I'm not going to lie... if you want to work with me I'll expect a large degree of commitment. My story is very long (15,000 so far) and possibly underdeveloped--I'm basically writing a very detailed outline. I'm interested in working with large writings of SF so if you're interested contact me at dimensionsoldier@gmail.com
Posted by Moonshine (Member # 2704) on :
Matt, I'm fine with reading a huge amount of writing. I'm very good about getting back to people. However, I write in fits and burst. Sometimes...I have a lot and other times I don't. I'm trying to be less sporadic. So...I e-mailed you but...beware.
Posted by hopekeeper (Member # 2701) on :
Haha so do I! Although like I've said... I've got 1/3 of the story finished... in my "outline" so I really just have to edit before sending it to you... thanks for being a friend!
Posted by Moonshine (Member # 2704) on :
I do try.
Posted by benskia (Member # 2422) on :
Hey you guys. This might be for me. I wouldn't be able to read all your 15,000 words in one go, but could chip away at it a thousand or so at a time.
I'm attempting a novel, and rather than keep going to the fragments and feedback board (i think i've bored everyone with this story now), I'd like to get into a critique group.
Posted by Moonshine (Member # 2704) on :
If you send me the first...I dunno...page or two of your story, I'll read it and get it back to you. As of yet...we're a loosely based bunch. I have yet to finish my work and Matt has sent me some of his...and then he started over. All is new and I'd be glad to help.