This was a critique group for writers that entered a story into the fourth quarter of 2010 in the Writers of the Future contest (27th year).
After the end of the quarter, entries submitted have been responded to as thus.
Honorable Mention: Tom Carpenter (thomaskcarpenter) Jennifer Hicks (JenniferHicks) philocinemas Dustin Adams (axeminister)
Congratulations to everyone that submitted!
If I have missed anyone that participated in the group and got some kind of award for this quarter, just let me know and I'll add you to the list
These are our Woo-hoos!
(Original posts from the quarter shown below)
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited June 10, 2011).]
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on June 12, 2010 05:36 AM:
WriterDan Axeminister
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on June 12, 2010 10:29 AM:
WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on June 12, 2010 07:24 PM:
If I do this, I can almost guarantee I will be late. But I really like this group so I'm going to commit. Or maybe I should be committed. Anyway, count me in.
WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on June 12, 2010 10:05 PM:
I'm in as usual.
WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42 Owasm
Posted by recovering_cynic (Member # 8964) on June 14, 2010 05:30 PM:
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on June 14, 2010 05:53 PM: of these days you have to finish your story early so I can actually read one
WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42 Owasm recovering_cynic Dark Warrior
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on June 14, 2010 11:41 PM:
Fat chance of that happening.
I try every quarter, I do. Really. In fact, last quarter's story should be done...tonight. Two weeks ahead of the deadline. I guess I'm just a deadline kind of guy. Wish I wasn't, but there a need to be truthful in situations like this.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on June 15, 2010 04:42 AM:
Well, Q03 is out for crits. Which means, officially, that it's time to work on my Q04 entry. Think I'm going to try for a short one this time around though. lol. I need a break from school. It's killing me not being able to write as much as I'd like.
Anyone have a jump on the rest of us? One month and counting to deadline! LOL. I'm such a hypocrite. Hopefully at the very least I can be a motivational one.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on June 15, 2010 10:00 AM:
I'm working on something for an anthology deadline and I have to do a final polishing run on last quarter's entry. I figure those will take me up to Boot Camp. So I won't even be starting until after that.
I think I'm going to go for a shorter one this time. Of course, I said that last time...
Other than an idea of what story I may write, I am nowhere near ahead of things.
[This message has been edited by genevive42 (edited June 15, 2010).]
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on June 15, 2010 03:23 PM:
I started my story, but it is kinda a cheat. One of the characters from Q03's story is told in this one. Considering how many people hated him in the last round, it'll be interesting to see what people think of him four hundred years earlier.
Posted by Ethereon (Member # 9133) on June 15, 2010 11:17 PM:
A few of you folks metioned writing shorter stories for this quarter's submission. How long are your submissions usually? I read that the max length is 17 000 words/68 odd pages. Do you guys commonly max this out? Are the winners often longer stories?
Just a curious observer here. I'm not looking to enter for a long time!
[This message has been edited by Ethereon (edited June 15, 2010).]
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on June 16, 2010 03:17 AM:
My first entry, Q02 this year, was 16,000 words. My second, in which I was aiming for something shorter, still ended up 11,000 words. The story doesn't have to be long, it just has to be good. Longer stories give you more time to develop ideas so many of the winners seem to go that way.
But for every rule of thumb there are a dozen exceptions.
When it comes time, write the story the length it needs to be and keep it under 68 pages. Easy peasy.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on June 16, 2010 08:07 AM:
The woman who judges won with a 2000 word story. WOTF though is one of the few publications that allow such long stories, so they get a lot of those. If you are choosing between two stories and one can only be submitted to WOTF and the other to 50 different markets, most people will submit the one that only WOTF accepts. So, this might skew the number of winners towards longer stories, though a shorter story would still do well. Also, I think they said if you are a finalist with a shorter story, there is a better chance you'll get published because of space considerations. Or at least, this is what I have picked up from my reading.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on June 17, 2010 03:52 AM:
My stories: Q03 was in the realm of 12k words, 9-11 is average, and I'm hoping for a 6-8 this quarter.
I don't know though. I decided today on the story that I'm going to write (inspiration came about 6 months ago at 4 am as my mind was trying to wake me up and get me to write). It's probably going to end up on the long side of things, if I'm any decent judge of it at this point.
From what I've seen, most WotF winners are in the longer realms, but I've no idea on their actual word count.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on June 17, 2010 04:08 PM:
Ah, what the heck ... I'm in.
WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42 Owasm recovering_cynic Dark Warrior JenniferHicks
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on June 24, 2010 03:03 AM:
I'm in!
WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42 Owasm recovering_cynic Dark Warrior JenniferHicks aspirit
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on June 24, 2010 09:50 AM:
Me too, though I'm already into my 2nd draft. It takes me forever to edit my stories. So I'll probably be right on schedule when the time comes to crit 2nd drafts. LOL!
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on June 29, 2010 03:10 AM:
Group is approaching critical mass.
Long time no see, aspirit. It's been, what? More than a year. Glad to have you back around.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on June 30, 2010 01:29 AM:
Holy wow, it has been more than a year since I joined a WOTF group. I'm sticking with the group until the end, this time.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on July 07, 2010 11:43 PM:
Well, crap.
I've bailed on my story for the quarter...
in lieu of another one.
What? You thought I was throwing in the towel? Whatever. I just hate it when this kind of stuff happens so late in the game. Grrr. Guess it was a good thing I was having so much trouble figuring out where to go with the original one. This new one fell into my lap like a bucket of cookies. Ooh!
So, it's back to scratch.
How's things going with everyone else?
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 08, 2010 03:35 AM:
I'm still coming down from Boot Camp and haven't started mine yet. I do have the concept and a loose outline, but I haven't got the voice (of the MC) in my head. I hope to start in the next few days.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 08, 2010 12:04 PM:
Do we want to split 5 and 5 again for this quarter?
