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Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Feel free to add yourself to this list if I have missed you.

This is a place to tell us your word count, your horror stories, your success stories, get advice, give advice...whatever you need to get you through. You can join whether or not you are already a part of the NGAS (or some combination of those letters) group. The only requirement I can think of is that you need to be insane enough to think you can write a book during the month of November. If you haven't done it before, it is so much fun!! Here is the link:

When you are ready, let us know something about what you are going to be writing--genre, synopsis, or lack thereof...

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited October 29, 2008).]

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited October 31, 2008).]

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 03, 2008).]

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 04, 2008).]

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I did Nanowrimo for the first time last year, and it was a life changing experience for me. This year I am writing the sequel to the story I wrote last year. It is a young adult fantasy (I think. My characters are a little older than the usual YA characters, but I think it still fits). It turns out that I am a late-blooming romantic, and all my stories seem to turn into love stories despite my best efforts.
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I wanted to do it last year, but I did not know about it until the last couple of days of November. I have a short story that I wrote a long time ago and I will be using the world from that story to write this one. I have always wanted to do it and now I am waiting until it starts.

[This message has been edited by gobi13x (edited October 30, 2008).]

Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
this is my first year to do this and im a bit nervous. im hoping that it will be a life changing experience for me too (the good kind!).

i have a few story line ideas, but they keep changing. an outline eludes me. i really just feel sort of overwhelmed from lack of experience and technical know-how. any advice for someone who is so new to it all that they aspire to the novice level?

Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
Make room, tempest. I'm in the same boat.

My goal is to write a fantasy that doesn't turn into a "save the world" type story. I have a tendancy to let that happen, and I wanted to try something new. Unfortunately, one of my characters decided to have a cool talent and is just begging for a colossal amount of trouble for himself. We'll see what happens.

Posted by Cheyne (Member # 7710) on :
NaNo is less than 2 days away and I am waffling on my story. I have 3 novel ideas that I have been sitting on and percolating plot lines for, and all three are begging for attention. I decide on one and the other two fill my mind. UGGH! I hope I can settle on one before the 1st. The idea that is posted on my NaNo page may be the least of them. I hope I do not keep changing gears and stories throughout November. Go Hatrackers. Thank you unwritten for including me on your buddy list.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Don't try to write the novel in the order in which you hope it will be read.

The idea is to get 50,000 words on paper (or screen), so just write.

Write the ending first, if that is what is clearest to you.

Write some of the middle.

Then write a possible beginning.

Write another possible beginning.

Write another ending.

Write something for each of the ideas you have, and, if you get ideas on how to put them together with other ideas, write that, too.

Just write.

The one thing you shouldn't do is edit.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
The editing is what you do in December (or whenever you recover from November).
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
LOL, Kathleen. I have only just recovered enough to look at my 07 Nano. I was relieved to discover it isn't horrible! Now it has to go back on the shelf while I come up with something else to write. issue is I've selected a protagonist, a genre, a milieu, but it's space and thus she'll be able to go to lots of different planets...haven't decided what kind of overarching problem to have her solving or the inciting incident. This is the stuff that always hamstrings me. Argh!


Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
starting at the end and flopping around the story line, that sounds very doable to me.

i was stressing a bit last night over this particular issue. i, too, have a protagonist, characters, a setting, even names, but no problem to be solved (overarching problem?) or conflicts, events...or even story line i guess.

not editing along the way will be a struggle for me, im such a perfectionist that it will nag at me the whole way. hopefully resisting the edit urge will be liberating.

im dreading the start of this and at the same time wanting it to start so bad im yanking my hair out.

Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
But the only way you can do this is if you allow yourself to write badly--not that you actually will write badly, but you need to let yourself not worry about it if you do.

When you catch yourself starting to edit, use one of my favorite tools (one that is often misused to bad effect):


Tell yourself you'll fix it later. And have that later be after 30 November.

If it will help, you can put something like FIX THIS LATER in the text whenever this happens. The more you do it, the easier it will become to procrastinate the editing, and the less you will have to insert FIX THIS LATER into your writing.

Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
well, procrastination is one of my talents.

in the past i have just put in a "?" to tell me to check on it later so as not to lose the flow of my thoughts, so i will be using the 'fix this later' suggestion.
thanks for the help - i really appreciate it.


Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
Dudes, Nanowrimo was created for this very purpose, to help people get over their fears and doubts and just write! So first of all, don't worry. You are not alone.

This will be my third time. Each time, whether doing Nano or any other writing project, I panic and think the same thoughts. I have no idea what's going to happen. I barely know who's involved. But I'm beginning to trust in myself, and know that that's okay. It's okay if you don't know what your story is, what your plot is, or even who your characters are. You can figure this out as you go along. New ideas will come to you. Characters will develop their personalities organically. Trust your instincts, and see what happens. It's an exhilirating way to write. Though it doesn't work for everybody, think it's worth giving a try, once. You might surprise yourself with what you come up with.

Posted by Wolfe_boy (Member # 5456) on :
I'll second or third what's been said so far. I'm headed into my fourth try at NaNoWriMo. And I'm not one of the bleary-eyed folks who espouse ultimate wordcount over any quality in your writing, but I can say that, in times of doubt, you must rely on the fact that you are a writer, damnit. All writers have good stuff and bad stuff from time to time, but what separates a writer from everyone else is that his bad stuff isn't really that bad, and he can recover to continue writing well in a page or two or ten. Have faith that your bad stuff isn't that bad, it's fixable at a later date, and you'll recover.

Also, persistence is the key to victory. Write every day. Don't fail to get you 1,667 words done. If you happen to miss a day, catch-up. Having to rely on 10,000 word days in the final moments of November is a sure way to fail. A good suggestion - get 1,667 done tonight, after midnight, before going to bed. Then, get another 1,667 done tomorrow. Bam - you're already one day ahead. Stay that way or extend your lead, if you have the opportunity.

And, in the pits of despair, when you've written your cardboard-characters-of-litte-or-no-redeeming-quality into the darkest of corners and can't think your way out, wave your author's wand and have them escape without seeing it. Do as Kathleen said - don't necessarily write in sequence. Or, in utter emergencies (like I had with my western novel last year) it's not an unforseen occurence to have an asteroid strike the planet your characters are on, wiping out all of civilization. Meanwhile in an alternate universe, a second story continues....

