Well, I didn't break 100,000 words, but I did break 95,000 (380 pages). The end is also near. No doubt there will be some smoothing out necessary, but most readers like it and that's a great sign. I just hope the end lives up to the rest of the book. I should be able to end it by New Years Day. Ironically, this was supposed to be the backstory when I began...it just had to tell itself. So, there's a sort-of built-in sequel.
And, my collaborative partner and I are two-thirds of the way through our (Dark Fantasy?)rough outline...maybe a little better, because we know where it ends. EtherPad is amazing in that respect.
So, the reason for the dates of the post is: This will be the last NGAS of 2008--as I doubt many people will be attacking their writing with the same vehemence during the week of Christmas and New Year's Eve. So this post will serve out double duty.
Next NGAS (Which I'll probably change to NSG) will be January 1st 09.
My Goal: is to finish Storm's Fury (which also has a new title: A Path to War)
How'd y'all do?
[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited December 19, 2008).]
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
I did allright. I only got in one day of good writing and the rest of the days I spent editing parts of the beginning, but at least I put in some work. I'm not going to make a goal for myself over Christmas. I'm just going to do what I feel like, which will probably involve some writing. I love writing at night before I go to bed. Then after the New Year I will dig in again. Yay, Happy Holidays to everyone!
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Nada. In fact, for the first time since I started writing seriously, I didn't even feel like a writer. The thoughts in my brain were merely my own. It's refreshing--like stepping out of a too crowded room. I probably won't get back into the fray until 2009, although I would like to finish critiquing BC's chapters. But that's so enjoyable it hardly counts as work.
Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
::blush:: Aw, thanks Unwritten!
My main goal this week is to finish rewriting my WOTF entry, which is going a bit slowly since I'm in California with my family (and will be for the next few weeks). Also, internet here is slightly unreliable, so if I'm not around much, that's probably why.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
Finished the draft of my WotF story, but no much more. Christmas prep took a bit more out of me than I thought it would. Afraid this next NGAS isn't going to be very productive for me either. Christmas, New Year's, family, brother getting married. Ugh. I just have to finish up the polish of my WotF story tonight so that I can mail it off tomorrow. That's my goal, I guess. I'm still going to try and put together some time with my laptop, but doubt it'll be very much. Merry Christmas everyone. Have a good break, and hope there aren't too many of you included in the "no power" mess back east. Here's to staying warm and happy.
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
I have power, but when we went to Portland (Maine) for last-minute Christmas shopping, it decided to blizzard. Those of you that have been out here might recognize the term Nor'easter--well it slammed us last night. It took us four hours to get home (usually an hour and a half) the the garbage was freezing to our windshield wipers, and they were on high--brand new wipers, too. I grabbed a couple of pics on my cell phone on the way down. On the way back, taillights that were five feet in front of us disappeared and peeked out again. There's a three-and-a-half foot snowbank outside the door to my shop.
I still put in five-and-a-half pages, though! (Bringing me to 98,500 + words ending on page 394.) I'm at the climax. I'm all kinds of psyched--but feel it's ending too quickly.
[This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited December 24, 2008).]
Posted by jasonbeauchene (Member # 7823) on :
This time period I want to finish rounding out my charachters and get a first scene on paper.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
I made my goal this week. I am at 51,185. or so. Not like I'm counting.
According to Nano, I have written a novel.
I'm so cool.
This next bit, my goal is to... not write as much. Try to take a bit of a break, and enjoy the holidays with my family.
Doubt it will happen though, this last bit is really interesting to me and fun to write. Only ten to twenty thousand words more, Then I'll be stuck in editing. Woot!
~Sheena (Yes, I am that cool, don't tease.)
[This message has been edited by shimiqua (edited December 22, 2008).]
Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
lol, Sheena. I also obsessively watch my word count, possibly to my detriment in my case. I'm at 30,000 words at the moment.
Ew, a nor'easter. I learned allll about those when I lived on Cape Cod. I was only ever there in spring or summer, so for me the irritation was when they would screw up the beaches and all the shorebird nests I was working with. I can't imagine how awful they must be in Maine in the winter.
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I was hit by that same nor'easter, but at least I was at home. My husband spent the morning snowblowing us out of the 18 inches or so that got dumped on us and then he headed to work. The overtired snow plow guy didn't even notice his white car and forced him off the road into a huge snow bank. No harm done, but a couple of teenagers from across the street came over and helped dig him out--they spent at least an hour helping him. So, that afternoon, I went over to their house to give them some cookies and say thanks, and got stuck in their driveway, and they ended up spending the next hour digging me out too. Did I mention that I am already sick of winter? Melanie P.S. No writing so far, but all the characters are back in my head again. I wish I knew how to turn them on and off at will.
edited to say: I'm not quite as insane as that made me sound.
[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited December 24, 2008).]
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
That's sucks, Unwritten.
Meanwhile, I finally broke 100,000 words last night. I'm still not the the high point of the climax, still on the upward slope, but the summit's near. I'm shooting for getting there today--I'm playing hookey from work as it's Christmas Eve.
Posted by marchpane (Member # 8021) on :
Wow. I really need to get back into this!
I have done hardly anything for the past 3 months, but at the start of last week I randomly hit a purple patch and rattled off a good three pages in one evening. I've just killed off a character, which makes me very sad and which, I think, may have been affecting my productivity - it wasn't part of my original plot plan and has pretty huge implications, but I think fundamentally it was the right decision. Still a tough 'un though
I'm in the rare situation of having 2 and a half weeks with no work to do, so I shall be taking full advantage of this and writing like crazy. On Saturday I go to my boyfriend's house for a few days, but I should be able to write while I'm there, so I don't think a completed chapter in the next week would be beyond me...
Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
What I got for Christmas? To write "The End" on my first draft.
How's everyone else doing?
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Well, I can't top that. I just got my family room back--Santa Claus had co-opted it.
Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
Way to go IAB! Santa brought me some great writing books for Christmas. Hopefully they will help me to find an ending of my own, that I can be proud of. ~Sheena (busy reading)
Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :