This is topic The Race - Standings in forum Hatrack Groups at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Alrighty, lets get this show on the road.

This is a motivational scoring group based on a blog post by Dean Wesley Smith.

The way this works is this. Based on the number of short stories, query packages and novels you have out to publisher for a given week you are awarded points.

1pt for a short story
3pt for a query package (three chapters and an outline)
8pt for a full novel manuscript

Weeks run from Sunday to Saturday.

If you want to participate, simply post in this thread listing each of the scoring submissions you have out and each Sunday I will update the standings listed below.

If you have questions about how to post your submissions, see the post immediately following this post for an example.

Good Luck!

Current Week Ending: Nov 22nd, 2008
1. TheOnceandFutureMe 15pts
2. Brad R Torgersen 11pts
3. AWSullivan 5pts

************** History **************
Week Ending: Nov 15th, 2008
1. tchernabyelo 19pts
2. TheOnceandFutureMe 15pts
3. Crank 6pts
4. AWSullivan 5pts

Week Ending: Nov 8th, 2008
1. TheOnceandFutureMe 16pts
2. tchernabyelo 13pts
3. Crank 6pts
4. AWSullivan 5pts

Week Ending: Nov 1st, 2008
1. TheOnceandFutureMe 17pts
2. Brad R Torgersen 12pts
3. AWSullivan 5pts
4. aspirit 1pts

Week Ending: Oct 25th, 2008
1. TheOnceandFutureMe 18pts
2. tchernabyelo 16pts
3. AWSullivan 5pts
4. LAJD 2pts
5. aspirit 1pts

Week Ending: Oct 18th, 2008
1. tchernabyelo 18pts
2. TheOnceandFutureMe 16pts
3. AWSullivan 5pts
4. aspirit 2pts
5. LAJD 2pts
6. Crank 1pts

Week Ending: Oct 11th, 2008
1. tchernabyelo 19pts
2. TheOnceandFutureMe 16pts
3. Brad R Torgersen 8pts
4. AWSullivan 6pts
5. aspirit 2pts
6. LAJD 2pts
7. Crank 1pts

Week Ending: Oct 4th, 2008
1. tchernabyelo 20pts
2. TheOnceandFutureMe 17pts
3. Brad R Torgersen 7pts
4. AWSullivan 6pts
5. KayTi 4pts
6. Aspirit 2pts
7. LAJD 2pts
8. Crank 1pts
9. Zero 1pts

Week Ending: Sept 27th, 2008
1. tchernabyelo 20pts
2. TheOnceandFutureMe 18pts
3. Brad R Torgersen 6pts
4. AWSullivan 5pts
5. KayTi 3pts
6. Aspirit 2pts
7. LAJD 2pts
8. Nick T 2pts
9. TaleSpinner 2pts
10. Crank 1pts
11. Zero 0pts

Week Ending: Sept 20th, 2008
1. tchernabyelo 22pts
2. TheOnceandFutureMe 17pts
3. Brad R Torgersen 6pts
4. AWSullivan 5pts
5. KayTi 3pts
6. LAJD 2pts
7. TaleSpinner 2pts
8. Nick T 1pts
9. Zero 0pts

Week Ending: Sept 13th, 2008
1. AWSullivan 4pts
2. Brad R Torgersen 4pts
3. TaleSpinner 2pts
4. LAJD 0pts

[This message has been edited by AWSullivan (edited November 24, 2008).]

Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Week Ending: Sept 13th, 2008

Title: -Withheld-
Type: Short
Publication: Writers of the Future (4Q 2008)

Title: Old Magic
Type: Short
Publication: Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Title: Filthy Blood
Type: Short
Publication: Shiny

Title: Recall
Type: Short
Publication: Asimov's Science Fiction

Total: 4pts

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Week ending Sept 13 points.
But, I have written my first submission letter to send tomorrow.



Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
What Chains Bind Us (Black Gate)
The Man Who Was Never Afraid (Things Are Not What They Seem)
Atacama (Flash Fiction Online)
This Corruption (ChiZine)
The Burning Touch Of Water, The Soothing Balm Of Flame (WOTF)
Il Mystera Del Tempo (Flash Fiction Online)
The Man His Father Was (Glimmer Train)
The Price Of Passage (IGMS)
The Heart Of The Dragon (Darwin's Evolutions)
A Certain Future (Fictitious Force)
For The Sake Of The Kingdom (Abyss And Apex)
Before Twilight (Coyote Wild)
The George Solution (Horror d'Oeuvres)
The First League Out From Land (Serpentarius)
The Demands Of Duty (Andromeda Spaceways)
Weaving Fancies For The Children (Every Day Fiction)
Forget Me (Weird Tales)
When The Men Returned (Fantasy Magazine)

18, as at Monday 15th September.

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Hmm, well I have stuff out at: (no titles, sorry)

Flash Fiction Online
Heinlein contest
3 points for me.
Guess I need to get cracking!

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Since some markets use an annonymised slush reading process I'm not comfortable sharing titles. Suffice to say, I have offered a story each to:

Flash Fiction Online

So, 2 points.


Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on :
Hat's off to tcherna, who is clearly serious about this s**t.

My current race score, as of last Sunday, was 4.

Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
I have the advantage of having written well over fifty short stories in the past three years (and sold over twenty). My basic aim in joining the Race is to try and keep my average up - my target for this year was to keep between 15 and 20 (which apart from one dip in May I have done), and next year I'm hoping to be able to run it at about the 20 mark while I stop writing so many short stories and start working on a novel or two instead.


Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

I'm not an official participant of this race, but I check out the progress periodically to glean inspiration from everyone's ambition and work ethic.

Thank you!

Just our of curiosity...if I were participating, how many points for sending out an agent query letter and synopsis?



Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
I think that a query package sent to an agent isn't any different than a query package sent to an editor. So that would be 3 points.


Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
I also have 0.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Haha! Zero has 0... Sorry I had to...

Send something out so I can't make that joke anymore.


Posted by Nick T (Member # 8052) on :

One short submitted to Analogue, so I guess that's one point.

If Zero submits a story, does that mean he has to change his name?


Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :

Woo Hoo...two this week!

Story #1->
Title: My Superpower
Type: Flash
Publication: F&SF (Hey, no guts, no glory)

Story #2->
Title: A gift from the gods
Type: short
Publication: OSC InterGalactic Medicine Show (again, with the no guts...)



Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Week Ending: Sept 20th, 2008

Title: -Withheld-
Type: Short
Publication: Writers of the Future (4Q 2008)

Title: Old Magic
Type: Short
Publication: Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Title: Filthy Blood
Type: Short
Publication: Hub

Title: Recall
Type: Short
Publication: Asimov's Science Fiction

Title: Club No. Five
Type: Short
Publication: Fantasy & Science Fiction

One rejection letter this week. Sent back out same day. One new story sent out today. That brings me to 5.

Total: 5pts

Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on :
An interesting week.

I began with one half-finished short piece, which I couldn't really figure out what to do with, having stalled out in the middle.

By Wednesday I'd started another piece which was going better, but which I realized might balloon into something bigger and that might take more time to complete than I knew I had left.

So I spent two hours going back into my short story archive and looking at one of my very first stories from 1995. Something I'd not laid eyes on in ten years.

Oh wow, that was a fascinating exercise. I'd forgotten what the story was about almost entirely, and was able to read it like it was new. Lots of problems. Especially beginner mistakes. But I liked the core story, and was bummed I didn't keep it out on the markets back in the day. So I cleaned it up, slashed a thousand words off it, re-formatted, and mailed it out again.

This seemed consonant with Heinlein's Fifth Rule.

I might try to do that with a few others. Not everything from that bygone era is worth refurbishment. But it can't hurt to nose around on the dusty shelves and see if anything looks worthwhile. Who knows? Maybe one of them sells this time.

So, that leaves Thursday and Today to come up with a new work for the markets. I felt the panic coming on, because I spent all day Thursday dinking on non-story stuff! Worthwhile, but still non-story.

So this morning as I am toweling off and getting ready for work, I went back to an idea I'd had bouncing in my head for a couple weeks. All it was was a single title. Two words. Could I build a SF or F story around them?