Jayson Merryfield

Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
HERE'S WISHING YOU ALL LUCK!!!! Go get 'em, Hatrackers!
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Jayson, I love that idea of an alternate universe, allowing you to try new ideas without backtracking. Fortunately, I don't expect I'll need that technique in November. Most are my characters are supposed to die.

I worried about neglecting Odal's Story for an entire month, so I chose a NaNoWriMo project that may help me in my current WIP. Odal's family has lived on Earth for at least eight generations, and that gives me plenty of material. I intend to write the history of Odal's family, which influences but does not appear in Odal's Story. I feel so clever.

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Wow. Thanks for all great suggestions to get through nano. I like the idea about getting ahead by writing 1667 words tonight at midnight and being able to then be one day ahead. Now if I can only stay up till midnight!

I really like the idea about not necessarily writing in order. I have an outline now but different parts of my outline are written at different levels. So I don't really have anything consistent from beginning to end, but I do have lots of scenes outlined. So I think the approach I'm going to take is to write a lot of scenes and then maybe in my off Nano time, assuming I have any, organize them into some coherent flow.

To add entertainment to the month, the nasty pinched nerve in my neck is acting up. So I cant type very much and write using a dictation program, this should be interesting. LOL

Has anyone else noticed that the nano site is very very slow!

Ah, well I think I will go now and ice my arm.



Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Last night, I figured out a way to add notes (in place of edits) into my story without distorting the word count.

---Start Example: Halloween Special---

Joe Bob Bones [!1FillerName] lay [!2CheckGrammar] half-buried in the grass [!3MayNeedMoreSceneSetting]. He'd been half-buried for nearly a decade already, according to his aging once-lover, Susan Heart. Even as his body decayed, his thoughts and ability to talk remained. Did the Wizard Harry know what he was doing when he killed Joe Bob's body? Joe Bob didn't know, and he had stopped caring long ago.

---End Example---

All I need to do is track the note number I'm on, so when I check my word count, I can subtract that number. The "[!" gives me a combination I can easily search on after November 30.

[This message has been edited by aspirit (edited October 31, 2008).]

Posted by branteaton (Member # 7782) on :
I'm in. I've signed up for NaNo as a recovering "one day" novelist. I'm using the same name on NanoWriMo, and am user 419881.

My progress page is

I'm in the SLC area, so I'll be at the kick-off event tomorrow. Will I see any of you there?

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
Last year I wrote a YA science fiction novel that I’m in the process of finding an agent for. This year, it’s YA fantasy, something I hope will be a bit more marketable. I like my NaNo experience to be useful too, which it has in the sense that I already have one good novel, and its helped me to learn to write neat, concise novels, because we don’t have the time or the word count to waffle on (I realise we can go over 50,000 but I like the write a complete story in that time and go over the required word count by only a couple thousand words.) I wish I could sometimes take this lesson to the stories I write outside of NaNo.

My NaNo month writing plan:

I’ve managed to save up some holiday, so am off work for sixteen days, at work for fourteen. On my off days, I plan to write at least 2000 words each day, which will leave me only a little over 1000 words to write on the days I am at work.

On work days, I plan to get up early, try to write a few hundred words before I leave for work.

When I get home, I’m going to write, instead of play games.

I plan to stay up tonight and get something down after midnight, which won’t be difficult since its Halloween and I HAVE to watch a horror movie with my daughter, which will undoubtedly give me nightmares and I won’t sleep anyhow.

I also plan to neglect my two teenagers(a little), the housework, and maybe food occasionally.

This year will be harder for me, as the last twice I have done this I wasn’t working. I won both and don’t want to fail this year. Also, I know I’m going to have a couple of days in there somewhere where I probably won’t get much done.

1,667 words look like a huge task when you’re sat there at the computer with none written for that day, which I why I think of it like this: It’s sixteen blocks of one hundred words, and it doesn’t seem so daunting. So, one hundred words, I can do that in two or three minutes, say for example, if I’m watching a TV show, I can do that during the commercial break. Watch one one hour show, you’ve got almost five hundred words there. You may even find you’ve suddenly got a block of three or four hundred words and you’re missing your TV show.

Another suggestion is to take frequent breaks, take a walk around the garden, have a snack, do a little bit of house work. You’ll find suddenly you’ve got a spark of inspiration and have to rush back to the computer, then you’ll write another three or four hundred words, maybe more. By now, you’ve probably got 1000 words.

Those of you who can write at work, do so in your lunch break, and you’ve got another few hundred and you’re almost at your target. Once you hit the twelve to thirteen hundred mark, the end is in sight and it becomes easy. If you’re on a roll, you might even go over the daily target.

Of course, another idea might be to not take it all as seriously as I do! I love NaNo, and very soon am going to take that one sentence I’ve had in my head now for over a week and turn it into a novel, though right now, after the first scene I have planned, I don’t know where I’m headed yet.

Most of all, enjoy it! I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s stories of their NaNo progress. Good luck all!

[This message has been edited by darklight (edited October 31, 2008).]

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Thank you for all the great advice. Last year I did Nano with my fifth grade daughter. I homeschooled her last year, and thought Nano would be a great English activity for her. For those of you who like things spelled out simply, the PDF file you can download at the young writer's part of the site is incredible. It's over 50 pages of questions to help you get your story fleshed out.

The thing that was most helpful to me was OSC's book about writing SF/F. I would read a page or 2 out of that book and then just daydream about my world and my characters, and it sparked so many ideas that 50,000 words hardly seemed to be a challenge. On the down side, I'm not sure my body ever recovered from how little sleep I got last year. I don't think I can do it again.

If you get too hard up for an idea, there's always the nano shovel...

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited October 31, 2008).]

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :

Posted by Wolfe_boy (Member # 5456) on :
An hour and a half of frenzied writing and chatting in the EdmoWrimo chatroom. 1,715 words. Some good. Most spelled correctly. Still no idea where the story is going, and about 1,500 words are filler, but I tend to flail pretty hard on the first day until inspiration strikes. That's what editing is for, right?

