This is topic Novel Goals and Reports in forum Hatrack Groups at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
  • InarticulateBabbler
  • KayTi
  • BoredCrow
  • annepin
  • debhoag
  • Reagansgame
  • Gardener
  • Unwritten
  • LAJD
  • kings_falcon
  • satate
  • marchpane
  • MrsBrown

    I'll put a bullet by the name of each that has offered up their WIP info and Goals.

    [This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited September 15, 2008).]

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    Mine is:

    Genre: Historical Fiction/Adventure

    Tentative Title: Storm's Fury

    Brief Synopsis: A young man is pulled into the American Revolution by the death of his brother and the events along the Battle Road. When he joins the Continental Marines, he is unwittingly assigned to a ship inhabited by a Royalist spy--a spy who recognizes him. Now he must not only survive his mission, but also survive the spy's clandestined attempts to kill him.

    My goal is to double my output this week.



    Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
    Genre: Epic fantasy
    Status: redrafting

    Violent and sexual content (I'll post this with every chapter so people know).
    Title: War of the Wolves

    Synopsis: When her mountain home is invaded, the princess Gwineth arranges a marriage which will end a long-time feud. But treachery forces her to choose between her family and her new husband. Now she must rally her people to fend off the invaders before it's too late.

    Goal: Write chapter 4

    Genre: fantasy
    Status: About halfway through the first draft

    Violent and sexual content

    Title: The Whore of Helias

    Synopsis: Imara escapes from the oppressive temple with one goal: to become the most skilled courtesan and so win the emperor's love. But her heart has deceived her from the truth, and she realizes she must escape the monster who would claim her for his own.

    Goal: Write a bridge between two existing scenes

    Next, please!

    [This message has been edited by annepin (edited September 12, 2008).]

    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    It's always good to have novel goals instead of boring old ones!
    (sorry, my sense of humor is terrible this late at night)

    Genre: Futuristic Dark Fantasy
    Status: Initial Draft

    Tentative Title: Graveyard
    Brief Synopsis:
    The human race, abandoned by the gods, is dying. The one chance for salvation lies in searching for a hidden artifact in a graveyard full of demons. The rule is that each human has one opportunity to search for it, but Celeste decides she is no longer interested in living by the rules.

    Goal for this week: Complete outline and rewrite the few pages I started so that they make sense for the longer story.

    Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
    Status: First rewrite of version 2
    Tentative Title: Varanian
    Brief Synopsis: Though Leanna is fated to destroy her city, she has no wish to do so. Now she has to try to explain that to the terrorists who have kidnapped her, and find a way to save her city and herself using a magic that is in no way suited for fighting.

    Goal for this week: Write a completely new version of Chapter 5.

    Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
    Genre: Thriller w/romance

    Tentative Title: Harper Street

    Synopsis: Addy Harper is a former party girl who has turned her life around. She now is the director of the Harper Street Shelter in Tucson. On her 30th birthday, ten years after the death of her estranged father, Addy and her brother Paul stand to inherit Ben Harper's fortune. A month before Addy's birthday, the police become aware of a link between a number of unsolved murders involving shelter regulars - big money insurance policies paying out to Addy Harper. Homicide detective Renner Cole poses as a street bum to find out who is killing the residents of Harper Street - and exactly how Addy Harper is involved.

    Status: first 100 pages written; about 100 pages of the remaining book is fully plotted out

    Goal: complete the next chapter, which includes a bit of police procedural, and get the story moving along back to the juicy bits.

    Posted by kings_falcon (Member # 3261) on :

    Genre: Thriller

    Tentative Title: Dead Reckoning

    Status - NEW. Writing for NaNo in November

    Brief Synopsis: MC is a young associate and she's just been handed a milk run for her first trial - a wrongful death case against the company that maintained the decedent's (dead guy's) airplane. Since the plane's engine blew apart and turned its occupant into sushi, it's a case even the corpse can win. Until, the widow refuses the settlement offer. Now, the mob, and a large pharmaceutical company want the MC off the case, permanently.

    Goal: Rough outline by end of month.

    Genre Fantasy
    Status redrafting/ merging plot lines
    Tentative Title: The King's Falcon
    Brief Synopis: Stripped of her birthright and saved from the burdens of royalty, Falcon become Queen Sabryna’s agent, avoiding personal entanglement in the political gambits and romantic liaisons she reports. Through sorcery and guile. Mordenet preys on her kingdom's wealth to save his own.
    Unable to reclaim her throne, Falcon must somehow protect her kingdom and its people.