I found last time that I only needed a few crits on each draft to send me in the right direction. Plus, reading 9 twice might be overkill.
What do you all think?
Posted by recovering_cynic (Member # 8964) on July 08, 2010 12:45 PM:
Um, I was going to ask to be taken off the list, but as I was driving back from my lunch break, a brilliant idea for a story occurred to me. Since I have it mostly written (in my head at least), I'll give it a shot. Just know I have a lot to deal with right now, so if I run a little behind... forgive me
[This message has been edited by recovering_cynic (edited July 08, 2010).]
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 08, 2010 03:03 PM:
Last time we split I only got one response on my second draft. I guess people dropped out and made the groups uneven. With the way everyone finishes in a staggered pattern anyway do we really need to split?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on July 08, 2010 03:31 PM:
I wouldn't mind splitting the group into two, just as long as everyone participates. I dropped out six months ago because I was getting too many critiques, too many opinions. But I also don't want to be in the mess I was in last quarter, where I ended up with one critique (and had to beg for it at that).
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on July 08, 2010 04:29 PM:
Glad you're going to be sticking around, cynic. We'll be glad to deal with you.
I'm still of the opinion that splitting the group would be for the best. I do worry though that some might fall into the same category that Genevive did last quarter. I only got two crits on my first draft last quarter. Granted, I sent it out only two weeks before the true deadline (not our self-imposed one), but I sent it out to everyone on the list. (And super thanks to you two. Made the story soooo much better the second time around).
I propose this:
Split into two groups, five members (currently) a piece
I commit to staying more on top of things with respect to the two groups (dropouts and add-ons and such) so that they are both as even and adequately represented as possible when it comes time for second-round reviews.
Everyone in the group should commit to participating in both rounds of critiques, no matter when the stories show up. This story swap/critique group is focused on the fourth quarter, and should include every story that is going to be included as an entry in that quarter. Every participant should receive two critiques for the quarter. Commit to do your best to make sure that you give them that.
Is everyone good with this? Any other suggestions to make the situation better?
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 08, 2010 05:31 PM:
I guess it's okay to break into two groups. Maybe we just had some bum luck last time. I do like the idea that the second set of crits is still a first read for those people. Fresh eyes are always good.
Edited because I misread a previous entry.
[This message has been edited by genevive42 (edited July 08, 2010).]
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 08, 2010 06:34 PM:
Dan, I was going to apologize to you privately, but I'd rather do it publicly... I got your story and made it to page 15 before getting gastroenteritis. I didn't know that's what it was until I was in the hospital and the Dr. said it was no big deal... Of course five days of not eating and p**ping my brains out later just hearing that news was worth the cost of admission.
When I got better I had oddly enough felt as if I were on a vacation. I was down for the count for a full seven days and it really felt like I had taken a clean break and all the things that were so important and rushed before I got sick, well, they waited and there were no catastrophes. (This is the bit of information I seem to learn each time I take a vacation.)
Unfortunately, your story was one of the things that fell away during my forced break.
It actually took me another week to get back into writing again. Fortunately a voice for this Q's story started speaking to me and got me back to the keyboard.
Anyway, this is a really long sorry with a fairly decent excuse, but it's also a promise that when I see your story come by my e-mail this time around I will drop what I'm doing, read it, crit it, and send it back to you in record time.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on July 09, 2010 01:46 AM:
WriterDan, I'm good with that.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on July 09, 2010 11:18 AM:
I am fine with however people want to do it. I did find value in some of the second reviewers reading it for the first time. For subtle changes, it is nice to have fresh eyes. As far as I was aware, I replied to every story I received and I got crits from every one I sent it to (though I didn't keep track of that really, so I could be misremembering).
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 11, 2010 03:08 PM:
quote: I got your story and made it to page 15 before getting gastroenteritis.
Taken out of context, this is really funny, or a very harsh critique.
I'm glad you're feeling beter axe.
And Tameson, you definitely responded to my story last quarter. I thank all of those who did.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 12, 2010 12:32 PM:
Actually, I shouldn't make the mad face because that made me laugh. It totally wasn't the story.
I reached "the end" on my draft this morning. For those who read my first draft last quarter, this one is 1/3 the length.
And there was much rejoicing.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on July 12, 2010 06:18 PM:
Eh, no big deal, Axe. There are some maladies that even my awesome stories cannot fix.
And to reiterate: Thanks to everyone that satisfied their quota of crits last quarter. You are all undeniably awesome.
So we'll plan on splitting as usual. I need to get writing...
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on July 13, 2010 05:16 PM:
Better late than never, eh? Feel free to send. ~Sheena
Posted by recovering_cynic (Member # 8964) on July 14, 2010 09:22 AM:
Sorry guys, but I guess I will have to actually bow out on this one. I may end up submitting something, but it will come down to chance, I think. Best of luck to you all.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 14, 2010 09:59 AM:
Since today's the day, and if Dan doesn't mind, I'll lay out the groups as they currently stand.
Group 1 WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42 Owasm
Group 2 Dark Warrior JenniferHicks aspirit Crystal Stevens shimiqua
Remember, draft one goes to the 4 folks in your group, and draft two goes to the 5 folks in the other group.
[This message has been edited by axeminister (edited July 14, 2010).]
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on July 14, 2010 01:21 PM:
Someone's got an itchy trigger finger...
No problem, Axe. I still have a ways to go with mine, but am open to crit, per our deadline schedule. If you've got em done, peoples, send em out!