Jayson Merryfield

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Just over 1000 words, and they all came hard. I'm hoping I'll find my groove before the day is over.
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I have a question about the site. I was wondering if anyone knew why it is not letting me use the word counting validator. It is just a grayed out box that I can do nothing with.
Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
confession time......
ok, my name is tempest and im computer illiterate (almost). my question is how do i count my words, then how do i enter it on the nano site? we have vista so im using microsoft works.

i wrote a bit last night, mostly getting acquainted with characters. they're some interesting people. now, what to do with them.......

its such a relief to be able to finally sit down and just write.

Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
If you go to the Edit Novel Info(found under My Nano Wrimo) there is a word count validator that your suppose to put your work into. I have not been able to get the validator to work, but maybe someone can let us know how to get it to work.
Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
Gobi, I can't get it to work either. I don't think that part of it is working yet, and niether is the total word count thingy on the NaNo front page, because it's still saying the total word count it zero.

I just put my word count to date in the box above the validator, that bit works.

Posted by Wolfe_boy (Member # 5456) on :
Under "My NaNoWriMo" you can go to "Edit My Novel" and it will have a space where you can type in your wordcount. I put mine in last night, but the NaNo site is finally slowing down - it's actually been alright this year. So, it might take a day for you to get access. That grey box at the top of the screen is supposed to come online sometime this weekend, but given the server crunch they're experiencing, I wouldn't hold my breath.

Jayson Merryfield

Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
ok ill try that, but back to my first q: how do i know how many words i've written? surely theres a program to count as i type, please dont tell me i have to count them all my self!!
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
tempest, what word processor are you using? Examples of word processors are Microsoft Word, Open Office, and Lotus Word Pro.
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I'm pretty computer illiterate myself, but I just go to tools and and there is an option that says "word count" and it counts them all for me.
Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
aspirit, im using microsoft works on vista.

unwritten, that did it!!! **she shouts while happy dancing**
i knew there had to be some simple thing to do, im just not clever enough to figure it out on my own.

thanks so much guys!! i have almost 1600 words. this day is looking good

thanks again!!

Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
Ok, if it is grayed out others also then I will not think about it. I was just making sure it was just not something I did. I am making good progress. I know that I have to get ahead of the curve to start, because later in the month it is going to get progressive harder for me to make it.
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Oh yeah, this is how I gained so much weight last year. I'd forgotten. Check e-mail, grab a candybar, check hatrack, grab a candybar, grab another one so I can get some real work done on Nano. Who put this contest so close to Halloween anyway?
Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
I was just wondering if its just me or if some of you feel the same. Now I've started writing for NaNo and got off to a good start, I'm in a really good mood!

I don't think I've been this happy in months.

I love working under pressure.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I spent the last week feeling like I was going to burst into tears whenever anyone asked me to do anything, I was so stressed at the thought of adding this to my life, but as soon as I started writing I felt like I had finally come home. It's cozy.

2,557 words today! I won't have time to work on it tomorrow, so it's nice to feel like I'm caught up anyway.

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 02, 2008).]

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
WooHoo moved my total from 2033 yesterday to 4093 today! Still managing to make the dictation work-and it is getting easier. This will really increase my chances of making it to 50K.

I also have decided to post a day's synopsis on Twitter
Each day with my word count.

Anyone else on Twitter?


Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
My story is going quite well for now. I am far ahead of where I thought I was going to be, but that is good. I have a betting pool riding on when I will finish. I guess I have to finish to see who wins.
Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
I had a wedding to go to Friday night, and I spent all day Saturday hanging out with friends from college I hadn't seen in two years. I played catch up today and made it to 3338 words.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Darklight, I'm with you. Something about's pretty awesome. I'm actually really ticked off with my work right now because there's actual *work* to be done (I thought we were in a lull, but turns out "we"- and when I say we I mean the other people I'm working with - were just in a lull waiting for feedback from some other people so that "we" - and when I say we I mean me - could make some more changes. For the umptey thousandth time. On a weekend no less!! Argh!)

Work is going to severely eat into my writing time. I'm also a bit worried about that Halloween candy. May have to pitch it after all...

Meanwhile, I'm just past 2200 words. Remarkable given that I have very little clue where I'm going. I need a mystery for my story, though. Some kind of puzzle/problem for the MC (age 11/12) to solve... Her father is a starship captain - big spaceship, as big as one of those huge cruiseliners (and then some.) Gotta work on that...


Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
im in a really good mood too. this is going much better than i expected. i don't know what kind of quality i'm turning out, but (for me) im doing well on quantity. i haven't been able to get onto the nano site to update my wordcount but i'm up to 3618, and could've put out more but family calls...or rather yells.
my story line has changed several times and i've eliminated 5 of my 6 original characters (they will be of use in future ventures).
i find myself almost obsessed with the story and the possibilities. i was trying to finish reading a book and found my mind wandering to my story several times.
so far, this is a much cooler experience than i expected.
Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
My first day back in the real world (a work day) didn't exactly go to plan. With 8,000 words under my belt over the weekend, and very pleased with my progress, today has been a disaster. I set the alarm for six, to get up and write until about seven fifteen. And the alarm didn't go off. No, I hadn't slept through it for an hour which I have done in the past, it simply didn't go off. I set it last night, turned it on. It was still turned on this morning but I guess it decided to have a day off.

So, I woke up at a quarter past seven, did the usual morning stuff, wrote about 150 words and had to call the council because my duaghters taxi firm was no longer taking her to college and I needed to know who was. They told me, I took my son to college, got home thinking I'd have some time to write. On the off chance, I called a friend of my daughter who is on the same taxi as the one she was supposed to be on, to be sure she was being picked up. The driver had no idea he was picking her up.

Back on to the council I went, told them. They said they'd get in touch with him and get back to me. By now, I have to go to work in seven minutes. Eventually they got that sorted and off I went, with no more words on the page.

I'm home now, and ready to write. If only I wasn't going to the supermarket with my daughter soon. That usually takes a couple of hours. I'll get a bit in now, and maybe get back to it around seven thirty.

