Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).
Last Week's Goals
I ended up with 8,500 words in my outline, 5,100 for the first 25% that I will attempt to write this weekend. I don't have all of the scenes as detailed as I would like but I feel I have enough to start.
My goals for next week:
Write. For this weekend that's it. Yesterday, the first day of my writer's retreat, I was able to write 4,600 words. My wife and I went to lunch for a couple hours so that took away from the "retreat," but I'm not complaining.
I think I can handle a 5,000 count per day pace should I ever be able to do more full-time writing (as long as my outline is detailed enough). I just don't know how long I would be able to sustaining that sort of pace, however. That's a lot of words. I'll find out today if I can handle 5,000 words. With experience I hope to increase the quality of those words as well. Right now I'm just getting words to the page.
Now, most of the scenes I've written so far have "white room syndrome" because I do not have the world building details that I would like. After this weekend I may try and expand the details on a few scenes to see how the writing process goes when I have those extra details.
What did I learn this week?
One thing I learned so far during the first day of my writer's retreat is what details I would prefer to have in my outline before writing straight like I am doing this weekend. What I will do for future versions is detail the settings where characters are performing so that I can get more details in the first draft.
Another thing I learned yesterday is that I feel that I am a morning writer. Late last night I tried to get that 5,000 word count and it was extremely difficult for me to concentrate. Often I will work on the outline or book in the evening and have found that I do not get much done. I think I work better early in the day.
DREAMER'S ROSE: Finish up the new section at the beginning and start work on the revisions.
Well, almost. I didn't finish all the new material. It turns out to be a little longer than I expected. I did get six and a half chapters done, though. Only a chapter and a half to go, then on to the revisions.
THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Continue to let this one rest a bit.
Easy goal.
THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Decide what I want to cut so I can make the revisions from the critiques I already have.
No. Although reading ELANTRIS has brought the need for some of those cuts into sharper focus for me.
BLOOD WILL TELL: Work on the query and synopsis some more.
No. Why is it so hard to force myself back to these whenever I put them down.
SEVEN STARS: Let it rest.
Another easy goal. I have started making a few notes about how to fix it.
OTHER: Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
Make revisions to "The First Flame", my entry from the February trigger challeng.
It's past time for another blog entry, so I better think of a topic quick.
The new version of "The First Flame" is out for a few critiques.
Next Week's Goals:
Finish up the new section at the beginning and start work on the revisions.
Once again, reading ELANTRIS really brought home the need for some of those cuts. While I still remember that lesson, I should get the big scissors out and start.
I've got a chapter exchange going on this one. Decide what I want to cut so I can make the revisions from the critiques I already have. Again, while ELANTRIS is fresh in my mind. Think about how I want to change the beginning.
Work on the query and synopsis some more. Really. And start sending it out. It's not going to get published by sitting around and wishing for it.
Let it rest. Keep making notes as things occur to me.
Update my blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
When the critiques come back, try to polish up "The First Flame" (which really needs a new title) and start sending it out. "Mage Storm" has already been rejected twice.
Finish 3rd draft changes to next 5 chapters--> FAIL! uhoh. I went into a self-confidence tailspin and decided that I could not write.
I just woke in the middle of the night and decided I was insane for spending all this time writing. I don't watch TV or have any other hobbies that I love as much, I just write. Not that watching TV is anything much, whatever. What if I never sell another story? What if I don't sell this book? AAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH.... see? I woke in a cold sweat, hyperventilating. Don't you hate it when that happens? I'm such an idiot. I do this because I love it and cannot imagine doing anything else! Of course I will sell this book! Of course I will sell many stories! Denial, it's not a river in Egypt!
I did eke out changes for 3 chapters and then decided that I needed more substantial feedback. Because, hey, other people must know I can't write, too. So, I've posted my first chapter to the OWW for review. That ought to ground into little bitty bits what is left of my writing self esteem. LOL!
I did get a reasonable first draft of a query synopsis. I'm taking a synopsis class and that has helped so I can score a win in that column.