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on July 14, 2010 01:54 PM:
I just finished my 2nd draft last week. So should I send you folks my 1st draft or the 2nd draft? Please understand I'm not that fast. I've been working on my story before this group was formed. Also, I probably won't send it out for crits until the 19th at the earliest since I'm going to be out of town for the next few days. But please, send me your stories and I'll get to them when I can.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 14, 2010 02:32 PM:
Crystal - always send out your best work.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on July 14, 2010 07:35 PM:
I've got a conference all week, so I'm about 50% through with my first draft. Drat. But I'll be caught up by the end of the weekend and ready to send out and to critique.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on July 14, 2010 09:38 PM:
I'm ready to receive but not to send. For some reason, I thought we had one* more day.
*Which wouldn't have been enough, anyway. Judging how much will fit into my personal time isn't my specialty.
[This message has been edited by aspirit (edited July 27, 2010).]
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 14, 2010 11:58 PM:
Feel free to send things my way. As usual, I'm going to be a little late in getting mine out.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on July 15, 2010 08:09 AM:
Same as everyone else- I'll receive but my story isn't actually finished.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 22, 2010 02:42 PM:
3900 words in and I'm just getting to the first turn. As usual, it's longer than I thought it would be.
How's everyone else doing?
[This message has been edited by genevive42 (edited July 22, 2010).]
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on July 22, 2010 10:41 PM:
I need to complete two scenes, type it all up, and smooth out any parts that are rough enough to scratch its first readers. Then I'll have maybe 4,300 words.
Jennifer's and Sheena's stories are hanging out in my Inbox. Dark Warrior and Crystal, I'm devoting much of Sunday to critiquing. Will your stories be ready by then?
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on July 23, 2010 09:55 AM:
My second draft is done, but my problem is time. I'll be leaving around noon for a 10 hour shift at work tonight... unless I get canceled before then that I doubt. Nothing is planned for tomorrow. So I'll try to get it sent by then. This is trail riding season, and I plan to be out on the trail with my trusty steed most of Sunday if possible.
I've already critted Jennifer's and Sheena's. Both are good stories, and I enjoyed reading both of them.
[This message has been edited by Crystal Stevens (edited July 23, 2010).]
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on July 24, 2010 04:40 PM:
Okay, I've sent my story out for crits to Dark Warrior, Jennifer, Sheena, and Aspirit. So, if any of you don't receive it, please let me know, and I'll try to resend.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on July 25, 2010 02:28 AM:
Finished the story, but still very unhappy with it. But I am sending it out anyway. Sorry. I have received Owasm and Dustin's story, but I haven't yet done those- hopefully Sunday or Monday I'll get those done.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 26, 2010 10:15 AM:
Too funny, I went to and on the right side is a big button that reads "How can you win the writers of the future contest? Click here"
So I did.
And it says: "The requested page could not be found"
Guess I can't win.
EDIT - they were messing with the website. Electronic submissions seem to be up and live.
[This message has been edited by axeminister (edited July 26, 2010).]
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on July 26, 2010 05:45 PM:
It has been super stormy here which means power going out constantly so I haven't got those crits done. Stories all read, some comments made, so almost there. Sorry, I'm so slow.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on July 26, 2010 06:44 PM:
Just joined Hatrack a week ago. Would like to get in on the Q4 crits if possible. I have my story finished and would love to give crits for as many who would want to exchange.
Let me know if I can join the fun!
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on July 26, 2010 08:24 PM:
Thomas, I'll swap stories with you. Send yours along when it's ready.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on July 26, 2010 09:06 PM:
Looks like their electronic submission form is live.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on July 27, 2010 12:23 AM:
Whoo-hoo! No more printouts and big, brown envelopes and trips to the post office. On the other hand, this will probably result in an increase in entries.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on July 27, 2010 07:16 AM:
Sent it to you, Jennifer. Ready for yours whenever.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on July 27, 2010 01:52 PM:
Thomas, you can send it my way too, there's one ahead of you.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on July 27, 2010 11:23 PM:
I've only received half the stories for my group, so it seems like it really isn't too late to just thomaskcarpenter to one list or the other. It seems like it would be more beneficial to him to just be part of a group, rather than doing it piecemeal and the groups are still smaller than last quarter. Right now, the groups are even, so if I were thomas, I would just pick one group and declare myself part of it. E-mail everyone on the list, say joining late and now part of that group. Announce what group now part of on the board, maybe repost the group listings with your name added.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on July 28, 2010 04:56 PM:
New groups after adding Thomas:
Group 1 WriterDan axeminster TamesonYip genevive42 Owasm thomaskcarpenter
Group 2 Dark Warrior JenniferHicks aspirit Crystal Stevens shimiqua
Sorry, I was out of town (and contact) for a bit at a family reunion. Back to the grind now though. I have an open schedule for nights this weekend. Hoping to be able to bang out the rest of my story and get it out. We'll see.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on July 28, 2010 06:27 PM:
Thank you all for adding me. I'll send out the story tonight. Looking forward to reading yours and offering my humble critique.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on July 31, 2010 07:52 PM:
For my story, I am pretty much committed to rewriting it in first person, which from the few scenes I have written, I think will solve some of the problems with not giving enough info, character, all that. So, don't worry about criting if you haven't. And thanks again to those who have commented- those comments are helping a lot as I rewrite the story and add in new scenes and stuff.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on August 02, 2010 01:32 PM:
I hate to say this, but I doubt if I'll be ready to submit by the end of August. My hours just went up at work and is cutting into my time to get things done here at home.
My thanks to those who sent crits on my story. They've been extremely useful. I didn't realize I had a few conflicting items in there. Thanks, aspirit for pointing those out . Lots of rewriting and rewording for me to do in between now and submitting.
Good luck to the rest of you, and I'll see what I can get done on mine in the meantime.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on August 02, 2010 11:07 PM:
Crystal, you don't have to submit by the end of August. The dates posted are just guidelines. I haven't even sent out my first draft yet - soon though, I hope.
Quite often, we're sending out our submission just days before the closing date so don't let the dates stress you. And now that they're taking e-mail subs we have even more time. eek!
