I've written a few short stories and have about a 20,000 word start on a novel. I'm not looking to enter into any contests yet, but would be very interested in getting feedback on what I've written. I would also love to look at what you guys are writing. Are there any groups who are looking for a new member?
Posted by Bent Tree (Member # 7777) on :
What genre do you write?
Posted by Jared Page (Member # 7878) on :
Science Fiction.
Oops. That would have been good information to include
Posted by Bent Tree (Member # 7777) on :
It is a really busy time of year writing wise, but I will consider it. What do you hope to accomplish?
Posted by Jared Page (Member # 7878) on :
Nothing short of becoming a full time writer. But, for now I just want to improve my writing skills.
Posted by WriterDan (Member # 6456) on :
You'd probably get a lot more response if you just joined our WotF group for this quarter. It just opened 6 days ago, and the deadline to postmark your story isn't until June 30th. Anyone is open to join our group, and we pretty much pass our stories around to everyone (group is still small enough to do this). There's no time like the present to start entering stories into contests. Plus with WotF, there's no entry fee. Just have to pay to mail your manuscript to them. Check out the contest at their website, and if you're interested, I know that everyone in the group would be more than willing to give your story a once over. Later.
Posted by Dmfitzgerald (Member # 2570) on :
I'm up for a group if you folks are. I write fantasy but will ready Sci fi
Posted by Bent Tree (Member # 7777) on :
What are you writing now Dmfitzgerald? I think this thread died awhile ago? A novel? Shorts?
I have a fantasy project in my near future, as soon as I get these competitions out of the way. They all have a June 1 deadline.