I did much better this week. I think I added to my novel every night. I can't remember, but I do remember several days of good writing. Last night I got in 600 words and since I aim for 500 I was happy. I also got through lots of crits. I'm on a roll.
My goal for this week is to keep it up. My base goal is to work on my WIP a little each day and my high goal is to add 500 words every day. I need a range for bad days and good days.
How did everyone else fare this week?
I know Book Two is going to need some serious work after all of the changes its been put through. But this time I think I've got the timeline and the conflict worked out. And a really fun villain this time, too.
New Goal: Keep the nine to ten pages steady (yeah, right).
I worked in a few hundred words for Dragon Fate.
It's so much easier to write the first ten thousand, then it is to write the last. Beginnings are fun. Finding an ending feels like work.
I swear, every time I come up with a happy solution to my plot problems, a whole new issue comes up. Though actually, my problems tonight have more to do with characters that don't seem to want to interact with each other.
I think I got about 5000 words this week. Hopefully I can get my problems worked out tonight so that I can really make good progress toward finishing this.
My six year old and I brainstormed ideas for IB's 'P of the D' on a napkin and it's still taped to her bedroom wall. It really tickled her fancy.
The kids are going back to school after a week's vacation (barring any major storms like the one that just started) and I have such glorious plans to get back to my writing/critiquing life.
My goals: Finish my Sudden Fiction entry, catch up on a couple of crits, finish putting my novel in order and begin writing the scenes that haven't been written yet.
Most of those titles are better than the one I have.
One hint. the t is a the, and there are no dragons.
It's not fantasy, or spec fiction, or scifi. So what am I doing here, then?
Okay, so that was three hints.
[This message has been edited by shimiqua (edited February 23, 2009).]
Columbus the Destroyer
Catapulting the Drier
Casper the Dead
Calling the Demons
Calling the Dementors
Catigorizing the Demonic
Catch the Disease
Crank the Decibels
It's driven me crazy for months. I always think "Santa! Santa Claus!" but I doubt that's what you mean.
Steve!...aka Crank!
The 'success' part was a no-brainer, 'cuz I wish it for everyone here...except when your book sales interfere with mine. Contrary to popular belief, 'crank' is a reference to which direction the volumn knob goes when I play my music, not to drugs. I started out at the dawn of the Internet bulletin board era using Dr. Crankenstein, but my music board friends shortened it for me...plus, it saves me on typing.
Glad to know I'm still driving people crazy.