Hope it's going well for everyone.

Posted by bluephoenix (Member # 7397) on :
Just saw the NaNo post in the discussion area, and so here I am; 'tis my first NaNo year this year! I am behind on my word count, it must be said, but I'm really pleased with how it's going so far.

Hope everyone's doing well!

Can I get added to the list at the top? My NaNo username is blue_phoenix86 .

What's it about... good question . I decided to start 'blind', and not plan a single thing. It's hard, but I'm enjoying it. There's an excerpt on my profile if you're curious.

I spent like an hour today just clicking on usernames, just to see what their sysopses / excerpts were like. It's really interesting to see what so many different people are coming up with.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Welcome bluepheonix!

I wonder what my synopsis says. It's hard to know since I can't seem to get on to the website. I keep losing patience and thinking I'll try again later. If I have a synopsis it must be from last year.

Keep me posted on how it goes starting out without planning anything. Maybe I'll try that next year. It sounds exciting--opening up your mind to the thrill of the unknown...

darklight--you are already past 8000 words?? Wow! Today has been a disaster for me too. Last year I offered to be PTA president at my school since no one else would volunteer. My only catch was that I would not plan the huge craft fair in November because November is my Nanowrimo month. I wanted nothing to do with it. Guess who is in charge? The only upside is that it is on Saturday, at which time my life should settle into normal chaos again. Still, I don't want to get behind on my word count, so I'm in their pushing. I'll announce my word count tonight, at which point I hope it won't be quite so abysmal.

Posted by branteaton (Member # 7782) on :
Wow! The Nano site is remarkably slow and inaccurate! The word count widget at the top of the screen is disabled, pages take _forever_ to load, and the reports vacillate between outdated and just plain wrong.


Posted by bluephoenix (Member # 7397) on :
It is a bit of a pain at the moment, yeah, but they have a stupid amount of traffic in the first few days. And I wondered about the word count updater at the top, too - they say it's still being tested, and should be activated in the next few days.

Poor NaNo severs .

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
I think I need a break!

I just wrote the word 'discussion' instead of the word 'successor'. I have no idea where that came from.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Was that on your 15,000th word, or your 16,000th? I think you've earned a break darklight.

Well, I'm a bit behind where I want to be, but I'm plugging along at 3754 words. I just finished chapter 1, and tomorrow I'll plunge into chapter 2.
Happy writing!

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 03, 2008).]

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I finally managed to get to my page on Nanowrimo. I officially have a synopsis. I can't wait til the site is going faster so I can look you all up and read what you've posted.
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
While I have gotten a good deal into my story, I have been trying something different. I have not been putting my story into chapters. It seems to be working out fairly well so far, but I am sure that I will have fun editing it later. I did not reach my daily goal today, but I am still ahead so it is all good. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
I'm up to 5200 words, recovered from the slow weekend. Decided I do not like my ebay-purchased older style apple keyboard and am now debating shelling out the $80 for the new model. Sigh. I'm a technology junkie.

I still have no idea where my plot is going, which is a bit of a challenge, and laugh at the idea that there's something called chapters in this thing. I just don't quite write that way yet. They will break naturally into chapters eventually, but right now it's all one big lump.

I'm trying to keep other mid-grade fiction works in mind (I'm aiming for that 5th-8th grade level, ala Chasing Vermeer and Peter and the Starcatchers) so I can keep the writing style simple and direct enough. In a way, that makes it easier, in another way that makes it harder.

We'll see how tomorrow goes. Have to vote, maybe go see friends (they may get put off in service of meeting my nano goals) and do a big work meeting (living in fear that there'll be 2+ hrs of work in my inbox in the morning meaning I can't do any of those things in the AM.) Sigh. Tiring week.


Posted by Cheyne (Member # 7710) on :
I too am tackling a younger audience for the first time. I figure I can tone down my vocab in revision, but to keep me focused on my target I am listening to an audio version of an old Heinlein YA novel on my way to work. The language makes me laugh when he uses outdated teenspeak but overall the sound of the language is helping.
Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
Ok, I think I'm nuts but I'm going to try this. I registered on NaNoWriMo - user 456740.

Maybe this will force me to stop pre-editing and just write.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Welcome Broda--you don't have a name on Nano? just a number?

You probably are nuts, but it's a good kind of nuts. Good luck!

Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
Broda over there too.
Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
The NaNoWriMo site keeps losing some of my info. Earlier I had someone else's excerpt on my novel page, my title & synopsis were both gone. I changed my password just in case. This evening my title and synopsis were gone again as well as my forum post count (1). I changed my password again but I don't have much faith in the site at this moment.
Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
Fell a little behind tonight. I'm only at 6300 words. Stupid cold.

This is turning out to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what I come up with next. I keep telling myself I'm going to edit the heck out of it later. I hope I don't get so sick of it that later never happens.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I haven't spent too much time over at Nanowrimo yet. I thought I'd wait for a week or two when their server starts working better. Broda, hopefully your page will work better in a few days.

Today was a rougher day for me in the writing world. Not only did real life keep intruding, but I wasn't sure what I really wanted to say. I'd been mulling over the first chapter for such a long time that I didn't have to think about it much, but the second chapter was very fuzzy. However--if I sit at the computer and start typing, the words will meld themselves into a story. THAT is the great lesson of Nanowrimo.

I finished at 5067 words. Not stellar, but not too far off the mark either. And now my bed is calling...

Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
i have fallen way behind in my word count, which doesnt seem to be stressing me too much. i've been sick and not able to sit at the computer, so i've taken a notebook to bed to jot down ideas. i hope to resume on the computer today. real life does intrude alot, but with the kids back in school today, hopefully life will be a little quieter.

i'm really enjoying writing, its mostly been backstory, i hope to actually find some forward moving plot soon.

Posted by Cheyne (Member # 7710) on :
Does anybody know a good hitman? There is a certain inner-editor I need excised. Speed not good.
Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :

You know how I said in an earlier post about splitting the daily amount into sixteen blocks of one hundred words? So, as I was at home yesterday, I decided to crank it up a little, and do sixteen blocks of three hundred words, starting at eight a.m., ending at midnight. The net result was: Sixteen blocks of three hundred words plus 1,972 extra words, giving my a total word count for the day of 6,428 words.