    Goal finish outline of new sections.


    Posted by Gardener (Member # 7948) on :
    Genre: Mystery/Thriller

    Tentative Title: Unforgivable

    Synopsis: Victor has an odd hobby. He likes to break into houses to admire works of art. His friend, Detective Anderson has been turning a blind eye for years. Until people start dying. A serial killer is using Victor to gain access to new victims. As the killings continue, Victor must find a way to stop an unforgivable present and an unbearable future.

    Goal - Write(translate) 5 chapters from screenplay outline


    Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
    Genre: Fantasy

    Title: The Sorcerer’s Son (Until I think of something better)


    All sorcerers are evil, everyone knows this. So when Alina gets kidnapped by one she must find out why and a way to escape.

    Goal: finish the current chapter and be starting on the next.


    Posted by marchpane (Member # 8021) on :
    Synopses are so much harder than they look!

    Genre: fantasy
    Status: getting a complete 1st draft down. I'm about 200 pages, 2/3s of the way through so far
    Working Title: The Darkness of Light
    Synopsis: The Gifted are dying out, hunted to extinction by a fanatical league who see them as witches and demons. Abandoned as a baby, Morgan has grown up in hiding, protected by her manipulative guardians. When a series of events offers her the chance to escape from a life she hates, she decides to use her Gift to help others, but to do this she must risk capture by those who will stop at nothing to kill her.

    Current Goal: I'm going to be away this week, so I'll keep it modest. First page of chapter 17.

    Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
    Genre: Young Adult Fantasy/Romance

    Tentative Title: Are you kidding? I can't even think of titles for my 13 line submissions, let alone for a whole novel!

    New and Improved Synopsis: Drew has been in hiding for 4 years when he meets Heather, whose life was destroyed when her boyfriend killed her twin sister. Together, they find not only romance, but healing. When Heather discovers that Drew is a faerie, she realizes that magic may ruin her life again.

    Goal: Rough outline by the end of the month

    I'm also toying with the idea of reworking a few chapters from a previous book, but I hope you can talk me down...

    Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
    My synopsis is in the other post.

    Genre: Horror/thriller/fantasy-ish
    Title: "Something-"Redemption

    Synopsis: This is a sequel. The novel is exploring a seperate angle of the first novel. Sam Kent and Reagan DuSaint start a new game. Sam Kent is established in a new and very powerful role, Emily Whitmore is introduced and is trying to save her brother. Reagan is freed from his former situation and is discovering himself.

    I REALLY hate writing these things.

    My goal is to take my manuscript (complete as far as the story goes) get through the edits, tweak it and polish it until it shines. I am additionally trying to narrow down the list of potential publishers and perfect my synopsis/query. I'm hoping to have the manuscript close to a finished product over the next month. I want to have it completly finished and my queries in the mail by Thanksgiving.

    Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
    Genre: YA Science Fiction
    Working Title: Convergence
    Synopsis: Things aren't going very well for Anya in her first few weeks on the space station Convergence. The low-grav days at her school throw her for a loop - literally, and she seems to have gotten on the bad side of both the Queen Bee of the school and the Computer Science teacher. Her only friend is a computer, the central computer that operates most of the space station. Anya names her Isis and promises to keep Isis' existence, or rather awareness, secret-something that becomes even more important when she uncovers a plot to harm Isis. She eventually befriends a few humans, but will they be able to help Anya stop the plot to steal her computer friend, compete in the school's Wall-Ball tournament, and navigate the perils of high school life - in space?

    Goal: Starting from page 1, word 1, redraft/fix/improve/polish/find opportunities to write more scenes.
    Immediate goal: Get through equivalent of "first chapter" (subgoal: start breaking it into chapters...) in the next week.

    Posted by LAJD (Member # 8070) on :
    Genre:Young Adult Fantasy Adventure

    Tentative Title: Social Endeavors

    Brief Synopsis: Grace, Liz and David have been friends since grade school. Grace and David grew up knowing that they are different, shape-shifters. Heck everyone is in their families but Liz is just a normal girl. One day, Liz zaps her computer and she realizes she can start fires, control fire, play with fire. She turns to her friends who also reveal their secrets to her. The next day Liz and her Mom disappear. But not entirely, Liz can communicate with Grace and David via text messages relayed through Facebook, Twitter and other sites. While she is not sure exactly where she is or how she got there, she has a pretty good idea of how to help David and Grace figure it out.