Well, in the space of about fifteen minutes, it slid together. The basics anyway. Driving back up Sardine Canyon to visit one of my clinics I support, I was able to think about it and flesh it out some more.

Life at the clinic was slow, as I'd hoped, so I parked myself to the side and started firing on the story. From 11 AM to 4 PM. Not steady writing all the way through, I had to work still. But enough to get 4,700 words in the can and reach a satisfactory conclusion.

Whoo! I've not been "lit up" by a story like that in awhile. Reminded me of how fun this whole game can be when you just shut the Inner Critic in the closet, and let Voice take over and tell the story.

I had to do very little cleanup and I think it's one of my tightest stories ever. Unexpected.

I'm a little annoyed it's over my self-imposed 3K word limit, but I can live with 4,700 because it's still short (for me) and if I hadn't mentally cut a LOT of passages I really wanted to put in, it would have been much longer.

I end the week with two half-finished stories for next time, one brand new tale out to market, one old tale spruced up and back out to market, and one other tale submitted to WOTF for their Q4 deadline.


Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Rejected this week:
The Burning Touch Of Water, The Soothing Balm Of Flame (WOTF)
The First League Out From Land (Serpentarius - de facto rejection, market closed)
When The Men Returned (Fantasy Magazine)

Submitted this week:
Where The Dacouvri Died (Clarkesworld)
The Burning Touch Of Water... (Doorways)
The First League Out From Land (Alternative Coordinates)
When The Men Returned (Ideomancer)
The Purpose Of The Art (Fantasy Magazine)
Getting To Know You (Every Day Fiction)
The Gallery Of Illusions (Every Day Fiction)

Race total: 22


Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
********************************** Sept 21, 2008 **********************************
Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
Can I get in on this?

Title: Rosebuds
Type: Short
Publication: Fantasy Magazine

Title: The Talon's Bane
Type: Short
Publication: Realms of Fantasy

Title: Scarechild
Type: Flash
Publication: Cemetery Dance

I've got 15 other short stories out at magazines, but the ones I listed are the ones I sent this week.

Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

Don't read this post until Monday. It'll be in the mail by then.

Title: Trophic Decrescendo
Type: short
Market: New Genre

Not the greatest start to a race ever. I must have missed a shift.



Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Just a reminder, as I understand the rules of the race - this is for each *new* submission you make each week, right?

So I can't claim credit for the stuff I claimed last week. Gotta get some new stuff in the mail. Hrm....


Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
No, it's for anything you have out in the mail that you haven't heard back from. Basically, each sub adds 1, each rejection (or sale) subtracts 1. Hence I had 18, got three rejections, sent out seven submissions, and went to 22.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
The one with the unpronounceable name (tchernabyelo) is correct.


Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
Oh. I misunderstood. Let me try again.

"A Time for Peace" - Solander
"The Talon's Bane" - Realms of Fantasy
"Atlantic in Shadow" - Strange Horizens
"Blogs and Bones" - Dark Fire
"Cleansing" - Midnight Times
"---------" - Flash Fiction Online
"He'll Come for Me" - Doorways
"Holes over the Skyline" - The New Yorker
"Main Street" - Dappled Things
"Pestilence" - Coyote Wild
"Rosebuds" - Fantasy Magazine
"SPANK" - From the Asylum
"Transcend" - Atomjack
"Underneath" - Murky Depths
"Methods of Determining Specimens for Abduction" - Postcards from Hell
"Tears" - Intergalactic Medicine Show
"Scarechild" - Cemetery Dance

That makes 17. Sorry about saying 18 before. I didn't think the others applied to the contest and thus just guesstimated.

[This message has been edited by TheOnceandFutureMe (edited September 22, 2008).]

Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
The one with the unpronounceable name (tchernabyelo) is correct.

Chair - na - byellow.

Only in a Slavic accent, so lengthening the "chair" and "byell" syllables.

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Thank you for clarifying, tchernabyelo! In my mind, you were simply Cher (like the singer) or Churn, depending on the day.