All that plus the usual daily stuff, plus being witness to a traffic accident litterally inches in front of me, becoming irate on the phone because the superstore wants to keep my son's almost new computer for two weeks, just to find out something I ready know; it's broken. Freaking out over a HUGE spider in my living room, and thinking, around nine p.m., that my head was going to explode.

Believe me, I am never doing that again.

For the rest of the week, I'm working now until friday, I'm settling for a nice and easy 1,000 words a day.

How's it going for you all?

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I've been at my home computer all day, yet I've gained only 1,200 words since Monday. When I attempted to write yesterday, I started replacing paragraphs, so I ended the day without any net gain worth mentioning. As I post, I'm at 4,600 total words.

Two issues are hampering my progress, other than my inability to let BS remain on screen. Firstly, I know little about the setting. The story starts in colonial Pennsylvania and remains in the area while progressing to modern day. I've only been to Pennsylvania once. Secondly, I've realized the story is about sex and death... Worse, my husband joked that I'm writing alien smut. I'm now wondering what's wrong with my subconscious.

If anytime during this month you need a break and want to discuss 19th century rural Pennsylvanian life, please email me. I would also love external reminders that I said I would not attempt to publish the story and so should not worry about how it reflects on me as a person or writer.


Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
So I'm now at about 11,000 words. I've managed to dictate all of them, and so I'm writing and my neck is getting better. I'm feeling pretty good about this, and probably will be right up until the point where I try to edit this novel.

I haven't been able to jump around in the timeline like some people suggest. But I have been able to turn off my internal editor, or at least mostly.

I think I'm going to go back tomorrow and work on my outline a bit more. Since I'm a bit ahead of where I thought I would be at this point.

I'm worried that the week of Thanksgiving is going to throw a wrench into all of this. I just found out that we are hosting all of my in-laws. That's going to mean 15+ people for Turkey and that's just the relatives, will probably pick up a few more stragglers. We do every year. It's not that I mind, I like having people in the house, but it will make writing hard that week.

Has anyone thought about strategies for Thanksgiving?


Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
I think we're going to leave town for Thanksgiving and stay with my wife's best friend. I'll probably get more writing done that week than any this month because babysitting duties will be mostly off my plate.
Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
I got stuck and had to skip forward in my story for the first time since starting. What resulted was the only part of my story I'm happy with right now. I guess it was worth it. I'm finishing the day at 8370.

As for Thanksgiving, my not-so-well-thought-out-plan is to dictate into my cheap mp3 player during my 10 hour drive and then type it out like a mad woman when I get home. I am almost hoping I can reach a point where I can skip this plan for something better.

LAJD & darklight - you guys are really dumping it out there! I'm jealous! Good job!

aspirit - I don't know how much I'd be able to help with 19th Century rural PA life, but I went to undergrad in PA - Millersville in Lancaster county. Amish country.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
asprit: I've been replacing paragraphs too. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing a little bit of that, as long as you don't go out of control. This year, I let myself go back and read what I just wrote and then do ONE edit--skipping things that don't have any bearing on the story and that are annoying enough that I'm sure I'll catch them later.

About Pennsylvania--I'm sure you could find some experts if you ask in the open discussions section. I've got relatives there, so I've been there many times. I'm not sure if I'm an expert, but if you have any questions, I'll have an answer(no guarantee that it's the right answer of course.

Sadly, I'm not an expert on alien smut, so you're on your own with that one.

LAJD: This week has been crazy hectic for me. Thanksgiving should be much calmer. My rule for this week has been that I stay up late and get at least 1300 words written, no matter how long it takes me. Sometimes I just want to cry at the thought of doing it, but as soon as I start I remember that writing is the FUN PART of life. So my advice is: force yourself to write even if you don't really feel like it. It'll be the best part of the week.


[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 05, 2008).]

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
BIG HINT to the paragraph replacers:

Leave in the old one. Use your word processor's "strikethrough" feature to mark the text for deletion. Your word counter will still count the words. After all, you did write them during National Novel Writing Month, you're entitled to claim them, even if you never want to see them again.

Remember, it's all about getting words on the page. I don't look back at what I've written much except to figure out if I've said X about something before or to look up the name I came up with for something. I also then try to copy that stuff to a list i have at the front of the document that's the basics for the world I've created. That actually adds to my word count over the days, so I have a two part word counting spreadsheet. One half I enter what I can tell I wrote (from where I left off last time to where I left off this time) and the other is where I just put in how many words my word processor claims the document has.

Meanwhile, I'm only at 7400 words which is a little behind. I'm finding it really slow going this year and I know it's because i did virtually no prep work. As soon as my day job slows down enough that I can breathe and not be so panicked about getting my word count in, I will go back and do some more brainstorming for scenes and conflicts. It'll help me keep from staring off into space as I wonder what will happen next or wonder if there's any way I can possibly escape this scene without barfing on it.

And in other news, I have already had the opportunity to use some of the Hatrack Utility Belt's Handwavium Pellets (tm) - fantastic for filling in those places that you know require research but you'll never get your word count in if you stop to research. So I sprinkled some on a first aid situation and poof! I'll deal with that later!

Good luck to everyone.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
And now, after all of my big talking, I am going to bed after having only written 500 words, all of which are misspelled and every single one was telling, not showing, and I sat and stared at the screen and couldn't figure out anything worth showing, so good night. I'll try again tomorrow.
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I have been doing very well so far, but I am behind where I wanted to be. I hope to be done before the 22nd, because then I will have family issues that will block my writing. The biggest problem that I have noticed with my story is the pacing. Either the story is going too fast or it is going too slow. I am still trying to figure out a good pace. Also I have no idea what genre to put it in. It fits in between fantasy and sci-fi. Maybe by the end of it, I will know what genre it is.

[This message has been edited by gobi13x (edited November 06, 2008).]

Posted by Warbric (Member # 2178) on :
I like the numbers I see for our Hatrack people at NaNoWriMo! Keep going everybody.