    Goal: in general I plan to 1/2 chapter each week. --this week I need to rewrite chapter 1.

    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    Ooh, I have something to report.

    Has this happened to anyone else - you have a big thorny plot problem, and for months you can't figure it out. And then inspiration smacks you in the back of the head, and you have a perfect solution to your problem plus several other problems you didn't know you had?

    That happened to me last night, for "Graveyard". It's such a great feeling. So, one of my goals for the week is closer to completion, for now I have better detail in my mind to use to write my outline. Oh, and I managed to rewrite the first chapter.

    Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
    Nice, I have had that happen to me sometimes. Can't think of anything and then it just comes. It usually happens for me at night in bed. Way to go.
    Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
    it's those intuitive things that makes writing fun. It always make me feel like i've channeled into something bigger than my brain, for a few moments.
    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    Right, Deb. Terry Pratchett, in his Discworld books, talks about particles of inspiration zinging through the universe and zinging occasional people in the head. That's definitely what this occasion felt like to me.

    And yes, satate, these things often happen to me while I'm trying to fall asleep. I've learned to keep a piece of paper and a pen by my bed, and to learn to read what I wrote in the dark.

    Posted by marchpane (Member # 8021) on :
    Wow. You're not going to believe this, but the exact same thing happened to me the other night. I'd been mentally wrestling with a plot issue for God knows how long, only to have it neatly resolved by a chance inspiration particle.

    I blame CERN. Maybe that's what those Higgs things do...

    Posted by MrsBrown (Member # 5195) on :
    Genre: Fantasy with Biblical Themes

    Tentative Title: Yao’s Dragons

    Brief Synopsis: Ida, a village elder, leaves home and family to become a priestess of Yao. She travels throughout the land, combating the widespread influence of a pantheon of false gods. Although Yao has granted Ida the power to transform into a dragon, He has forbidden her to use this ability in her quest to restore her people’s faith. But Yao is about to act; Ida will lead a new generation of dragon priests in preparing the people for their destruction and redemption.

    Goal: Sort out my options for the plot’s next set of scenes; fix the outline, and write the next chapter. (No time goal; just want to make progress!)

    [This message has been edited by MrsBrown (edited September 14, 2008).]

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    Anybody achieve anything over the weekend? I was literally balked until last night (which is my actual weekend/day off) and last night I put out three-times the work I normally do.

    I didn't end the chapter, which I might have been able to do without the intentional obstacle, but I did up the output.

    I'm up to 24,250 words.

    I'll report of the progress again after next weekend.

    How'd everybody else do?

    Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
    I wrote a couple sentences on WotW. I'm stalled, though. I'm changing so much stuff around since the last draft I'm having a hard time letting go of the old draft and re-envisioning the new. A lot of things that worked last time aren't goig to work this time, but I haven't found new solutions yet.
    Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
    I've been doing a lot of head work. There was no real need for a villain in my first book, but this time around there will one. It has been more difficult than I anticipated to create a villain. The more I think about it, the more complicated it gets--and just this morning I realized that I now need to build a whole religious system. (To think I thought my world was completely developed in book 1.)

    I'm having a great time! This is one of the things I love about fantasy writing! You create one new part of your world and it sends ripples through the whole story. None of it has gotten onto paper yet though.

    Posted by Gardener (Member # 7948) on :
    I didn't do any writing, but I organized my various WIP. That really helped my head. When the notes start stacking up I start to feel out of control.


    Posted by kings_falcon (Member # 3261) on :
    I was struck down by the evil ragweed all weekend. Well, all Sunday. Sat we had a pre-existing commitment. No writing. I;'m hoping to catch up this week. My goal is still a rough outline for the second half of Falcon by Friday, midnight. I think I can do it especially since I'll be spending 3 hours on a plane that day.

    But, yes, I had that light bulb moment when I got some of the comments back from EE. It's so NICE!!

    Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
    I finished my first short story, then spent the rest of the weekend tending to kids who, it turns out, have roseola. Lots of fever, very little fun. I couldn't concentrate to write much. I did over 900 words from Thurs pm to Sun pm. But half of it is crap, I'm sure.

    Palaytia is researching flashback/dream sequences with me. So I can get in there and work out the kinks in those.