I submitted a short story to Realms of Fantasy yesterday. That brings my total to one point.

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Thanks for clarifying. I've got to get cracking as my WOTF entry is going to come smacking me in the face shortly. Best address the envelope now...hmm...where should a story about wacky hijinx on the moon go? Hmm...


Posted by Nick T (Member # 8052) on :

My update, now have two stories in circulation:

1) Copyright to Analogue
2) Blossom to Strange Horizons



Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Week Ending: 9/27/2008

I suspect one or two of these could come back this week. If they do I'll update this post to indicate where I sent them back out to.

Got a nice personal rejection from Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Submitted it on to Strange Horizons.

JJA over at F&SF sent me a nice form letter. Got it on Saturday so it goes back on out Monday. No points for that one.

Title: -Withheld-
Type: Short
Publication: Writers of the Future (4Q 2008)

Title: Old Magic
Type: Short
Publication: Strange Horizons

Title: Filthy Blood
Type: Short
Publication: Hub

Title: Recall
Type: Short
Publication: Asimov's Science Fiction

Title: The Rink
Type: Short
Publication: Jim Baen's Universe

Total: 5pts


[This message has been edited by AWSullivan (edited September 27, 2008).]

[This message has been edited by AWSullivan (edited September 28, 2008).]

Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Rejected this week:
Where The Dacouvri Died (Clarkesworld)
Il Mystera Del Tempo (Flash Fiction Online)
When Winter Came (Podcastle)
The Man His Father Was (Glimmer Train)

Accepted this week:
Weaving Fancies For The Children (Every Day Fiction)

Submitted this week:
When Winter Came (Podcastle)
Wher The Dacouvri Died (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)
Il Mystera Del Tempo (Strange Horizons)

Five down, three up. Race total: 20


Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
Update: I now have two short stories (flash) out.

1) "Gregg the Gnome" to Realms of Fantasy
2) "Lucky Cumshaw" to Writer's Digest for Your Story contest

Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
"A Time for Peace" came back from Solander, and I sent it out to Bravado.

I also sent a new story, "Employers," to Elery Queen Mystery Magazine.

Race total: 18

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Week ending 9/27:
same as last week, no rejections, yet and no new stories. Maybe next week?

Story #1->
Title: My Superpower
Type: Flash
Publication: F&SF (Hey, no guts, no glory)

Story #2->
Title: A gift from the gods
Type: short
Publication: OSC InterGalactic Medicine Show (again, with the no guts...)


Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
********************************** Sept 28, 2008 **********************************
Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Nothing in this week, nothing out this week. Still at 20
(not likely to be around much if at all over the weekend, so posting this now).
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I'm still at two points.
Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on :
Wow, a furious finish for this week.

Not wanting to repeat last week's zero-new-words-in-the-mail fiasco, I got off to a good start on Monday, punching up 3,400 words on a revamp of the story which had so badly frustrated me the week before.

But then I got busy, and three days passed, and suddenly it was Thursday night and I had not even TOUCHED the story; which by now I new was going to go pretty long, because I'd broadened it quite a bit in my mind over those three days, and suddenly I was faced with missing my deadline AGAIN.


So I sat down and started an entirely NEW story. Based on a single four-word title I'd had float up into my head while riding the transit to work Thursday morning. I almost always wait for titles to suggest themelves, based on a completed text.

This time, the text was suggested by a completed title.

So I banged away on the way home from work last night, then again from 12 AM to 5 AM, then some more during lunch, and WHEW, finally, it's proofed, printed, and wrapped, ready to be sent off to TMoF&SF.

6,200 words. Waaaaaaaay longer than I thought it would be. But by the halfway point my characters and their situation had taken on a life of their own; and when the writing flows that easily, I don't wanna stop it!

Overall, it could have been even longer. But I edited the ending down and cut to the chase. Overall, I like it.

Now I have THREE unfinished shorts in my WORKING folder.

I oughta be able to wrap at least one of those for next week?


Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
I finished a brand new SF short story at around three this morning. Five minutes later, I shipped it out the e-door.

One point so far this week. I'm gonna get black flagged for not maintaining the minimum race speed.