Don't let my word count fool any of you. Even though I'm doing okay -- far better than last year's "loss" (I may have an odd-year NaNo Curse!) -- I'm still having a devil of a time of it.

My excerpt is posted. I have no idea where some of that came from. My muses delivered it more or less that way. But that character in the excerpt -- what a stage hog! I can't get him to shut up to make room for anyone else. He's not even the MC.

(Make me explain some other time why his stallion -- a male horse -- has a female persona within it that seems to reside also within Sethuur's head. Truth is, I'm not yet sure. Just kind of came that way and I'm running with it for now.)

I started out with a beginning and an ending, and I had a decent idea about what would go in the middle to drag the two together into a novel, but my characters aren't giving me their full cooperation yet. Things are slipping slightly askew in a few places and may require much editing later.

But the words are coming -- maybe not super easily, but they are coming -- and I'm just going to have to tuck my chin to my chest and blunder on.

Oh, yeah, that's kind of the idea in the first place, huh?

(This post was prepared under the influence of copious quantities of an unregulated caffeinated substance. The management takes no responsible for any rambling, duplication, or nonsensical alliteration.)

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
well, i'm officially the most far behind. i haven't written a lick. that's right. not a word. i'm gonna try to go for it this weekend, but this might be the year i don't finish. my new job (yay!) is squashing me, turning me into dough, and cranking me out a pasta machine. i'm having a hard time shedding my work shell every night and stretching my fiction wings. anyway, i'll see how it goes this weekend.
Posted by Wolfe_boy (Member # 5456) on :
I'm struggling mightily too, annepin. Almost 8,000 words behind today. I usually use the first full weekend to stretch my lead out, not struggle to make up missed wordcount. I'm trying to be persistent too, keep writing every day, but it's hard to find a lot of time to crush out more than a few hundred words at a time.

I guess persistence is the key though. Hopefully a few hundred will become a few thousand without too much more effort. Keep it up, girl!

Jayson Merryfield

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
It's annoying the way the world keeps revolving, meals keep needing to be served (and eaten!), clothes keep getting dirty, deadlines keep steadily approaching, kids keep needing help with homework...don't they know we're trying to write a novel here? Just leave us alone!

I finally got some time to work on my novel during the day! I had an hour an a half before my son needed to be picked up at preschool, so I went to a nearby library and wrote the whole time--with only one foray into a calvin and hobbes book. I was really picking up steam, and I looked at the clock and I was 10 minutes late! Yikes.

annepin, couldn't you write one little word? That's how books are written, you know.

I was trying to think of something we could do to boost our word totals. We can't really do a one hour challenge, because we're not all on-line at the same time. I think we could all use an energy boost. Does anyone have any ideas?

A word war? A midnight rally? (What is a word war anyway?)

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
Thanks for the support, Wolfe_Boy and Unwritten! I've got hopefully some of this afternoon and most of tomorrow free, so I should be able to write at least one word then, right? Then another one? Hopefully they'll make sense...

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I've never known a word that didn't make sense. It's when we combine them that there are issues.

edited to say: Sorry. It's been a particularly long day, and I'm in a pretty goofy mood.

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 08, 2008).]

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
One word makes sense... two words probably will. Three words? Not necessarily.

But yay! I've got 2184 words! And yes, they do make sense. At least to me, and right now, that's what matters, right? Okay, how far behind am I now?

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
Good for you, annepin!

You are catching up with me, if that makes you feel any better. Will you be able to work on it during the week? or is work just too brutal?

I had to take a few days off to finish up some other major projects and then to recover. I'm hoping my kids will give me a while to write today (no school...) I can dream can't I?

On the positive side, I'm feeling excited about my story again.

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
I'm a little over the half way mark right now. I love doing NaNo, love writing a story that I can some time later polish up and use, but I'm dissapointed with myself right now. My output is right down at the moment, and I'm having days now when I'm thinking, do I really have to write today? But I absolutely want to finish this and don't want to have a day when I have a zero word growth.

I'm home alone tomorrow and am going to give myself another mini challenge, though nothing as severe as last Tuesday. Then I'm home from Firday to next Wednesday so hope to get another big chunk written.

Anyhow, I've just put my MC in peril, and he has a dangerous time ahead of him. I'm hoping that will perk me up a bit.

Hope everyone's word counts are going up nicely.

Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
I'm looking forward to a nice writing holiday tomorrow... hubby will be asleep, I should have ample time to write!
Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I had a slow weekend, but I knew that it would be. It has put me a bit behind, but I made it up today. I knew what my ending was going to be since I started, so after writing a bit of my story, I thought why not write the ending. So that was the biggest thing I did today. Now I have to go back and connect the rest of the story to the ending.
Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
i didn't get anything written over the weekend. i did however, string my plot together which was very exciting. now i just have to write it.

i added about 2000 words this morning, and hoping to add some tonight after the kids go down. that would put me way behind instead of desperately behind.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I did pretty well today. I wrote just over 2000 words, for a grand total of 9795. That's nowhere close to where I want to be, but I'll take it. I really thought I could push myself over 10,000 words--I mean come on! I'm so close! But I couldn't do it. I didn't write my ending, like gobi13x, but I did skip ahead and write a scene I was excited about. Now if I could only fill in the missing scenes that easily...

It sounds like most of us are still plugging along. Tomorrow I really need to figure out the specifics about the next few scenes so that I don't stare blindly at the screen like I did today (until I decided to skip ahead).

Keep up the good work! 12000 words, here I come!


Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
It's me again. Where is everyone? Probably off writing their nano stories, which is something I'm really struggling with at the moment. When I did it last year, I just wrote with reckless abandon, and I can't make myself do that this year. I spent a whole year learning about POV, not overusing adverbs and not starting every sentence in a paragraph with the word "she" and I can't unlearn all of that and go back to the orgy of just writing. But right now, I'm going to give it my best shot. I'm going to try and write 1000 words in an hour, starting...NOW!
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
How did you do, Melanie? I'm at just under 18k, which is right on spot (I got a little behind, then caught up. I'm 400 words behind for my daily total today but I will sneak those in before I go to bed) - but I share your pain. This book sucks compared to what I wrote last year. It's partly that I know what I'm doing and I know this sucks, but I'm going to attribute 75% of the suckage to the fact that I planned very little in advance this year (I probably spent 3-4 hrs planning last year, not like I planned for eons, but those couple hours were pretty key) The book is just meandering, I clearly don't know where I'm going. My MC is an 11 year old on a space ship that's going to be making a colonist run to another planet, but I'm at 18k words and the ship isn't even beginning the colonist boarding process, the Governor and her family have just moved onboard and that's about it. I am finding the writing so much slower this year because I just don't know from scene to scene what's going to happen. It's a good lesson for me, it's clearly a lot harder to write this way, I don't think I'll do this again.

