caught up to where it started.

I could move her meeting the Fates toward the end, she meets them soon but it isn't until she rescues those she is going to rescue and defeats the bad guy that the Three want to go out for one evening of fun.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I'm getting tired. I had to scan my writings to see if one of my characters had done something, twice tonight. Signs of getting tired, I imagine.

I'm still going to try to hit 50K by the 10th, but I only got about 2400 tonight.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I pretty sure I broke the one third mark and probably 20,000 words by now hopefully the 22,000 mark.

Not as much as some around here but not too shabby. Wish I could take a day off from work though, I'm tried of writing in small amounts of time.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Made my goal. It's eleven o'clock my time and I've got 50,007 clocked on my word count.

Now for the last third of my novel where everything has to happen and I hope the ending works out as planned. I had a few plot surprises today.

I had the opportunity to have the MC accosted by her friend's paramour. I sat in front of my computer and wondered if I should risk it. I went ahead and the scene unfolded before my eyes. That's when writing is really fun.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

I got up to a bit over 23,500 tonight. Too bad I had to go to bed, it's flowing, as usual and I am just ending a battle for my MC's and her date's life- big bad Bigfoot, hell dogs and maybe a unicorn if it catches them. But they still have to deal with a pack of ordinary dogs and rats they have forgotten about- but 5:20 comes early.

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Congrats OWASM!

I know just what your talking about. Nano has taught me to trust the story as it flows out. Yesterday I had my main character physically tortured and then healed repetitively by a crazy man. That was nowhere near what I intended to write even two minutes before I got to the scene but it lead to my favorite part in the story so far, the strengthening of my character, which would never have existed if I didn't let my character go down the strange and twisted avenues of my subcon. Now her pursuit of knowledge isn't motivated by just curiosity like I thought it should be, but so she can seek revenge.

My instincts are much stronger than my thought process.

26,769. Halfway there.

Posted by RoxyL (Member # 9096) on :
Awesome Owasm!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I was thinking about reaching the goal and I think I might go over but not nearly 80,00. But I might get that afterwards when I go back over the novel. I have one to three scenes I want to add later I don't think I will have time for those this month.

OH yes. I was thinking of an opening for a new novel the other day that went along with another series I'm reading. I decided that if I had thought of that one first I might be doing that book. Even though I think it sounds more like an opening for a second book in a series not the first one. The series it's based on, sort of, kinda of is The Raine Benares series by Lisa Shearin

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

I might be able to reach 40,000 tonight if I stop procrastinating and playing around on these boards.

Still working on chapter four though. Chapter three was very long and four might be close.

But it might be time to start chapter five.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I reached 41,000 last night now its over 43 and I hope to get to 50,000 by bedtime Saturday. But it will take another five to ten thousand to finish.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Go for it, LD!
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Thanks but with Thanksgiving and three crits to do before the end of the week, we shall see.

I will skip exercising tomorrow to try to do one or two crits.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Man, I must have blown it somewhere

Either I miscounted along the way or I forgot to put in one or two sections. After adding up all of the chapters I end up with 3050 less words than my count up to this point.

With all the sections I have, 20+, I don't feel like going back to double check right now so I'll just go ahead and say I have 44,441 words. If I did forget something I can add it later, it won't hurt if I'm over anyway. But it doesn't look like it.

And I thought I would reach the 50,000 mark today even though the novel wouldn't be done. And the way it looks I may not get the 2,000 words I wanted to do today. Played too much this morning and too many chores to do.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Got only 462 words to go to reach 50,000 even though I'm going over to finish.

I said it before but I'll be shortening the last battle so I can. I have the set up all my MC has to do is get into a castle see some children being changed into other things and beat up the guy doing it all. Plus pick up an ally and maybe new friend for the second book on the way

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Okay made it. 52,000 plus words.

Now I still have to run it through a spell check before I verify it.

The last 4,000 words were the fastest I've ever written that many. I won't say it's good writing.

But It ended at a good place to end. My MC is a hero, survived, she got all the children out, and her boyfriend hasn't quit on her even though she is still confused about that relationship. But that's okay, be something for the next book.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Now it's 54,000 words and I be a winner at NaNo.

Anyone want to see it?

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :

I'm a little burned out at the moment, but what would you guys think about doing a Nano Novel exchange in January? That would give us some time to iron out any inconsistencies in our own stories, drink a few glasses of eggnog, and whatnot to recover from November.

Congrats to the finishers, and those who made the attempt, what brave crazy fools we are. I'm happy to read anyone's story,(finished or not) but not today.

Anyway, ask me in January,

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
For those who don't read the other NaNo thread. tian+Science+Monitor+%7C+Books%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo


Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

shimiqua. Someone else also suggested that but I think we decided to wait 'till Jan anyway. But I want to add at least 1500 words to bring mine up to 55,500 words. Most probably be a few over that.

And more important, most probably there are hordes of nitpicks even after sending through a spell checker. I never get them all and only once or twice have I been close. Plus I want to clean up the writing some.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I decided to add 1,500 words to my novel, just to start, to make it 55,500 but I think I'm going to be bypassing that just by redoing the ending. It might be more than twice as long than the original. Which would add significantly more than 1500 words.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I just wanted to say that my NaNo novel is just a bit over 70,000 words.

I'm kinda proud of that but at the same time it's still not long enough.

And I'm not sure if I can get it long enough for what seems to be the going word count for novels these days.

I have one more scene to write and most probably clarifying a few smaller scenes and descriptions but I don't think I will be able to get it over 80,000 words and that is still too short these days. Except for that one novel I mentioned on what you reading thread, I'm sure it's on the short side.

The exact length of mine depends on that one new scene though. I figure it will be somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000 words. I could be wrong as I was wrong about the new ending I did. That had a whole lot more words than I figured it would. But I shall see. I may have to add the scene where she finds out about who her mother really is, I was hoping to save it for the next book.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :

No one else is commenting on their NaNo work but I would like to say mine is over 75,000 now. I might be able to get it over 80,000 even though I'm not sure about 84, 000 which is my goal.

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