Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).
Last Week's Goals
I actually wrote last week. It was just under 500 words (and last night), but I'm happy that I finally sat down and wrote. It was for the second scene of my book rather than the first but it is a scene I have not written anything for in the past so it is all new content. I was able get this written only because I shoved aside the Internal Editor. More on this in what I have learned for the week.
My goals for next week:
This week I want to continue writing some of the scenes I have not written anything for yet. I won't care about how much detail I have for the characters or setting. Instead I will concentrate on getting the plot and conflicts of those scenes written. Let the Internal Editor seethe.
I also want to continue with the outlining. I think I have a better understanding of what this novel is about and I want to focus on those aspects. In the past, I don't think I had a solid enough idea of what I wanted this novel to accomplish. I feel that I am closer to that now so I will come up with a more focused outline, I hope, for this.
What did I learn this week?
I'm a perfectionist. Actually, this is nothing new. However, because of this it is extremely difficult to turn off my internal editor. In fact, I have trouble writing a single word until I have everything outlined in perfect order, which is impossible. Thus, I have learned that I must not just turn off my internal editor but lock him in the closet (in another building preferably).
Another thing I realized is that my scenes are quite bland. I do not draw a sufficient picture in the reader's mind so that they feel transported into my worlds. At least that's my feeling. This allows my internal editor to yell at me and tell me that I must go back and put in those details. So I stare at the screen trying to find ways to bring out the setting and end up staring at a blank screen, growing ever more frustrated.
Despite this, I do feel that I need more practice in this regard. To do that, one thing I could do is to take a scene and describe the setting from all of the characters within that scene. I came up with this idea because my current first scene has three characters in it and each one would view the location in different ways. One person lives in the location whereas the other two are unwelcome guests to this location. Thus, they will see it differently. By describing the location from each of their eyes I can get an idea for how they feel about where they are. In doing so, I can determine body language (or other clues) that the actual POV character can pick up on as I write the actual scene. This would be a lot of work and I will not do this for every scene but it could be good practice in both setting and characterization.
However, I don't think I should do that until I have finished a first draft. Otherwise, I let the Internal Editor control me again.
Science fiction novel: The only work I performed on this story was for Meredith's synopsis contest. I'm currently 160+ words over the limit, but most of that is ramble, so trimming it down should not be that difficult.
Mainstream novel: Business as usual.
Science fiction novel: Work on the synopsis.
NOTE: For those interested...yesterday, I completed one of the short stories I challenged myself to complete by July 5. The other didn't make my deadline (somebody explain to me why I set a deadline date during a holiday), but it was much more faulty than I thought, so I will cut myself some slack and work on it this week.
ALSO...updated my blog!
* Absence Makes the Blog Site Look Empty
* Sounds Like An Obstacle
[This message has been edited by Crank (edited July 06, 2010).]
DREAMER'S ROSE: Work on chapter exchange revisions as they come.
Yes. In fact I just finished the last set of edits.
THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Let it rest before trying to cut some more.
Easy goal.
THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Start a chapter exchange for this in FPNA (Future Published Novelists Anonymous).
Yes. Very helpful, so far.
BLOOD WILL TELL: Send out at least two more queries.
No. BLOOD WILL TELL is getting a break for some revisions.
MAGE STORM: It's starting to flow fairly well. It's fun to have something new that's working. I need to keep the pace up. Write two more chapters (3 and 4).
Well, I started chapter 4. Now, I'm sort of stopped again for revisions on BLOOD WILL TELL.
Update my blog twice a week.
Work on the new short story.
Yes to the first, no to the second.
Next Week's Goals:
Work on chapter exchange revisions as they come.
Let it rest before trying to cut some more.
Continue chapter exchange for this in FPNA (Future Published Novelists Anonymous).
Work on revisions to get deeper immersion into the character sooner and make the unique aspects of this world more understandable.
Get back in the flow. Finish chapter 4.
Update my blog twice a week.
Work on the new short story.
Quarterly Submission Stats:
What did I learn?
It seems like it takes me a chapter or two to really get into a character's head. That's fine, as long as I recognize it. I can fix it in the second draft so long as I know I'm doing it.
[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited July 06, 2010).]
Over at Liberty Hall, I am moderating a 42 day novel planning workshop. I'll be participating as well with a new YA fantasy.
Babylon: world building
Other: work on WOTF Q4
Things I have learned: I got the printed out copy of FTG (free from doing nano). It is amazing how much things leap out when in printed form. Also, dang, I swear I know the difference between than and then, but apparently I always see then as right. Need to do a find all and check that. Also, lots of really obvious word duplications I just don't see on the screen. I think my story is to the point where those little details matter (like I don't think I am doing massive changes anymore) so I will definitely need to print that puppy out and polish that way before submitting.
Next week- pretty much same things as this week. I am purposely taking things easy cause I have been stressed lately and while I am sure that is the pregnant thing, better not to push it.
I did get my Q3 WOTF mailed and I feel pretty good about it. If it doesn't win (most likely) I'll submit pro for sure. My other story out for pro got rejected again with useless feedback- interesting story about X and y themes, but not what we were looking for. I don't believe in that story though, so hard to care. Realistically, I wouldn't be submitting it if i had to like print it out and take it to the post office (like I had to for my WOTF). Also, good to get lots of rejections so I am used to it now while it isn't one of my babies. By the time my babies get rejected, I'll hopefully be able to handle rejection well. The story I think is well written, good characters, just it lacks something special. It doesn't sparkle for me. Since I think it is well written overall, I still am trying for publication, just don't have my heart set on seeing it in print.
What I learned: I learned that stress or exhaustion, mental or physical, slows or impedes my creativity. Also, I learned that I type way to slow, I am so far ahead in my thoughts that by the time my words catch up I forget where I was going.
Goals: (almost forgot them) I plan to finish chapter 2 and make more progress on 3. I also plan to finish the map of my town.
[This message has been edited by MikeL (edited July 06, 2010).]