Meanwhile, my personal writing hell for the day is that my characters' only reactions to one another seems to be to laugh. Uh, really? That's the best I can come up with. Pathetic! If anyone wants to suggest some alternatives I'd be forever in your debt.

What other stupid things do you find yourself doing in your WIPs? Last year I figured out at some point that I was always having my MC notice things, instead of just writing them. I write third limited, deep immersion POV, but that doesn't mean that every thing that happens in the world has to be expressed through the MC noticing or seeing or sensing things. I can say "The wall was white" instead of "MC noticed that the wall was white." Oh boy, that was a mess!

So the rest of you, spill. What are your bad Nano habits??

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :

I wrote 1,104 words in one hour, and yes, probably much of it needs to be deleted, but I actually had fun. If I can write this many words in an hour, I might be able to salvage this contest. I was feeling mightily discouraged, but now I'm pumped! That puts me at 11,916 words. I am sure I can get past the 12,000 mark before I go to bed. Tomorrow's goal is 2,500 words.

There really is some magic in turning off your inner editor. Now, if she'll just stay off until I catch back up.


Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
I am at around 19k right now. I was struggling really bad from scene to scene, but then I went back and started on something I was going to consider as backstory. I have been doing much better ever since and I am thinking about how I might want to reconsider my strategy on telling this story.

I did very little planning before Nano started, and this is my first one, so I have nothing to compare with. In the future, I might plan more. But what I like about this approach is knowing since I had very little to go on at the start, I am not as picky about how things have to be. My writing is crap and I know it. I am happier with certain story elements I am coming up with on the fly than I am the writing.

I have probably used the word "that" an astronomical number of times. "Already" has found its way in there quite a bit too, or at least I was noticing it a lot tonight. My MC is a clutz. I think he got knocked out three times and fell down twice in the first three pages. I will fix that - in December.


Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Hey Melanie - just so you know, my inner editor is in Tahiti. I plan to join her there after Nano. Doesn't Tahiti sound dreamy in December? Me and my laptop and some white sand beaches and someone willing to fetch me beverages...I think I need to book that trip...

Good job Samj - and who cares, at least something is happening *to* your MC! Mine has things happen around her but she doesn't do much other than follow along. Gotta fix that, send her on an adventure. Toodeloo!

Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
well this must be my reckless abandon year- the time to write and not worry about it. ignorance really is bliss.
i love my story and my characters. i enjoy sitting down to see what is going to happen next and have been surprised a few times. i know generally how it will end, but the anticipation of how we will get there is sweet. im really excited about how this is going.

im sure when i learn about POV, true character development, adverbs, cliches, and all the other "good writer" stuff, i'll cringe and hide under my computer desk. but for right now, who cares.....

yesterday i only had an hour to work before i collapsed, but i did get in around 1000 words. i plan to make up some of my word count today.

in the back of my mind i sincerely hope that there is some quantity of salvageable stuff in what im writing.

good luck everyone

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
im sure when i learn about POV, true character development, adverbs, cliches, and all the other "good writer" stuff, i'll cringe and hide under my computer desk. but for right now, who cares.....

That was the beauty of last night. I made myself ignore all that stuff and just write, and to my liberating surprise, it wasn't half bad. I may be telling parts of the story that I'll cut out later, but at least they're getting on paper, and out of my head.

just so you know, my inner editor is in Tahiti.

My inner editor loved that idea, and wonders if there might be a spare hammock she could curl up in. All she needs is a spot to set some books and a good looking waiter.

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
Advice please

I am at a point in my story that my characters have to go on a journey, about eighty miles, by foot. But nothing really happens on the journey, it's what happens when they get there that matters. Can I just skip the journey and go to when they or arive, or do I need a paragraph or two about the journey?

I know it doesn't really matter because its NaNo, but until I get over this, I'm stuck and can't take the story forward.

A few thousand words ago, I thought I wasn't going to have enough material to complete the story, now I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in. I realise with this, the story doesn't have to be complete, just have to have 50,000 words written, but if I don't finish the story, I probably wouldn't for a long time, if at all.

Louise (31,000 words in and ready to collapse. I need to sleep!). And need to learn how to spell.

[This message has been edited by darklight (edited November 12, 2008).]

Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
I'd skip the journey if it's your stumping point. Don't let it block you. Maybe later you'll come back and add 10k words about it or maybe not - doesn't matter - just don't let yourself be blocked.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
What Broda said, darklight. Tell yourself that you'll save the journey in case there's some set-up you need to insert to foreshadow some later development in the story, and then go on to what happens at their destination.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Just summarize it.

"The journey was long and arduous, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Josephina and Lornal found themselves at the foot of Mount Desolate 3 days later with considerably lighter packs and downcast attitudes."


Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
darklight: My advice: get some sleep. Sleep in. Stretch out and wiggle your toes underneath the sheets. Maybe I'm just jealous that you're so far ahead of me, but you'll be surprised how much more creative a well-rested brain is than that over-extended one you're using right now.
Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Wow! it sounds like everyone is doing great.

I had a couple of slow days, but I am back now and rolling.....I have had a serious lack of inspiration and then I looked up and saw a bunch of crows rattling away in the trees and realized that they were in the story and were spies....


Really, just high on life...


[This message has been edited by LAJD (edited November 12, 2008).]

Posted by gobi13x (Member # 6837) on :
I am progressing nicely. My story has taken a turn that I had not thought of before and it working out nicely. I am behind where I want to be, but still ahead of where I thought I was going to be.