So you might want to consider staying. There's a lot of good brains around here.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on August 03, 2010 10:14 AM:
I seem to recall last quarter some one sent out their story for crits with like 2 weeks before the real deadline. It is kinda nice cause it spreads out the crits a bit more so not as overwhelming.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on August 03, 2010 11:14 AM:
Oh I'm not throwing in the towel just yet. It just seems like everything is piling up around here. I'll keep plugging away on my story and see what happens.
Thanks for the support. It sure does help.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on August 03, 2010 11:45 AM:
I've officially changed stories. Feels good though. ~Sheena
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on August 08, 2010 09:44 PM:
I've changed stories as well. I finished the first one and realized it wasn't very good so I'm starting something new. Needless to say, I'll be even later in getting it out. I do have a back-up if this one doesn't pan out, but I've got my first paragraph. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on August 09, 2010 01:41 AM:
I just sent out my second draft for critique. Please let me know if there are problems opening the file.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on August 12, 2010 07:26 PM:
Sent out round two. Looking forward to reading your stories.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on August 13, 2010 10:10 AM:
Hey Tom; I just received your story yesterday and plan on reading it after I get back from another horse camping trip. Probably on Monday or Tuesday.
My story is running late. I'm still overhauling it from the first round of crits I've received. All excellent advice, I might add . I'll let everyone know when it's ready for another round of crits .
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on August 13, 2010 11:12 AM:
I have jennifer's but haven't critted yet. My story is still in progress. I am rewriting the whole thing and it is getting there. I have written as many words as the first draft, but am only through about half the plot. I think that is overall a good thing, gives a bit of development for characters that people thought were a bit underdeveloped. But also takes time to just write all those words. Last time the story never quite felt right but this time, it is feeling pretty good.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on August 13, 2010 06:40 PM:
So, I'm up to 27 pages now (6k words). Still have about half the story to write. I decided last week that I'm going to try and write a second story this quarter to enter into a contest for a local anthology. That's kinda put the fire under me. I still have three stories that I'm working on the crits for, and hoping that I can bang out another bunch of goodness this weekend. Crossing my fingers.
Anyone else have an update for us?
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on August 13, 2010 08:25 PM:
I've got my story rewritten, but I need to add more description. Thanks to those who looked at it in the First Draft go-round. They had good comments of which most are in my second draft. It will be out early next week.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on August 14, 2010 01:37 AM:
My primary goal for tomorrow is to finish my first draft. As I'm so far behind, I'm not sure whether I should submit to Group 2 or to Group 1. Who's willing to critique this draft?
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on August 14, 2010 09:10 AM:
I'm ready to crit for you aspirit.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on August 14, 2010 09:41 AM:
Thomask, I finished your crit, but you say you're already up to draft two? Drat... That took me too long. Well, hopefully my comments can still help. Maybe I caught something others missed. I'll send it on Monday. (It's at work)
Aspirit, you can send to me. I have to pick up my pace tho to get these back to you guys.
As for my story, it's done, I just have to give it a once over before sending. It's a first draft tho, so there may be some little errors in there, but I like this one more than my other story this quarter so right there I'm ahead of the game.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on August 14, 2010 01:58 PM:
No problem, Axe. Versions of any story are never final until they've been sent in.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on August 15, 2010 11:08 PM:
Something about the ending bothered me, so I let my husband read my story. He helped me see that I'm missing information that would tie aspects of the story together. In other words, it needs to develop further before it can leave me.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on August 16, 2010 01:33 AM:
First draft 5500, second 10,800. It grew, hopefully for the better. I need to reread it a few times, but at least all the words of draft 2 on the page. And I am feeling so much happier with this version, which is always a good sign. It doesn't feel done, like ready to go off to editors or anything, but it no longer feels like a mess. Though the story line is almost identical to what I started with, just everything a whole lot more developed.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on August 16, 2010 08:56 AM:
Lame excuse of the month--I picked up a recurring role on the ABC fall series Detroit 187 and the shoots routinely last mroe than 12 hours so I havent been able to crit a single story--or write anything of my own--but I am getting back to them this week. I will probably be critting only for most of this quarter and possibly sending out mine to a few who havent seen it before. I am still working on last quarters first effort (A different story was sent in)
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on August 16, 2010 12:29 PM:
Dark Warrior, that's not a lame excuse. That's fantastic! Congrats.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on August 17, 2010 01:08 PM:
Draft one of my second story is out to:
Jennifer Thomas Shimmy Aspirit Dark Warrior Crystal
[This message has been edited by axeminister (edited August 24, 2010).]
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on August 18, 2010 12:59 AM:
I just sent my second draft to Group 2. A little late, but the story is better for the delay... I hope.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on August 19, 2010 06:00 PM:
My draft is sent. I have only received one story for second round (jennifer's) and I returned that already. If someone else has sent a second draft to me, please resend. Thanks!
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on August 20, 2010 10:56 AM:
I may be looking at a major rewrite of my story's 2nd half. I had a hard time with it the first time around, because I wasn't sure how to approach it. Aspirit gave me some excellent advice, and I'm going to see what will work since I agree with her suggestions. This means dropping one certain character out of the story and telling it from a completely different angle.
I've received several stories to crit. I have two left as of today. I'll see if I can get caught up on those this weekend.
Sometimes I feel like like I'll never get everything done, but I keep plugging away.
[This message has been edited by Crystal Stevens (edited August 20, 2010).]
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on August 29, 2010 04:44 PM:
Draft One of my story went out to axeminister , Crystal Stevens , Owasm, and thomaskcarpenter .
I currently owe critiques to: axeminister Owasm Tameson Yip thomaskcarpenter WriterDan (as of 8/31)
[This message has been edited by aspirit (edited September 08, 2010).]
