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Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Welcome to this week's Novel Support Group (NSG). Anyone can join. If you're new, tell us a bit about who you are and what project you are working on. Although we can report on any number of things, here is a list of suggestions (suggestions welcomed).

Here is a list of things that you can do each week as we work on our novels (suggestions welcomed).


Last Week's Goals

I made some real progress on my outline for last week actually. I still have about 30% of the outline left to work on but that middle section is really giving me troubles. That seems to be my weakness so far.

My goals for next week:

I will continue working on the outline but I think I need to do some world building on the "quest" item that the main character is focused on. Since I do not have much details on this thing I need to get a better idea on that so I can get a more solid outline on the plot. I am comfortable with what I need to do for the story character wise. I just need to get a good background story going for this "quest."

What did I learn this week?

Persistence again is my friend. I just need to keep pushing myself until I finally get back into the habit of writing. I read the first few pages of that novel I wrote 12 years ago or so and it was not so bad. Sure, the opening is now a fantasy trope but the language, imagery, and characterization was decent. As I read I did not once feel that it was bad writing (like my earlier stuff). This time it felt right. Sure, it could use some improvements, but this helped build my confidence in that I can produce a solid piece of writing if I can just get back into the habit. Here's hoping.


Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Last Week's Goals:

DREAMER'S ROSE: Take this one out and read it through.
Yes. And I have notes for some revisions to add depth or conflict.

THE SHAMAN'S CURSE: Start the rewrite of a good portion of the first half.
Well, I guess you could say I started. But I'm still on chapter 3.

THE IGNORED PROPHECY: Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back.

BLOOD WILL TELL: Work on the query and synopsis. Prepare to submit it again--and again . . .
Yes. I've worked on the query and I even plugged in the old computer so I could rescue what I had for a synopsis. Not done yet, but I have worked on it.

SEVEN STARS: I'm putting this one on hold.
Well, I did a little bit on this one before another story idea bit me and pulled me away.

OTHER: I still need to work on revisions to Dragons are Forever, The Seeker, and Mage Storm.
While I had the old computer plugged in, I retrieved the critiques for Dragons Are Forever and The Seeker, so now I can work on those, too. I've done some revisions to Mage Storm, but I haven't finished it, yet.

MISC. Try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again.

Next Week's Goals:

I've got notes for the revisions, but I'm not sure I want to have two revisions going on at once. I'll work on whichever starts going smoother, this or THE SHAMAN'S CURSE.

Rewrite of a good portion of the first half. I'm going to outline each chapter as it exists and then either revise or rewrite. Some of them may require a complete rewrite. Others may be salvagable.

I've got a chapter exchange going on this one. Make revisions as the chapter critiques come back. I may also want to change where the story starts. I need to think about this.

Work on the query and synopsis. Prepare to submit it again--and again . . .

Get reimmersed in this. I need something new to be working on, as well as the revisions and queries.

I still need to work on revisions to Dragons are Forever, The Seeker, and Mage Storm. Finish revisions on Mage Storm and start submitting it.

Try again to install the router so I won't have that kind of computer problem ever again. I know I've been saying this. I do need to just do it. Okay, I dealt with the old computer last week. This week, it's the router. Honest.

[This message has been edited by Meredith (edited February 05, 2010).]

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
Progressed APtW into Chapter 3 and introduced Rachael.

Also, just to remind myself that I love to write, I started rewriting my first HM from WotF. I figured I'd clean it up and send it in to IGMS (and that wouldn't really be writing a short story, just editing one), but I'm giving it room to grow as far as it wants.

Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I touched Panix for the first time since 12/22. It felt good. I'll continue to work the new character in for the rest of the week. As I do, the plot has to shift because this guy is going to take the place of the actions by other characters in the story including the incredible heroic deeds of the MC that were too incredible alone, but less incredible with his sidekick.

My goal is to get him integrated in the next five days.

The next week's goal will be to continue the Panix rewrite with the new guy in place.

[This message has been edited by Owasm (edited February 05, 2010).]

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Last Week’s Goals and Activities
Write for an hour each day. (Time writing for my blog, in a journal, on forums, and for short stories doesn't count.)

Last Week’s Activities
I neither met my goal nor came close. I started a query letter just for fun--or, rather, because I figure they must be easier to write at some random time instead of when the novel's done.

