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Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).

Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).


Looks like we had a slow week for novel writers last week. I hope everyone is doing well.

Last Week's Goals

I did very well with my outline goals. Last night I started combining all of the notes I have compiled over the last month or more and put them into the outline. The story has grown quite a bit lately. The brainstorming has helped develop some extra subplots.

My goals for next week:

I will continue combining all of my notes into the single outline because those notes are thrown all over the place. I need to get them all centralized. At the end of March I'm using up the last of my vacation days (use it or lose it) so I will have a five day weekend. I'm hoping to have a good solid idea of the first quarter of my novel in this outline because I want to use this long weekend to start writing that part of this novel.

This week I will continue with the critiques as I get the new material. Hopefully my comments will be helpful.

What did I learn this week?

The thing I learned this week is that I need to take things more slowly. As always I get too eager and push forward too fast. In this case, I kept "jumping steps" in this new process I am trying. Because of this I got frustrated that I was not making progress. Well, the last couple days I went back and did these steps slower and got much better results. Sometimes I think I am just too eager to get back to the writing. At least that's what I found this week.


Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
I'm in Revisions Land. It's like the Hotel California - you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave! Ahhhh!!! :-)

Goals for this week:
1) Do my CI entry. Really. It's due on Monday.
2) Finish TGS revisions through chapter thirty (which includes the insertion of a whole new chapter - gulp).
3) Find my WotF entry. I know it's around my laptop somewhere....

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Last Week's Goals:

DREAMER'S ROSE: Continue working on the new starting point and then work on revisions.
No. I haven't touched this.

THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Continue to let this one rest a bit.
Love those easy goals.

THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back.
I'm a little behind. But, generally, yes.

BLOOD WILL TELL: Work on the query and synopsis some more.

SEVEN STARS: Keep on writing. Don't let it lose momentum again.
One scene. But it counts.

OTHER: Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.

MISC. Try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.

Next Week's Goals:

Continue working on the new starting point and then work on revisions.

Continue to let this one rest a bit.

I've got a chapter exchange going on this one. Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back. Think about how I want to change the beginning.

Work on the query and synopsis some more. One more whack at that query before I let myself go back to writing more interesting things.

Keep on writing. Finish the chapter titled "Murder". Should be a fun chapter, once I get into it.

Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.

Try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.


Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Progressing on the Horror.
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
P.S. Meredith inspired me to take a first stab at writing a synopsis for TGS. Poof. There went my Friday night! :-) But I'm sure it's good for me...

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