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on August 30, 2010 03:31 PM:
Smashed through the end of my story this past weekend. Going to give it a once over tonight and then send it off to the group. Hoo-rah!
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on August 31, 2010 07:53 AM:
Hey folks.
I will do my best to get these last two stories I've received back to you.
The CEO and VP (CEO's son) of the company I work for passed away Sunday. The company only had eight employees, so we lost a major lot. Plus, much of the paperwork was in the boss' name... Accounts are frozen, there's no will, etc etc.
We're working on getting a power of attorney from his mother (91 yrs old)
Right now we're scrambling to keep as many customers as we can, but it's very long and exhausting days...
I want to crit the stories to take my mind off things, but I can't be certain it will happen. I don't know if I'll get mine out either.
Time will tell.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on August 31, 2010 10:13 AM:
Just a note to let those who have sent me stories to crit that I'll try and get them done sometime over this coming weekend. I'm still plugging away on mine and trying to get it ready for crits too. The way things are going, I might not have it ready in time for this quarter. We'll see.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on September 01, 2010 06:27 PM:
I believe I got all the crits coming to me. Made minor revisions and uploaded the Q4 story. Glad to get it out of my head space to make more room for other projects I'm currently working on.
Thanks again, all, for the critiques! I got a lot of great feedback and information for this and future stories.
And if anyone still needs more crits done on subsequent revisions, feel free to send them to me.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on September 04, 2010 04:41 PM:
Holy Bottle Rockets, Batman!
Just realized I have a half-finished crit for you Tom. Genius. I'm at the extent of my time today. Will have it back to you by Monday. Hope it'll still help. And sorry.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on September 04, 2010 05:42 PM:
WriterDan- my crit is half finished on yours. Finishing is the first thing on my to-do list so hopefully tonight, but definitely this weekend (munchkin took a nap which means she will be up late and I don't think it is fair to others to do my crits when I am distracted).
Other than that, I have sent off every crit I have received. I did this week forget to mail back someone's crit for several days so if you haven't received one from me, please let me know as I probably think I mailed it already.
ETA- ok- got Dan's sent so I think I am done for now. If missing one from me let me know.
[This message has been edited by TamesonYip (edited September 05, 2010).]
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on September 04, 2010 06:18 PM:
I am so incredibly behind it is not even funny. I believe I've done everyone's crits, but my own story is taking a lot longer than usual. It is also a second story as the first one didn't work out.
So in a week or so, when I hopefully finish, I am going to send it out to both groups at once. However, I am only sending it out one time. I will not be sending out a second draft. It's just not realistic in the time frame.
I hope that's okay with everybody.
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on September 04, 2010 08:55 PM:
Let me know when you guys start a new group. I'd like to get in on this.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on September 05, 2010 01:15 PM:
Dan should be starting the new group any day now. It starts in September.
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on September 05, 2010 11:02 PM:
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on September 06, 2010 12:50 PM:
Just want to say thanks to Writer Dan for the links.
I've been reading the WotF blog for over a year but missed the Newsgroup.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on September 10, 2010 09:22 PM:
Electronic submission is very slick. On to Q1!
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on September 14, 2010 03:03 AM:
Any day now...
Uh, hello?
Sorry, I've been a bit buried. Back now though.
Going to post 2011 Q01.
Seriously glad I have people to check up on me.
Got most of my crits back from this quarter and trying to find a way to make my CrappilyEverAfter ending work better. Thanks for all of your responses, if I've missed getting back with any of you. Been working on this story and a second one for submission to an anthology that has the same deadline as WotF this quarter. Ugh. Been a toughie. Hope to see all you peoples sign up for next quarter.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on September 17, 2010 11:12 PM:
Okay, peoples!
We're down to two weeks. Crunch time! How are everyone's stories coming along? Hopefully the majority of you will have already sent it off. (Don't forget about the new electronic submissions!) Looks like Owasm has, but I haven't seen much chatter otherwise. I thought I'd check in. Anyone?
My story is all ready for me to knock it out of the park with draft 2. I just have to start doing it. lol. Though I do think that I've come up with an ending that is much better than the one from my first draft. Thankfully, the second story I'm working on this quarter won't require such extensive rewrites. Woo-hoo!
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on September 18, 2010 12:50 PM:
I have all the changes planned. But I need to actually force myself to do it. Right now, I get the room clear, have a few hours to work and promptly take a nap. So, yeah, need to work on that motivation.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on September 18, 2010 03:25 PM:
I've been bogged down with a different story that had a submission deadline of Sept. 15. Now that one is done and gone, and I can finish my WOTF entry.
Oh, and two days ago, I finally got the confirmation that my Q3 story had arrived. Seems like they're a little busy.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on September 18, 2010 08:47 PM:
Finally got my desk, built it and my computer is back up and running. Of course, I'm still on my first draft. I hope to get it out for crits with this group but it may not get sent in to WotF this quarter, we'll see. But after this entry, I'm going to start focusing on my novel so I don't think I'll be doing WotF for awhile. If I get the first draft critted but not reworked and sent in until next quarter, that won't be so bad.
I wish everyone great luck!