    My goal for this week is to finish off two chapters in a re-write. I'm tweaking my end-of-A-world/abandon planet scene. So, 1.5 pages a day this week min, but try for 3 to make up for this very sucky weekend

    Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
    Annepin - your lucky day. You are a member of a novel group. Let us help jumpstart you! I consider this group an investment in my children's future libraries.

    When I hit a plot snag I start asking hypotheticals. Do you have specific hang-ups that you can simplify and pose as a generic hypothetical question?

    I say generic, because you have a room full of creative thinkers and we can run with anything, but if you give too much detail, it may make it harder for some of us to think on. For example, in the other thread I asked about worlds ending, but didn't elaborate the finer points (like the fact that the world is a sort of parallel and how I have parallel worlds set up, etc) because then I may have lost a few great ideas and ref.'s. The ideas are then generic enough that your own imagination can format them to fit your story.

    So, is there any hangup in particular you are trying to see a way around? If so, tap this crack team of creativity engineers. All writers research, starting by asking for input seems the best way to research to me. And again, because the questions& answers are generic, the end product is still your own idea. It's like going to a scenario buffet.

    [This message has been edited by Reagansgame (edited September 15, 2008).]

    Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
    I got a request (Thank you, God!) for a full from an agent who said he really liked the partial, so I spent part of the weekend tidying the file up and then printing it out, finding a good box - we don't talk enough about box selection here, I don't think - and now I'm just waiting till friday when I get paid so I can ship it out.

    I got tagged by Adam to see if I would be interested in submitting to Polluto (which is semi-pro in two more issues) and I accepted with thrilledness.

    AND I got 2,000 words done on Harper Street, after working out some painfully difficult scene settings/details. Ouch. And Wouldbe agreed to read what I've got so far. I was really happy about that, because he's a great crit-person, who knows obscure things like the correct way to write dosey-do. He should be covered in glory and rose petals.

    Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
    I was happy with my progress this weekend. I wrote almost a 1,000 words which is good for me since I hadn't been writing much lately. This group has me motivated. I wrote a scene that I liked, but I liked it at 12 midnight and I never know if it's really good until I read it the next day. I'm almost finished with the chapter and then I wanted to get started on the next one this week.
    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    Yay deb for all the good news!!!

    I got most of my goals completed on Friday night, especially since I'm just going to do "Graveyard" in this group (I know I've said that before, but this time I'm sticking to working only on the one).
    It didn't take long to rewrite the first chapter since it's so short, so that's basically ready to be swapped.

    Alas, it's the rest of my projects I'm behind on: two collaborations, a couple of crits, and my WOTF Q4 story (still in revision process!)

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    I had a breakthrough. For the last few months, I've been hunting for the answers to two specific questions:

    Tonight I received detailed answers to these and more than I'd even considered. I also broke 100 pages, and am concerned that I will achieve my protagonist joining the Continental Marines before 350 pages.

    [This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited September 17, 2008).]

    Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
    That's awesome. Wow, you're really doing some serious research. Someday I want to do a historical novel.
    Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
    I did it. I finished my goal. I got the chapter done and started on the next. Now I'm stalled as I'm not sure exactly how to proceed into the next chapter. I know where I want to go, just not exactly sure how to get there. I have a vague idea though, I'm not completely lost. I'm just not sure how to transition. I do have a scene I want to do. I think I'll do the scene and then worry about the transition. So that is my next goal. Get the scene all down and start the transition.
    Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
    Hm... thanks for the suggestion, reagansgame. I'll try to describe my problem in general terms. My novel is a multi-viewpoint novel. In the first draft, I had five characters. I eliminated two for the second draft, am thinking about reinstating one; at any rate, eliminating two has somewhat destroyed my rhythm. In my prior draft I had a good sense of suspense, of teasing events in one character's POV and then working in another's. Well, that sense is gone. Part of it is I no longer know what's going to happen... my plot's kind of scrambled now because I lopped off the first 100 pages or so of my novel to speed things along. A good thing, but it leaves me feeling... uneven, I guess. Off beat somehow.
    Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
    When I get that 'not quite right' feeling I usually go back and redo until things feel right. It's like only partly completing an electrical circuit. Nothing goes right until I take care of the things I'm not sure about.
    Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
    Anne, sounds like you need to take a step back and reassess your plot outline so you can find your way. I know this may not be your style, but might be a good exercise to just try to step back and look at the plot as a whole so you can find that flow again.

