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Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).

Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).


Last Week's Goals

I did not do much at all on my world building goal for the week. However, I did make a good progress on my outline. I have a good feeling for the first 25% of the novel and I hope to complete that section so that I may start writing it. Overall, I'm happy with what I got so far.

My goals for next week:

I am still trying to find my "process" regarding my novel preparation. Despite getting a good sense of the first section of my novel I feel that I need to alter my "process" in developing ideas. That is my biggest issue right now. After attending LTUE I learned of some other writing tools that may help me get my ideas down. I will try those this week and see how it goes.

What did I learn this week?

At LTUE I attended John Brown's workshop and I got a few ideas from that. This week I will try those ideas and see how much I can improve my outline. So, for now I put into practice what I learned to see how it works for me.


Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
This week I broke out the ol' novel and played with it a bunch. I hadn't really read it for a while, and a lot of things popped out at me that needs fixin'. I'm excited to start implementing them.

So my goals for this week, are to streamline the love story. I need to connect the dots a little better, make it a more gradual thing. I also need to clearly state the rules of my world.

Also, secondarily, I need to not give up on this one. I like it. I believe it can be successful. I just need to clarify a few more points, and strengthen the voice in it, put some of the skills I developed during this last year or so I slacked off from the novel into the story, and not be ashamed of who I am or what dreams I get to hold on to.

I'm really excited for my new title, "Hatched." I'm digging it. I think it's hookin'.


Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Last Week's Goals:

DREAMER'S ROSE: Work on the revisions.
Not much actual writing, but I have a good idea on where this story should actually start, now.

THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Try to cut 10-15,000 words.
I've marked about 8500 words to cut in the first pass. Some of them will hurt.

THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back.

BLOOD WILL TELL: Work on the query and synopsis.

SEVEN STARS: Get through this pesky scene that's been bothering me.
Yes. This one is finally moving again.

OTHER: I still need to work on revisions to Dragons are Forever, The Seeker. Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.
No to the stories. Yes to the blog. I put a new post up yesterday.

MISC. If my shoulder allows, try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.
Nope. Shoulder still hurts.

Next Week's Goals:

Work on the revisions. I got a really good idea last night on where to really start the story. It will bring the male MC's character forward more. I like it.

I'm going to leave this one alone for a while before I go back, read it through, and make those cuts final.

I've got a chapter exchange going on this one. Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back. I'm beginning to have a better idea of the changes I want to make to the beginning. I want to put my MC off balance right at the start and keep him there for a while.

Work on the query and synopsis some more. Prepare to submit it again--and again . . .

Keep on writing. Don't let it lose momentum again.

I still need to work on revisions to Dragons are Forever, The Seeker.
Update my new blog and try to keep it updated at least once a week.

If my shoulder allows, try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.

[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited February 19, 2010).]

Posted by Ken S (Member # 9010) on :
Hi there, I'm new to the group. I'm working on my first novel. The working title is "I, Vampire." Its the story of an "Everyman" that gets uprooted from his old life into the life of a vampire with no real explanation why.

Last Week's goals:
Try and spend time on the story every day.
Find out about "Hatrack"

While I didn't get in the chair to write every day last week, I did get some of them. Additionally I try and keep a pad of paper and a pen with me all the time to jot down ideas.

Next Week's goals:
Spend time on the story at least 5 days out of the next seven.
Critique someone's 13.

I'm still trying to figure out how I "Do" this. Some days everything just comes like I'm writing a script...all dialogue and little detail. Other days I'm either fleshing out a "script day" or I'm just plugging away at the story as a whole.

Hope you're as productive as I'm trying to be


Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I accomplished samefully little. Shooting for better this wek.
Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
I'm bogged down in a mess of recalcitrant revisions. Must... finish... soon!

Goals for this week:
1) Make a POA for TGS revisions.
2) Outline TGS and start on synopsis.
3) Revisit query.

Mid-week status update on #1 - I have made a list of the 49 plot revisions (some major, some minor) and 2 new chapters I need to write before I will be happy enough with TGS to start sending out queries. Whew! It's like writing your own editor letter... only worse, because you have to do it yourself :-P

[This message has been edited by Kitti (edited February 23, 2010).]

Posted by geekyMary (Member # 8905) on :
Took a week off to celebrate finishing my second draft! Woo hoo!

Then I read The Writer's Tale by Russell T. Davies and got really super excited.

I'm going through my second draft carefully to try to tighten up the structure and plot. Also add a little more personality to the narrative, more descriptions, sets and costumes, music, etc.

At this point, the thing that scares me is that I'm worried that I'm not scared enough. Is this a messed up art form or what?

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Gaining on 2 novels, now.

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