Today, I recognized the problem with one of the scenes I've struggle to finish. The MC's actions contradicted his thoughts and undermined the tension. When he realizes the murderous kid he's trying to help is insane, instead of running for safety (inappropriate for the MC, anyway) or testing the edges of the kid's sanity, he allows the kid to bully him. That's 900 words in the cut pile.

Next Week’s Goals
Write for a half hour each day.

Lesson Learned
Short stories are a tempting distraction from novel writing, because they allow for more immediate feedback.

Posted by Kitti (Member # 7277) on :
Yeah, didn't do so good on the goals this past week. Mostly, I spent the whole time I wasn't at work shoveling snow.

Goals for this week:
1) Get WotF crits done
2) Revisions for my WotF sub
3) Get back to revisions on TGS

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Standing goals: (that's easy)
-write at least 2000 new words each day.
-keep my SuperNoteCard deck up to date on structural and character changes for my current WIPs (SF and In between)
-Read and crit at least 2 shorts or 1/2 of a novel each week.
-do my grammar work (I've enrolled in a grammar refresher)

Last week:
-I critted 2 chapters of a novel and a short
-started (plotted and 1/4 of 1st draft) 1 short intended for WoTF and participated in the LH Flash.
-I made my 2K per day easily I am now fully engaged in the rewrites of San Francisco and have decided that instead of another novel going I need to have a short going at the same time. (Guess I need to change my 2010 goals)
-I did not make the two backstories- I decided that I did not need them as yet, I do this week though!

This week (2/5-2/11)
-Keep the standing goals (above for writing and critting)
-complete two more back stories

What I learned?
I hit a rough patch this week. On Tuesday I could not write anything good. It all came out looking like crayon scratchings from a demented monkey. That was also the day after my second story hit Everyday- it had a lukewarm reception. And at least one of the comments was personal and a bit nasty. Oh well. I think I went through I crisis of confidence. Isn't that crazy? What one person, who you don't even know... But I kept writing. I gnashed my teeth and sat in my chair and kept writing and by wednesday night I was rolling again. So, what did I learn?
Keep writing and toughen up.

Posted by Nagrom (Member # 8968) on :
Last Week's Goals

Next Week's Goals

[This message has been edited by Nagrom (edited February 08, 2010).]

Posted by CharityBradford (Member # 8988) on :
My goals for the week:
Finish and submit my flash fiction to 365 Tomorrows
Write my "love at first site" scene for blogfest

What I learned last week:
I need to be more disciplined.
Sometimes you have to walk away from you WIP to keep your sanity.


Posted by MAP (Member # 8631) on :
I've been sick again, so I didn't get much done.

Next week: Write an hour everyday, and get at least one chapter written.

Posted by Lyrajean (Member # 7664) on :
Goals last week: to write a good solid 5 pages. I probably wrote five but it came out in jumbled bits and pieces and some of it wasn't for the novel proper. So succes and failure in equal amounts

Goals this week: work on the earthquake sequence. I don't know if I'll get his done as its a long inter-connected segment of the middle of the book which means it has to be tied fore and aft to whatever is going on before and after.

My reader asked that since I work and she is kind enough to read for me out of sequencial order to provide her with an encyclopedia of all the places etc. that appear in my WIP novel. Fortunately I have one and as an added bonus it includes all the SF tech and lingo I've had to invent or create my own spin on to make the story work thus far. The document really only requires a bit of editing to be presentable to my reader(its really just my working notes and was never designed to be seen by anyone else, my version of the 3x5 card catalog.

Posted by geekyMary (Member # 8905) on :
Hi everybody! I'm new.

My goal this week was to finish Draft 2. Haven't quite gotten there yet, but maybe I'll stay up late tonight and kill it.

Goal for next week is to first of all, celebrate the second draft, but then come up with a plan or outline to address the structural issues from D2 to get ready for D3.

What I learned?
I've started critiquing at Critter. I'm not completely convinced this will help, but I've heard enough people tell me it's great that I'm willing to give it a good try. I also learned that I can write 1500 words an hour if I keep myself focused, which is pretty cool. Don't know how long I can sustain that focus, though.

I also learned that playing Wii is more fun than writing.

Posted by WBSchmidt (Member # 8533) on :
Welcome, geekyMary. Congratulations on having a complete manuscript (and subsequent drafts). I'm still trying to get all my ideas compiled so I can start (again). Sometimes I hate being an outliner.

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