    I have used the snowflake method before with pretty solid success. I don't follow the time guidelines as rigidly as the author suggests, but as I mentioned, I've had good success with this. I think it works really well for a well-established idea that you've already got details in mind for, in my opinion it works OK for a nebulous idea but you have to spend a lot of time in between the steps of the process working on more details so you can go to the next level.

    Anyway - won't work for everyone but it's worth a look:

    Meanwhile, I'm a miserable failure on my novel goals (and short-story ones for that matter.) I did manage to finish my slush input for my slush reading gig, one of many writerly tasks that I have not been able to get to. Hoping to prioritize some of my other writerly stuff for tonight.

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    The Snowflake method is sort of how I look at my outlines. I try to do a rough outline (like a rough sketch) and refine it along the way. I agree, however, that you might need to back up and re-outline/plot to get clarification.
    Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
    Thanks for the suggestions! I tried the snowflake method a while back without a lot of luck. But I did get some ideas, so maybe it's worth trying it again.
    Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
    IAB, since this is sort-of "did you write?" I'm wondering if we should start a new thread each week. Otherwise, we'll have a boatload of pages to scroll through very shortly.
    Posted by Unwritten (Member # 7960) on :
    I'm not sure, but I think I may be the writer with the least experience in this group. Is anyone else a contender for that title? My first experience with writing was Nanowrimo last year, and my next challenge is this novel I am trying to outline.

    I came a long way this week. I actually got some words on the screen--1000 words in my outline. I've run into a bizarre problem though. My first book was a fantasy/romance and my second book was supposed to be a sequel to it, but I was going to use different main characters. As I've tried to work through this outline, I am realizing that the story of these two characters really doesn't pick up where the other story left off. In fact, it starts years before my first book, but the climax doesn't happen until after the first book ends. The two stories parallel each other, but only touch in a couple of places--important places though. What should I do???

    I could try combining them into one book, but that would destroy all hope of staying around 100,000 words. Plus, the story arcs don't really match. The second story line really heats up only after the denouement of the first story, plus I can't think of any way to tie the two stories together until nearly the end.

    Is this something I even ought to be worrying about?

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    Unwritten, I don't think it's a concern. OSC wrote Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow as parallels, and there was no problem. I actually think it would have been a deeper experience if Ender's Shadow would have been like a mystery or something.

    Deb, I don't have a problem with that. Since it's a "Novel Goals and Support" thread, it'll probably just be acronym and dates: NGAS 9/19 - 9/25. What does everybody think?

    Oh, and anyone who is ready to trade a chapter or so, speak up -- likewise, if you're interested in anyone's work, just ask.


    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    ::hand up::
    I'm ready to swap. Weekends are generally a good time for me to crit.
    Posted by annepin (Member # 5952) on :
    I'm ready to swap! My first chapter is about 2200 words.

    First 13:

    Gwineth counted twelve men running along the ridge down from the pass into the valley. She squinted against the bright snow to make out the details on their shields strapped across their backs but she could only make out a flash of metal here, a flash of metal there. In their hands they held spears. Their gait was swift, but the long, loping stride of men who had been hard running for a long time.

    Her brother, Gaylen, would be able to see them, with his eyes keen as an eagle’s. She waited until he climbed up the escarpment before she pointed out the men. He shifted under the dead deer laid across his back and shaded his eyes with a dark hand. “Maer,” he said.

    “Are you sure?” She strained her eyes to try to make out the face

    [This message has been edited by annepin (edited September 18, 2008).]

    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    Oh, right. Here's my first thirteen. The chapter is 1400 words.

    Celeste wrapped her fingers around the wooden handle of the gate to the graveyard, cursing the splinters that broke off into her skin. Her throat was dry as she pulled the gate back, but she made sure her movements were not hesitant. Any outward sign of fear would call the Sentinels to her.
    The gate banged back against the fence, and Celeste winced at the loud thwack. She set her shoulders and walked toward the statue of the Guardian that stood only a dozen feet past the fence. Beyond it stretched the graveyard, nearly one hundred meters square. It had looked so much smaller on the satellite images, but no less bleak. Like the dry lands that surrounded the graveyard, there was no life here, just frozen death. Dead grass and leaves covered the ground, never changing or

    Posted by Reagansgame (Member # 8149) on :
    Hi Anne -- I don't know if what you're dealing with is writer's block, but here are some suggestions for helping get that creative faucet running again. I found this post with a lot of other people's ideas on breaking the block. My favorite tip is to get several audio books along the lines of what you're aiming for in your writing and keep them in your car or set up a cd player in your kitchen, listen during house work. All authors say your reading is as important as your writing. Reading hour/day should = writing hours a day. Here's what other folks say:

    I'm ready to trade work, too. I'm very discouraged by all of the pro-advice we Pal and I found online about flashbacks. Anyone know what the formula is in a formula story that starts in present day and the book is a flash back, then ends in the present day? Sort of like the Sandlot? I'm afraid that the flashback is too risky but I can't tell my story any other way!