[This message has been edited by Crank (edited October 03, 2008).]

Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
Well I've submitted again to WOTF but I still haven't received last quarter's bong, so I'm up to 4 but I expect that number to drop at any minute.

However, it's just a matter of a few minutes with the USB key and the printer (with my sparkly new paper) and I will be printing a few other stories to send out. I've held onto them for no particular reason, just haven't wanted to get them out. Well, with one pub pending and a non-fiction credit I now actually have something to say in my cover letter, so I might as well just get them out! Wish me luck. Or strength. Or is it fortitude? Something - just wish it to me, OK?


Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
"Blogs and Bones" came back from Dark Fire. I'm retiring that one - it's no good and I'd rather write something new than revise it.

"Methods of Determining Specimens for Abduction" came back from Postcards from Hell. I sent it to Andromeda Spaceways.

Race total: 17

Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
I finished a brand new SF short story at around three this morning. Five minutes later, I shipped it out the e-door.

One point so far this week. I'm gonna get black flagged for not maintaining the minimum race speed.

Remember that its not a measure of what you sent out this week but what you have out total.

So you only have one story out currently? Or you only sent out one this week, bringing your total to 2?

I'll put you down for 1 pt until you respond.


Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
*********************************** Oct 5, 2008 ***********************************

No reports this week from the following people.
- Nick T
- Talespinner
- Zero

Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
sorry, been sick. No changes from last week, though. I am still at 2.


Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
Oh, I have however many points its worth finishing and sending out my WotF entry.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
One point for Zero! Way to have a score greater than your name.


Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
haha, yep - about time too
Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on :
New story out, and no rejections this week.


Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
********************************** Oct 11, 2008 **********************************

No reports this week from the following people.

- tchernabyelo
- TheOnceandFutureMe
- KayTi
- Aspirit
- Crank
- Zero

Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
I've spent most of this week revising three different stories. One of them is technically at the request of an editor but the other two were not and I need to get them out. They'll ship on Monday. Until then, I remain at 6pts.

How did everyone else do?


Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

You might not be hearing from me for a short while. I have pulled off the race track and am swapping out engines.


All my short stories that I feel are my best works are already in the hands of editors. With that done, I'm turning the majority of my creative force and/or research skills and/or dyslexic/ADHD-riddled attention span towards my SF novel (which has a basic completion date of December...of this year). As a result, all those short stories I've been fighting with for so long are being shelved for the time being.

Actually...considering that I've got four other novel ideas in the works (not including a possible sequel for my YA novel, pending the success of the original), those short stories might be sitting for a while.



Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Nothing wrong with that Crank. If you don't mind chiming in each week with an update though. Let us know when you get rejections or even better, sales! Keeping those stories on the market is as big a part of this as anything.

Good luck with the novel and get it finished so you can send out a query. That's worth 3pts!


Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
I'm still holding at 2. Same ones. I have another short that is nearly ready to go so I expect that to move to 3 this upcoming week.
Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I'm still at 2 points. I may not work on new short stories until I finish a couple more chapters of Odal's Story. My last out-of-state guest for the month goes home tomorrow, and I will try to catch up with my goals before my dad and whoever else visits in November.
Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Sorry for the late report.

One rejection this week, from Weird Tales
No sales
No submissions

Ridiculously quiet, for someone with as many stories out as me!

Race total - 19

Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
2 came back last week, sent 1 back out.
Race total: 16
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

My boss sent me home two and a half hours early today as a thanx for the extra hours I worked this week. I came home to four surprised kids, two hyperactive dogs, and a rejection slip. I was in such a good mood, I headed to my PC and submitted that same story right back out again.

Two more points for me. Picking up speed...



Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Go Crank!!

I am still holding at 2. Had a hard-disk crash this week. Luckily I was backed up but it ate up time. 8(


Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
********************************** Oct 18, 2008 **********************************

No reports this week from the following people.

- Brad R. Torgersen
- KayTi
- Zero

Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
One day I'll get back to using the internet at weekends so I can post before not after the deadline...

One more rejection for me last week - from Fantasy Magazine. No subs. Race score 18.

Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
1 came back. Sent 2 out.

