What's up with everybody else?
I didn't get to the outline I wanted to. But I did a lot of thinking about it.
Storm's Fury is up to 76,000 words--and I haven't hread any feedback on the entirety, so I'm hoping it's still interesting at this point. I'm not sure that it doesn't want to be a two-book story, or possibly a trilogy. My intent, however misplaced, was to make it a one-shot deal.
Got two rejects. Four are still out there.
We had a storm Tuesday night, and when I came in Wednesday, I found my work computer fried (containing most of my artwork--including that for FFO--many, many stories, and paperwork and reference materials for the shop). A lot of money down the drain. Fortunately, the stories I have out are on my laptop, too, as well As my updated copy of Storm's Fury. Some of the other stories I was proofing for y'all are gone, though.
Storm's Fury is next on my reading list, which I'll get to very soon, now that I'm finished with Nanowrimo.
Did you catch that? I'm finished! 50,793 words in just under a month. Whew. (Satate, now that it's over, I can honestly say that it is a lot of fun. It's a crazy, over the top thing to do, but it's SO worth it. Are you in for next year?)
Now I'm moving on to bigger and better things--I just don't know what they are yet. I'll probably just catch up on critiquing for the next couple of weeks, so if anyone wants to send me something, now is the time.
[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 29, 2008).]
My next goal is to keep up the 500 words a day goal and finish the next chapter, but with the holidays, who knows what will happen.
Nanowrimo, me? I don't know. Depends how my life is going then. I wouldn't have had enough time this month to do it, my baby keeps me busy, and when she's not then my four year old starts. I would like to do it, maybe next year.
IB, I hope you computer gets better.
Deb, send Harper over when it's done.
[This message has been edited by satate (edited November 29, 2008).]
Plus, I'll have a new chapter read for you this week.
[This message has been edited by debhoag (edited November 29, 2008).]
This week's goal will be three chapters.
I want to do Nano next year. That seems like it would be fun. I like challenges that seem impossible.
My goal is to get all my classwork done and survive finals. Any writing is a bonus. I still spend some time messing with my prose, but I'm not expecting anything of myself this week or next.
It's still fun to read about everyone else's progress.