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :

    Anyone know what the formula is in a formula story that starts in present day and the book is a flash back, then ends in the present day?Sort of like the Sandlot? I'm afraid that the flashback is too risky but I can't tell my story any other way!

    Ask yourself if the story needs to start and end in present day--and if so why? If it's just a frame story, it'd probably be just as good without it; if there's a lesson (for the character to grow, not the audience) that is a different matter. However, frame stories are different from flashbacks. Flashbacks aren't the main body of a story, they are a sidetrack or a supporting motivation/fear/suspiscion, etc.

    Posted by debhoag (Member # 5493) on :
    I have a chapter to trade, about twenty pages. Here is the first thirteen of this thriller, titled Harper Street:

    Addy Harper climbed the stairs of the Harper Street Shelter for what she sincerely hoped was the last time that day. She was tired all the way down to her bones, and there was nothing in the world she wanted more than a hot bath and a chance to climb between her pretty floral sheets for eight blissful hours.
    She made it into her office and through the phone messages that Sandy had left on her desk. She'd worked a head-pounding ten-hour day today, then spent another precious two hours schmoozing potential donors at a gallery opening in Old Tucson. Her feet hurt, her head hurt, and exhaustion was making her stupid.
    The financial woes of the shelter, always touch and go, had taken a big hit a month ago, when they learned they were losing a grant due to lack of future funding.

    Annipen, Bored Crow, IAB, I'll volunteer to read for you. IAB, I'm not much on American History, but I can line edit for you, if you're ready for that.

    [This message has been edited by debhoag (edited September 19, 2008).]

    Posted by MrsBrown (Member # 5195) on :
    I've been trying that snowflake method tonight, and I can't seem to wedge my story into three disasters and an ending. I've got several mini-disasters along the way and a big one toward the end. Can someone please remind me its okay to deviate from the formula?

    Seriously, I suspect I'm headed toward a meandering middle, which is why I wanted to try this method.

    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    Thanks, Deb, I'll send it your way.
    I'm happy to read for you, and for you, IAB, Annepin and Regansgame. And KayTi, when you have a chapter to share.

    Anyone else, just email and me and ask, especially if you don't need a line edit.

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    Thanks, Deb, but I'm nowhere near ready for that...I'm still trying to finish. However, and this is for anyone interested in mine, I am concerned with believability and continuity.

    And, I do have a couple of chapters done. Here are Storm's Fury's misleading 13 lines:

    Rain pattered on Nicholas Storm's tricorn hat and thunder growled in the darkened sky, as he followed Rachael Church through the askew wagon door and into the barn. He counted himself fortunate to have drawn her attentions, for she was an ideal beauty in a low-cut bodice--a buxom brunette with a lascivious smile. As he pulled his hat off and shook some of the rain from it, she bit her lower lip and giggled. Rachael toyed with the corner post to right-hand hay stall, before she turned and fled through the gap and behind the heap of hay. Nicholas gave chase, and she let out a playful scream as he caught her by the waist and dragged her down into the hay. He stifled her scream with a hungry kiss, and tossed his tricorn hat aside.

    The only thing is, I have an ongoing's not saved by chapters. Frighten anyone?

    [This message has been edited by InarticulateBabbler (edited September 19, 2008).]

    Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
    That's my story too, IB. Make sure you periodically copy and paste the text into a new blank doc and email it to yourself using an email that keeps a copy on the server (like gmail) as well as print some of it out from time to time...

    I'm going back to put chapters in now. Hrm...going to be interesting.

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    I actually send it to my work computer everyday (Via my art gig's email) and to my home/laptop every night, so I do have a back-up. Usually two, the one in the email, too.
    Posted by satate (Member # 8082) on :
    I think I could contend for the least experienced writer title, Unwritten. Oh, and thanks for that link to the snowflake thing. I'm trying it on my story. I can't fit my story in the three disater thing either though. I'm ready to swap chapters with whoever is ready. Here are my first thirteen.