Race total: 17

Wait, just sent out another.

Race total: 18

[This message has been edited by TheOnceandFutureMe (edited October 24, 2008).]

Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Also rejection this week from Beneath Ceaseless Skies (to which I have subbed a new story) and Fictitious Force. Add the sale to EDF and I am left with a paltry 16. Hopefully I'll get some subs back out next week.
Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
Still holding at 2. I may have something to send out next week though.


Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I received a form rejection of Gregg yesterday, so I'm at one point. I'll send Gregg back out tomorrow and complete another short sometime next week.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
********************************** Oct 27, 2008 **********************************

Sorry for the delayed update. Had a busy day yesterday. Got a reject on Monday and resent it out. Then got another reject on Saturday. It will be resent this week, hopefully with some new stories. Have 3 brewin.


Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on :
Now up to 12.

Good way to end October.

Posted by aspirit (Member # 7974) on :
I'm still at the bottom, with one point for a contest submission.

I'm waiting for comments on a revision to Gregg (which is a page longer after I filled in horrendous gaps I'm wondering why no one else noticed) before submitting it to another magazine. I decided I don't like the short story I started a week or so ago, so that didn't go out. (Seriously, who wants to read about a fairy who gives hope to an emotionally abused child?)

I'm wondering whether short stories damage my confidence. They distract from my novels, which are making slow progress, and I don’t even read them as often as novels. Ohhh, well. I'm supposed to be focusing on NaNoWriMo...

Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
aspirit, don't you worry about it. Your efforts on your novel will count for 3 points when you sent out the query package. Writing shorts might frustrate you but they help you learn to write a complete story.

I started writing a novel before I'd ever written a short. I got 30k words into it only to realize I had no idea where it was going. Short help you learn to see the whole story.


I'm down to 5 thanks to a 1 day turn around over at Clarkesworld.


Way to go Brad on getting to double figures! I'd like to be at 15 by New Years. Time for the big end of year push.


Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
I've been off the map because I left my flash drive with my excel file of where my stories are in another city. I've got it back now.

If I have one story at two places, is that two points? If it is, I have 18 points. If it's not, I have 16 points.


Make that 19, or 17.

[This message has been edited by TheOnceandFutureMe (edited November 03, 2008).]

Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Double subs only count as one point. So we're putting you down as 17 then?

Glad you got your mojo (USB Drive) back.


Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
I'm at 16.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
*********************************** Nov 9, 2008 ***********************************

I remain at an abysmal 5pts after peaking at 7. I have two stories that need sent out, and at least 3 stories that could be finished this week. Time to buck up and get into double figures.


Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Sorry for not havign updated my figures. Busy.

I think I'm down to 13 at the moment, after a few rejections coming in, but I've earmarked five or six stories to go back out at some point this week so I'll try and get back at least close to the 20.

Intercontinental move in two weeks, now, and hopefully as I settle in I'll be back to writing again.

Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :

I sent out an email query this morning to an agent for my young adult novel, "Metzgerhund Empire".



Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
So thats 3 points. Any shorts out?


Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :


Any shorts out?

Not including one I resubmitted a few weeks ago, I've not touched my short stories in nearly two months. I've currently got three out.

I've got one that's 9/10th done (give or take how many times I can mess it up by over-tweeking it), and its sequel-of-sorts that's about halfway done, that are on my ToDo list once I complete my novel-in-progress.



Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
OK, did indeed manage to sub 6 stories yesterday and today, so I've clawed back to 19 for the moment...
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Not including one I resubmitted a few weeks ago, I've not touched my short stories in nearly two months. I've currently got three out.

I've got one that's 9/10th done (give or take how many times I can mess it up by over-tweeking it), and its sequel-of-sorts that's about halfway done, that are on my ToDo list once I complete my novel-in-progress.

6 points it is then.


Posted by TheOnceandFutureMe on :
Some in, some out. I'm at 15.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
*********************************** Nov 17, 2008 ***********************************

I remain at 5pts.


Posted by Brad R Torgersen (Member # 8211) on :
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
********************************** Stats Updated **********************************
*********************************** Nov 24, 2008 ***********************************

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