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on September 19, 2010 01:42 PM:
I promised a friend I'd wait for her critique before submitting my entry.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on September 19, 2010 06:40 PM:
I've been on vacation and busy getting things done around home besides enjoying some day trips close to home. I've recently returned from 3 days of camping and trail riding on my horse at an organized ride. There were over 140 riders in attendance. I hope to get back on my story starting tomorrow, but I honestly don't think I'm going to make it this quarter. Maybe the next one.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on September 22, 2010 12:27 AM:
Sent off my story via electronic submission this afternoon and had the confirmation that my entry had arrived about five minutes later. So much less of a hassle than snail mail.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on September 22, 2010 12:27 PM:
Can I just say how much I love electronic submissions. My story is in.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on September 28, 2010 02:41 AM:
So, I have about half of my new draft finished. Unfortunately, 2/3rds of that was from the previous draft, and the second half I now have to rewrite completely. Still, I'm going to try and push this through as I can barely stomach the thought of skipping another quarter. Though, I have to say, this version of the story is coming out much better, and I think will have an ending that will feel much more justified to readers. Thanks, everyone, for the help and direction on my first draft. See you all on the other side.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on September 30, 2010 09:59 PM:
Submitted before the deadline. I can't believe how far my story came this quarter. Even if it doesn't win, I have a story i am really proud of and I started with a story idea I loved but seemed impossible. I really appreciate all the crits I got, esp when I started with such a rough version.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on October 01, 2010 03:23 AM:
Well, I guess I have some more time to get this story done right. Honestly, I think it needed it.
On the even lower side of things, I finally came up with idea #2 for a short story that I've had idea #1 for for a LONG time. And now I can't even write the freaking thing until this one is done. Ugh.
I guess, at least, the idea is there.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on October 02, 2010 12:09 AM:
It's there, and it's growing into a story. Good luck with that.
I did send my entry. This is my first time submitting to the WOTF contest. How many other first-timers were in this group?
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on October 02, 2010 10:16 AM:
This is only my 2nd entry. I sent it electronically on the 30th... whew.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on October 02, 2010 10:26 AM:
Second time as well.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on October 02, 2010 12:21 PM:
This would've been my second entry if I'd finished on time. My first time is in the 3rd quarter.
For some reason I didn't think my story for the 4th quarter felt "right". So, I went back and read my 3rd quarter entry and was amazed at the difference in the two stories. The 3rd quarter story really "sings" where the story I'm working on now does not, and it's every bit as good as the 3rd quarter story. I just pulled the first one off much better and now must do that with my present one. Hopefully, I can get it ready for the 1st quarter. Time will tell .
[This message has been edited by Crystal Stevens (edited October 02, 2010).]
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on December 02, 2010 08:51 PM:
Bet we'll see results after the holidays in early January since KD is reading like mad. She's already read her favorite of the bunch too, so hopefully that's one of ours. I'm optimistic!
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 02, 2010 09:06 PM:
I hope that golden story is one of our's, too! As much as I hope none of us did this (posted by KDW this evening):
A fair number of folks failed to upload their files and their entry is blank, like sending the envelope with no story. I'm hoping that percentage decreases a lot next quarter.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 25, 2010 12:08 PM:
Some nice holiday news from KDW:
Merry Christmas, guys! I've almost finished the first reading and hope to have results by Monday. There are so many first rate stories this quarter, it's going to be very difficult to select the top eight.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on December 25, 2010 11:49 PM:
Hmmm, didn't realize there were still that many people here still in the running for Q4
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 25, 2010 11:54 PM:
At this point, all of us are in the running. No Q4 results have been posted yet. And as far as I know, no rejections have gone out, either. So everyone can now commence with the nail-biting.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on December 26, 2010 12:45 AM:
Oops, must have been thinking of Q3 ,
4 must be the one I skipped. Sorry about that.
No wonder the comment about first reading confused me.
[This message has been edited by LDWriter2 (edited December 26, 2010).]
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on December 26, 2010 10:26 PM:
KD posted a couple of days ago that results should be coming out this week.
<crossing fingers>
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on December 27, 2010 10:09 AM:
quote:I sent the Q4 Results to Joni this morning. I know I say this every quarter, but there were so many great stories this time! It gets harder and harder to pick out the Finalists.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 27, 2010 12:19 PM:
I'm seriously amazed at how fast she plowed through this quarter. Hopefully it helps to get the contest caught up a bit.
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on December 27, 2010 01:02 PM:
lol...hopefully it means there are significantly less stories submitted
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on December 27, 2010 03:39 PM:
Nope, KDW said on the Newsgroup that the numbers were up. Maybe our riveting stories made the entire pile seem like fast reading.
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on December 27, 2010 04:15 PM:
Well now that she has her Kindle, KDW can read anywhere she wants! Perhaps that's how she's doing it.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on December 27, 2010 06:31 PM:
I actually read somewhere she doesn't use her Kindle to read entries to the contest.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 27, 2010 06:41 PM:
That's right. She posted this to her message board earlier this month (I had to go back and find it):
In some ways, e-subs are easier, in others, not. I've just been reading them on my desktop and laptop because I can't see a way to move them into folders on my Kindle.
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on December 27, 2010 11:23 PM:
She then was given some advice on how to do that (although perhaps not the most convenient application for her purpose, where I suspect she want to move them into a new file upon reading). Perhaps there are some apps out there that can do what she wants, so you could perhaps say "watch that space".
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on December 28, 2010 07:31 AM:
quote:I can't see a way to move them into folders on my Kindle
What you have to do is email the document in PDF or kindle format to the Kindle's email address. There is an option somewhere in the settings of your kindle that will tell you what its email address is.
I've done this twice. You don't get all the functionality if you email it as a PDF though. I haven't tried converting my stuff to kindle format.
Posted by eyegore242 (Member # 9317) on December 28, 2010 05:56 PM:
you dont even have to email them there is this nifty little progie called calibre that will convert most ebook/document formats to most other formats and you can even do it in mass from multiple formats into one format
i had some ebooks in lit format and got a kindle for christmas instead of buying them all over again i just formated them into mobi for the kindle and xfer them over.
Posted by PB&Jenny (Member # 9200) on December 28, 2010 06:38 PM:
That sounds excellent! I want one now.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on December 28, 2010 09:29 PM:
My mom asked me whether I wanted a Kindle or a new coat for Christmas. I told her that as I couldn't read unpublished works on the Kindle, something I would actually use on the bus would be more appreciated. My new coat is gorgeous. I'm hoping my mom doesn't find out about the Kindle's full functionality.