    Alina stood in the middle of the chaos, letting it swirl around her. It made her giddy, the children laughing and running, musicians playing, people dancing sometimes where they stood, and a hundred different conversations buzzing around her. Brightly colored banners topped merchant tents and ribbons decorated the competition stands. The air smelled of roast pig and crushed grass. She felt like laughing out loud. She loved Mennville’s annual spring festival. It made her feel uninhibited.
    Harold stood next to her, clearly not as relaxed as she was. Poor sweet Harold, he hated the bedlam and strangers. They had been close friends for years almost like brother and sister. It seemed like her best friends

    [This message has been edited by satate (edited September 19, 2008).]

    [This message has been edited by satate (edited September 19, 2008).]

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    I use MSWord 2007. Anyone else? (Oh and anyone who needs me to make it compatible with earlier versions, I can.
    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    I have Windows Vista 2007, to my eternal dismay.

    Tip for those with older versions of Windows: when you're downloading the file to an older version of office, you can choose to save it as an earlier version of Word. This works on my old work computer that doesn't even have Service Pack 2.

    Or I can just save it as an earlier file too.

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
 that a you "do have a problem" or a "you don't have a problem"? Because, I'm not sure what Vista (which I have on my laptop) has to do with MSWord (which I have an all three of my computers). And, I have no clue whether the length (over 26,000 words/100 pages) is a problem or not.


    Posted by marchpane (Member # 8021) on :
    Wow, lots of stuff going on...

    I've been away from computers for the past week, but I'm pleased to report that I comfortably met my (admittedly modest) goal of starting my next chapter. I took my favourite notebook with me and spent every spare minute scribbling away, so once I get it all typed up - this evening - I reckon I should have about 4 or 5 pages.

    Now I know that doesn't sound like very much, but considering it's the most I've written for some time, I'm pretty happy. If I can keep this going I'm sure my productivity can only improve...

    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    Congratulations on achieving your goal, marchpane. The new week's thread is up. See you--and everyone else--there.
    Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
    Can someone please remind me its okay to deviate from the formula?

    MrsBrown and satate, and anyone else who needs this reminder:

    It's okay to deviate from formulas, recipes, blueprints, and any other kind of instruction guidelines as long as you know what you're doing and you deviate for a good reason.

    Most writing formulas are intended as basic suggestions--skeletons for you to flesh out, to decorate and embellish in your own ways.

    Just as with a recipe, if you know why the flour is in there, then you can decide whether it's okay to substitute cornstarch or not. If you don't know, it can mean a disaster.

    Also, if you know why the recipe puts two particular spices together, then you can substitute two other spices that work the same way together and get another great taste. And you can add other things to get even more great tastes. Who would have guessed what curry powder could do to a plain old chicken casserole? Or what cocoa powder could do to a tomato sauce?

    Can you tell that food is on my mind right now?

    Posted by BoredCrow (Member # 5675) on :
    IB - that's why I shouldn't type so late at night.
    The short of it is, I can handle all file formats, but if anyone doesn't want to bother fixing the format, I'm happy to do that.
    And I just meant to equate Word 2007 with Vista; whether that assumption is incorrect or not is beyond my computer knowledge.

    Dunno waht you meant about length of a story; I did NOT sleep well last night and only have 1/4 of my brain.

    Posted by kings_falcon (Member # 3261) on :
    So, I got the outline done although it's pretty skeletal, and started re-writing the fight scenes.

    The thing about Vista is the word version that comes with it will save documents as a .docx extension. If the person you send it to doesn't have the most recent version of word, she won't be able to open the file. Make sure when you save it in the right format to prevent the evil .docx format.


    Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
    Make sure when you save it in the right format to prevent the evil .docx format.


    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    So, yesterday, I worked my @$$ off from noon until midnight (granted it was worth over $900) and came down with a cold to boot. But, although I didn't achieve the 3 page-goal I set for myself, I did manage to get another page written.

    If I can do it...ya'll can!

    Posted by Zero (Member # 3619) on :
    So, yesterday, I worked my @$$ off from noon until midnight

    Before I finished reading the sentence my mental-calulator was thinking wow, that must be like 40,000 words ... then I realized that wasn't the case.

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