[This message has been edited by gobi13x (edited November 13, 2008).]

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I think that little minichallenge I gave myself completely kicked that writer's block/teetering on the verge of a nervous breakdown crisis I was going through. I'm still not breaking any records, but I'm hovering around a very respectable 2100 words a day. I closed today at 16,155 words, which is
behind where I want to be, but still ahead of where I thought I was going to be.

Posted by Cheyne (Member # 7710) on :
I took the course of writing the more interesting scenes first. This left me with the task of writing the in-between scenes out of sequence and as a consequence, some scenes that I thought were a couple of quick scenes away from each other are growing alarmingly distant. At 10k I have hardly attacked the main conflict and I have laid the groundwork for many subplot/conflicts that were not in my original outline. I am finding new plot lines developing that may preclude or at least alter a lot of what I have already written...

Anybody else writing in a non-linear manner?

Posted by tempest (Member # 8242) on :
I was writing in a non-linear manner, writing scenes that came to me, skipping stuff i just couldn't see. I thought it was really enjoyable, because i wasn't sure where i was going in the first place. Alot of good stuff came out. One morning, however, the plot just came together and I realized where it would go and how it will end(it was a very exciting!). Most of the stuff i wrote before will be cut out and the surviving stuff that is to be woven in is driving me crazy. I started writing from a pivotal point in the story and have progressed dramatically from there. I am now hanging on to linearity with both hands. I will have to go back and write the beginning though (errrrrr).

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
I just cannot write out of sequence. I have to start at the start and end at the end and write it as it happens in sequence. The only thing I do do, is if I have a great idea for a future scene, I will jot down a little reminder of what it is or some dialogue from it to jog my memory later.

Thanks all for your great advice by the way. I left the journey, added a sentance or two in the next scene referencing it and carried on. Now I have another problem. I've gotten to a section I know is going to be difficult to write, and at the moment, am finding every excuse not to sit down and write it. But on the upside, my house hasn't looked this clean and tidy in a while.

I had a plan and a target for the next few days, get to 45,000 words by the end of Tuesday, I'm back at work Wednesday, but I can't see that happening with my current output. Oh well, it's been nice to have a day chilling out. I'll give myself a kick up the backside tomorrow.

Hope its going well for all.

Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
If you're stuck, or just want a "kick", try this:

I used it tonight and output more than I have all week. I'm not writing anything in order, I didn't make an outline beforehand so I'm just winging it. I'm typing everything that comes to mind -- editing is for later.

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
broda: That is so evil! I wish I'd seen it before I finished for the night. I may have to try that tomorrow. That means I'll have to lie in bed tonight and picture what I want to have happen though. I'm about to write my first murder ever, and I'm feeling shy about it. Action of all sorts is difficult for me, and murder is so over the top. I ended the day at 18,275 words, so I wrote 2353 words today. I don't think I can get to 25,000 words by tomorrow, but I am slowly cathing up. Well, I'm off to plan my first murder...

Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
I almost forgot. I only wrote one scene out of order. It was back when I was feeling very stuck, and I knew this scene inside and out. Catching up to that scene is taking up a lot more words than I thought it would. If I wrote too many things out of order, I am afraid I would get lost somewhere in storyland.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Catching up...

I don't know how much I'd be able to help with 19th Century rural PA life, but I went to undergrad in PA - Millersville in Lancaster county. Amish country.

Sjsampson, thank you. I'm currently unsure of the exact location of the story, so I'll replace location fillers later. I'm considering Lancaster county for its population diversity at the start of the 1800s, though Cumberland county contains more of the physical features I'm looking for. I'll remember you as a SME.

I've been replacing paragraphs too. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing a little bit of that, as long as you don't go out of control. This year, I let myself go back and read what I just wrote and then do ONE edit--skipping things that don't have any bearing on the story and that are annoying enough that I'm sure I'll catch them later.

About Pennsylvania--I'm sure you could find some experts if you ask in the open discussions section. I've got relatives there, so I've been there many times. I'm not sure if I'm an expert, but if you have any questions, I'll have an answer(no guarantee that it's the right answer of course.
Sadly, I'm not an expert on alien smut, so you're on your own with that one.

Unwritten, good advice. About PA, I'm making progress by researching on the internet and excluding the details that come from actually being on location. I figured I need to leave some research for December's rewrite. Happily, sex is a bigger deal in the scenes I wrote the first week; now I'm deeper in romance, friendships, and political activism.

BIG HINT to the paragraph replacers:

Leave in the old one. Use your word processor's "strikethrough" feature to mark the text for deletion. Your word counter will still count the words. After all, you did write them during National Novel Writing Month, you're entitled to claim them, even if you never want to see them again.

KayTi, I thought that might be cheating. I'm now following your suggestion when removing a paragraph or more. Thank you!

[This message has been edited by aspirit (edited November 15, 2008).]

Posted by darklight (Member # 5213) on :
I love write or die, it's amazing!

I wrote 442 words in twelve minutes. In two sessions AND copied and pasted them to my WIP and corrected the few spelling mistakes!

Me thinks I'll be using that again.

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Broda, thank you for the Write Or Die link! I met my morning goal because of it.
Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
504 words in 20 minutes on write or die. That wasn't bad. What I wrote was cheesier than I wanted it to be, but at this point, I'm just happy to get the story on the page. I always think I'm going to get so much writing done on the weekend. Ha!

[This message has been edited by Unwritten (edited November 15, 2008).]

Posted by Broda (Member # 8280) on :
I'm glad it's helping y'all

I never got the nag popups when I was using it because there was a short term goal and the count down clock that gave me an adrenaline rush.

I'm way behind on NaNo but I'm not discouraged. It's my first time to even attempt a novel let alone a novel in a month. I keep writing as I can and if I get to 50k by the end awesome, if not I'm not too upset - it's all a learning experience.

Posted by sjsampson (Member # 8075) on :
I made it over halfway - 26k right now. I am writing completely out of order, and I made a major change in it which does not match the rest. Either December or January will be an interesting month when I go back and try and make sense of it all.

I am beginning to envy the people that planned ahead. I have no idea what is going to happen next...

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