His spine clenched as bombing sirens rang through the intercom.
"No!" Emergency operating proceedure swept over his thoughts. The strain must be protected. Flipping up a key cover, he pushed a button that began to fill the innoculation chaber with liquid foam. Then he went to the intercom. " All lab staff to the innoculation chamber. SOP command 228."
I get the picture of a place in danger, of a driven professor, of a technological break-through in the area of space ships. I get the feeling of an underdog. All in all I like the story there
I'm left wondering what can the "lab staff" do to make things secure
Some things that grabbed me:
- "Hope, accomplishment, and salvation"; are all three words necessary? Would just hope suffice?
- "Sterile medium"; is that referring to the spawn vessels? Or what is the sterile medium?
- "protect the colony from the planet"; planet is attacking their colony? Maybe there is some other word that can be used here to describe the adversary?
Just kidding bro. Whazzup? Whatcha got?
Hope, accomplishment, and salvation is what the professor saw growing inside the thirty-six innoculated spawn vessels before him.
I can think of a couple of ways to rearrange this opening sentence. The thing that sticks out the most is before him. I highly recommend you cut those two words and complete the visual you were after. Anythign that important should be the complete focus for the reader. Descibe it as if the MC is looking at the Holy Grail itself. Show how they stand, what the vessels look like, how the light shines on them...something to complete the awe, religious like experience, the professor would likely be consumed with. Hope and salvation deserve more than...
Silky threads of white mycellium radiated out in perfect symetry upon the sterile medium.
...as hommage.
His spine clenched as bombing sirens rang through the intercom.
How does a spine clench?
This opening is missing a lot of something. It seemed to me when I read it, it needs 500 words of story between the first and second paragraph. Way too rushed.
My only issue is that the POV character seems really scientific and dull to me right now. One spec of humanity in him would make me like him better. He seems kind of robotic and unhuman. Especially this line...Emergency operating proceedure swept over his thoughts.
Is he a Robot? That's possible, and if he is, I would like to know that right away, because I judge robotic characters differently than human characters.
If he is human, then could he call the people who are bombing their only hope of survival idiots, or something?
Also, if the bomb sirens are going off, wouldn't the lab staff think to protect their only hope for survival without having to be commanded?
I might be thinking too much on this one, and ignore me if my sleep deprived ramblings aren't making any usable sense.