On topic: When should we expect to learn of the 4th Quarter results?
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on December 28, 2010 09:37 PM:
I heard results should start rolling in this week.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 30, 2010 03:06 PM:
It's awfully quiet out there as far as results go. Anyone heard whispers yet of whether the finalists have heard from Joni?
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on December 30, 2010 05:48 PM:
nary a peep. I've heard Joni requests finalists not tell anyone until it is posted on the WoTF blog. They don't want anyone stealing the blog's thunder, apparently
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 30, 2010 06:04 PM:
The finalists generally tell friends privately, and it gets passed through the grapevine until it ends up on a board with someone posting: "I heard the calls have gone out ..." But if Joni has already made eight certain people very happy, those people are keeping their mouths shut.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on December 31, 2010 12:46 PM:
Well, Brad posted this at the WotF forum late last night under the Q4 topic:
"Just an FYI, I know at least one winner got the call today."
Add to that, the Q3 winners were posted this morning on KDW's message board. So ... confusion on whether Joni was calling Q3 winners or Q4 finalists.
Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on December 31, 2010 01:24 PM:
I didn't actually get an entry in this quarter so no pins and needles for me. Good luck to everyone here!
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on January 03, 2011 04:30 PM:
Q4 finalists were sent to Joni from KDW on Dec 27th. So my guess is that Brad is talking about Q04.
I didn't have a story in this quarter either. These times just make me feel sad. My goal this year is to have a new short story in every quarter. Last year I only missed one. So, here we go.
Reminders for everyone in the group: let us know what honors you earned for Q04 as the results start to roll in. And if you missed letting us know for those from Q03, let me know and I'll add you to the list.
[This message has been edited by WriterDan (edited January 03, 2011).]
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 03, 2011 05:21 PM:
Form rejections are starting to pop up on Duotrope. I'm guessing those are for Q4, which means the finalists have most likely heard by now. Joni wouldn't be sending out the rejections first. I hope one of us made the list and just can't say anything yet.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on January 03, 2011 05:26 PM:
I don't recall ever receiving a confirmation of receipt of my story, actually, so now I'm concerned I did something boneheaded like forgot to attach the file.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 03, 2011 06:01 PM:
Did you submit online? I got my confirmation about 30 seconds after I hit the send button. But that does nothing to alleviate my jitters on whether my story got through the electronic transfer with its formatting intact.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on January 03, 2011 08:54 PM:
Yup, I submitted online. Maybe I got the confirmation but didn't notice it or forgot about it because it was so instantaneous.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on January 04, 2011 01:03 AM:
Even though I didn't submit to Q4 I did send in my last entry electronically. I too received an immediate response but what I wondered if that was just to say they received my file. Will they send an E-mail saying I am entered in Q1 like they send a post card saying I am entered in a certain quarter when I send in a paper submission? I don't know. I was hoping they would.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on January 04, 2011 07:33 AM:
Okay, they will start posting HMs tomorrow, according to the WoTF blog.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 04, 2011 12:17 PM:
Interesting. The blog note doesn't say that the first list of HMs will be posted tomorrow. It says THE list. As in, everyone? At least we don't have to sit on pins and needles for long.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on January 04, 2011 05:32 PM:
****sitting on pins and needles******
Somehow I'm feeling a sharp pain in my....
See you people tomorrow, ~Sheena
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on January 04, 2011 09:54 PM:
quote:Will they send an E-mail saying I am entered in Q1 like they send a post card saying I am entered in a certain quarter when I send in a paper submission?
I don't think they're sending post cards anymore, because I received an email to acknowledge the receipt of my hardcopy Q4 submission. That means everyone should expect an email, right? I doubt they would respond to paper but not to e-subs.
Tomorrow, huh? There goes my desired good night of sleep.
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on January 04, 2011 10:16 PM:
Emails going out for results. Got an HM. Disappointed since I thought this story was much better than my silver HM. Others that read it thought so as well. Tough competition all around.
Hoping you all got good results!
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on January 04, 2011 10:54 PM:
No luck for me this quarter, but hey, it is my first. I thought it was HM worthy, but then again, I have a feeling WoTF doesn't go for post-apocalyptic stuff.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 04, 2011 11:21 PM:
I got the HM e-mail, too. I'm happy it wasn't a straight rejection like last time, but, like Thomas, I also thought mine was a story that had a shot at something better. Oh well. I'll send it out to the next market in the next couple of days.
In eight straight quarters of submitting, that brings my tally to five HMS and three rejections.
[This message has been edited by JenniferHicks (edited January 04, 2011).]
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on January 05, 2011 12:01 AM:
So did any one who sent in an electric file get an E-mail saying they were entered? I mean after the deadline like they do for those who send in paper entries?
And Congrats to the HMs. You all know you did something right even if it wasn't as much as you thought.
I always feel that way.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on January 05, 2011 12:47 AM:
I got a letter that they did not receive my story "as an attachment." It's funny; one of the reasons I sent a hard copy was to avoid upload errors.
Thomas and Jennifer, my compliments on the HMs.
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on January 05, 2011 06:15 AM:
Congrats Thomas and Jennifer.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on January 05, 2011 10:13 AM:
Congratulations Thomas and Jennifer. Well deserved.
My story did not win. Anything. At all. I'm a little bummed because I really love this story, but oh the freaking well.
I'll find it a home and then show them.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on January 05, 2011 11:27 AM:
quote:So did any one who sent in an electric file get an E-mail saying they were entered?
Yes, I received one within a day or two after submitting.
I also received an HM, which I was happy to receive for my first entry. I had a story almost ready for Q1, but I have been dealing with health issues that prevented me from finishing my editing in time.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on January 05, 2011 11:58 AM:
I've been to the WOTF boards and to the SFF boards and haven't found the list of HMs (I received mine by email). Could someone please give a link to where these are posted?
