So I think this is the right place to post this, and I'm hoping that what I'm going to propose is acceptable. Let me know if either of these assumptions is wrong.
Now to the point. I am interested in starting a group for people who simply want to improve their writing in general instead of wanting to perfect a particular story. Basic idea: once a (week? month? haven't decided yet) we would each submit a short story for critique. The point of the critique would not be to revise the story until it's perfect but to give the writer a basic idea of what his or her strengths and weaknesses are. The goal of each subsequent story would be to work on the areas in which we are least proficient.
Anyone interested in doing this? Ideally I'm looking for a small handful of people to join up.
Posted by Jammrock (Member # 3293) on :
I am interested.
I am working on an online community idea that would accommodate Hatrack writing groups. Allow for centralized story sharing in a private space, with security and the works, but without overlapping with Hatrack's own forums (i.e. general discussion would remain here, but private groups would have a space to share). If I can recruit my brother, who is a far better coder than I, to help I should have it up in April.
jammrock at gmail doh! com
Posted by Ico (Member # 3303) on :
This sounds interesting! Count me in. As much as I like swapping and revising stories, I think there are points I (and doubtless others) need to address in general, pertaining to ALL my writing... And it would be refreshing to try to pinpoint these things rather than just working on a single piece.
Posted by Aalanya (Member # 3263) on :
That's the idea. I'll start trying to put together my thoughts on this and email everyone who says they are interested once I've done that.
Posted by pmcalduff (Member # 2963) on :
Sounds interesting. What kind of short stories are you interested in writing? Myself, I’m trying to write Sci-Fi (which sometimes contains elements of fantasy and horror).
Posted by Aalanya (Member # 3263) on :
I'm pretty much going to leave that open. There will be a theme for each story, but the genre will be up to you. I'll probably end up doing a variety myself, but I have no objection if you want all of yours to be SF.
Posted by Jammrock (Member # 3293) on :
I write SciFi, Fantasy and contemporary fiction, so anything is fine with me.
Posted by Hygge (Member # 3313) on :
I am so new to this whole thing, I don't know where to begin, but I would like to get involved. Your group seems like a good way to read interesting material as well as provide some of my own. If you can be patient with me, I'd love to know more. Thanks.
Posted by Aalanya (Member # 3263) on :
Well... unfortunately I think we've got as many people as we can hold at the moment, Hygge. I'm sorry. But if anybody else says they are interested I could help you guys set up your own group.
Posted by Hygge (Member # 3313) on :
No problem-such is life. I'm sure I'll find something else. There appears to be so many talented people signed up. Good luck with your project. I hope your progress exceeds your expectations.
Posted by Aalanya (Member # 3263) on :
Thank you.
Perhaps you could start a new group yourself. There are new people coming in all the time, and I'm sure you could find others who would be interested in joining.