My muse also took pity on me and I stumbled over a wonderful idea for a WoTF short. So I threw together an outline and have a first draft nearly complete. I get extra scoobies for that even though it was outside of plan. LOL!
Next week?
Building self-esteem by working hard!
-Finish the first draft of the WoTF story and find a secret reader for it.
-Complete draft 3 chapters 7-10 in San Francisco.
-write something fun. Just that I have never done before.
(see I hid the scary novel stuff between the fun writing where I would not notice it)
My goal last week was to complete the fire and "zombie" scenes. Did I accomplish it? Haha! Yeah, right.
I'm taking the fire scene's action in a new direction at the suggestion of a friend, though I regret the loss of the lovely passage that had to go into the Cutting Room Floor folder. I did work on other scenes, even completing one. As I add new material, I'm cutting away old notes and passages that no longer work with the new arrangement, so the total word count has stayed about the same (roughly 30,000 words).
Next week's goals: Write for the novel every day. Complete the fire scene. Reach 32,000 words and stay there for at least two days.
Lesson learned: Discussing plot issues with a friend can save a large amount of time. I'll address this in more detail on my blog.
I went into a self-confidence tailspin and decided that I could not write.
I definitely know how you feel. I had the same thing happen to me late last year through the holidays. My confidence plummeted and I did not write anything and I barely did much work on my outline. However, I kept pushing along. I kept posting to the NSG even though I felt I had little to nothing to contribute. That perseverance has paid off.
So far in my "writer's retreat" this weekend (today and yesterday) I have written 10,000 words. Sure, I took my final days of vacation time so I could have these days off to dedicate to writing but I'm finally making progress.
I know what I'm writing now will have to be redone. So, I don't intend to review them until I have a complete first draft. After all, I don't want to fall into another tailspin when I do read the drivel I wrote this weekend.
In short, just keep on working. Eventually it will pay off.
[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited March 23, 2010).]
So, yeah, a very busy week.
Goals for this week, recycled from last week:
1) WotF entry. SERIOUSLY.
- Didn't even look at this last week. Sighs. Will do better this week as the deadline is looming.
2) Read and crit everything that's chillin' on the desktop.
- I finished almost all of this last week, but still have a few things to roll over to this week.
3) Revise TGS through chapter 30 (take two)
- I at least thought about this...
I got nothing done, but I did spend a lot of my time thinking about starting a new novel (adapting my short story entry from the feb. challenge).
I haven't finished my rewrite of my other WIP, but I am almost done, near the climax. I worry that my interest in a new novel is because I do have a real hard time with endings, and this is a way to delay it. On the other hand, I am really excited about the new project, and if Meredith can handle ten projects at once, maybe I can handle two.
Goals next week. Write for one hour everyday, either novel, just write something.
The 13 line vampire challenge really got me pumped about my novel and I was writing away until I found a voice for a short story idea that's been kicking around my head for a few years.
The good news is I'm about half way done so I can get back to the novel soon enough.
Here's where I'm at in novel world.
Current / Projected
171 / 250
179 / 350
I did spend a lot of my time thinking about starting a new novel (adapting my short story entry from the feb. challenge).
I can see where that story would make an interesting novel. But you really have to change the title.
On the other hand, I am really excited about the new project, and if Meredith can handle ten projects at once, maybe I can handle two.
It's just that I refuse to consider a novel complete until it sells. Until then, I ought to either have a goal to improve it, or to get queries out and sell it. It doesn't do any good just sitting there.
I can see where that story would make an interesting novel. But you really have to change the title.
LOL, I know. I have a horrible time trying to come up with titles.
My novel:
171 / 250
I cranked out as many pages as my 8mo old would allow me in the wee hours of the morning during his all too brief naps.
179 / 250
Then I notice the first line I type on the page jumps up to the previous page.
Hmm. I thought I'd turned orphans off on this MS.
Format: Paragraph: orphan control: uncheck.
171 / 250