Posted by Osiris (Member # 9196) on January 05, 2011 12:11 PM:
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on January 05, 2011 09:33 PM:
Haven't hear either way yet. I did get confirmation of submission when I entered. I expect a rejection cause there are several problems I have with the story but would still like my e-mail.
Posted by snapper (Member # 7299) on January 06, 2011 07:53 PM:
I received an HM. Not too bad considering I decided to submit at the last minute.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 06, 2011 08:38 PM:
Congrats, Philocinemas and Snapper!
I'm sure she's busy, but it would be nice if Joni would update the blog and we could see the full list.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on January 06, 2011 09:01 PM:
Good job, philo and snapper!
Jennifer, they're possibly holding the full list until cases like mine are resolved. I hope so, anyway.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on January 06, 2011 10:41 PM:
Thanks - I look forward to seeing who else made HM or better.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on January 07, 2011 03:57 AM:
Found an announcement about the finalists just a few minutes ago:
Didn't recognize any names. Anyone have more info for us?
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on January 07, 2011 12:07 PM:
Isn't "Patrick O'Sullivan of Virginia" our own posulliv?
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 07, 2011 12:22 PM:
Nick Tchan is a Hatracker. I don't know about Patrick.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on January 07, 2011 01:11 PM:
Patrick (posulliv) hasn't been around a lot lately, but he has been a Hatracker.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on January 07, 2011 03:01 PM:
Reading that post makes me feel an HM is a big deal.
It's still top 5% of the "Largest contest of its kind."
Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on January 07, 2011 04:26 PM:
Any time you can say you're in the top 5% among a field of over a thousand people, that's pretty significant. So yes, Honorable Mention is absolutely something to feel good about, especially if you've never gotten one before. It means you're very, very close to the coveted Finalist pool, from which the 3 winners get chosen. When I got my first HM in early 2008 it was a welcome signpost that said I wasn't as far off the track as I thought.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on January 07, 2011 05:06 PM:
How long should I wait to query about my story? I imagine Joni's mailbox is flooded right now, but I am beginnign to think my electronic submission got lost.
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 07, 2011 05:24 PM:
I'd go ahead and e-mail her. A few people on the WotF board have said Joni confirmed their entries indeed got eaten by the electronic submission system.
[This message has been edited by JenniferHicks (edited January 07, 2011).]
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on January 08, 2011 04:15 AM:
Received my rejection letter in the mail today. At least it's an answer.
Tameson, I hope you hear soon from Joni.
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on January 08, 2011 05:25 PM:
Joni said to resubmit as an attachment in response to her e-mail. I queried as a reply to the original story successfully submitted e-mail. She said she will put it in with the Q1 submissions. I took Q1 off, but now I get to have a pony in that race. I probably should have edited again for best chance, but I figure that wouldn't really be fair.
Since I did e-submission I figure I won't be getting a rejection in the mail, though I have checked.
ETA- a few additional details.
[This message has been edited by TamesonYip (edited January 08, 2011).]
Posted by TamesonYip (Member # 9072) on January 10, 2011 12:55 PM:
Joni found my story and it was a rejection, not sure why no e-mail or anything. I checked spam filter and all that. Though one thing I have noticed in my rejections from pro markets- I do best in ones that are looking for dark speculative/horror. I don't write horror and I didn't think I was that dark but I see a definite pattern- no publications yet, but more personalized feedback and submit again from darker markets. So, while I am going to keep trying with WOTF, it may not be the right market for my work so I am trying not to let rejection get me down.
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on January 10, 2011 01:19 PM:
I've not heard anything about my 2010 4Q entry, either. It's possible it got bit by the same glitch that got TamesonYip's story. I'm expecting it got held up in the HM queue...!
S! S!
Posted by JenniferHicks (Member # 8201) on January 10, 2011 11:57 PM:
Honorable mentions and silver honorable mentions have been posted on the blog: Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on January 11, 2011 06:42 AM:
I see some recognizable names on there.
Not mine tho. However, I'm not surprised. My story was totally uninspired. I guarantee KD can with all her years of experience, detect that. I was hoping it was well written enough to sneak through. Haha. I'm delusional.
I'm not on the pins and needles team for next time, but in five months I'll be back.
(Oddly enough, this makes me more motivated to enter again than when I got my HM.)
Posted by Dark Warrior (Member # 8822) on January 11, 2011 10:42 AM:
Another successful Hatrack quarter.
Congrats Inarticulate, JenniferHicks, Snapper, Thomaskcarpenter, and anyone else I missed. You guys rock!
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on January 11, 2011 11:06 AM:
Yay for IB too! Congrats everyone!
Posted by thomaskcarpenter (Member # 9192) on January 12, 2011 10:45 PM:
Semis names are up now.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on June 10, 2011 03:19 PM:
So, why am I resurrecting this really old thread? (The nerve!)
Because I may have set a record for the dude who waited the longest to hear the following:
"Dear Dustin,
I just checked and you were an Honorable Mention!!!!
I'm not sure why you did not get the notice.
I'll send out the cert to you right away!!!
Joni Labaqui Contest Director"
So, there you have it. They found my story, and turns out I did pretty well.
I didn't ask Joni to update the old 4Q blog... but I wanted to.
p.s. This post is 364 days after Dan started this thread. Almost a whole year. :P
[This message has been edited by axeminister (edited June 10, 2011).]
Posted by mrmeadors (Member # 6378) on June 10, 2011 03:52 PM:
Holy cow! Well congratz...
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on June 10, 2011 03:56 PM:
You're official, Dustin.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on June 16, 2011 11:42 PM:
Boy, I missed this when it was posted So late Congrats . Really late.