Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).
Last Week's Goals
Last week went better than the week before. I still did not do nearly as much as have done in a week's time in the past. I'm just glad to have made progress at this point.
My goals for next week:
I am nearly done detailing the first scene or two of my book. This is a scene I briefly wrote before but this break has helped me in a way. I have gained a clearer view of what I want to do with the scene. Hopefully I will be able to do a new draft of that scene. It may not be the very first scene of the book though. I have a couple others I may want to precede it.
What did I learn this week?
Nothing much this week. However, persistence is still important. Never give up even if it is to merely say, "I didn't write this week, but I want to next week."
So, basically, all my goals for this week are the exact same as last week.
DREAMER'S ROSE: Work on chapter exchange revisions as they come.
Yes. All caught up.
THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Let it rest before trying to cut some more.
Easy goal.
THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Keep working on the major revision.
Finished! ::Happy Dance:: And I managed to cut it down to under 100,000 words at the same time.
BLOOD WILL TELL: Finish the new version of the query and send out two more queries.
Yes to both. (Already got one rejection back.
SEVEN STARS: Let it rest. Keep making notes as things occur to me.
This one is going to drop of my list for the time being. I'm getting some ideas, but I'm not ready to restart it.
Update my blog twice a week.
Send "Becoming Lioness" out again.
Work on the new short story.
Yes to all three.
Next Week's Goals:
Work on chapter exchange revisions as they come.
Let it rest before trying to cut some more.
It's time for readers again. I'll be using this for the new long-term critters group or FPNA (Future Published Novelists Anonymous)
Send out at least two more queries.
This is a new YA Fantasy, barely started. I think it's going to be fun to work on.
Update my blog twice a week.
Work on the new short story.
Science fiction novel: To my horror, I have not touched this story in over a week. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about it...
Mainstream novel: Business as usual.
Science fiction novel: Write. Don't think. Well...some thinking should be involved...
NOTE: I have been dedicating some of my writing time to finally finish a few of my short stories and get them on their way to a happy home in the pages of a magazine. BTW...that project has been going well.
It's starting to look like I'm actually going to finish this thing. I doubt I'll edit right away tho because I want to conceive and create a new WotF entry from the ground up. So, I plan to focus on that for a while.
ETA- well, nothing serious yeah, but he is on bedrest all weekend, which kind of ruins my have him take bin to the zoo so I can write for a bit.
[This message has been edited by TamesonYip (edited June 18, 2010).]