EDIT: Revised (very slightly) with regards to BenM's comments.
Earth was once blue, you know? Yes, I know, you probably don’t believe me. You see it now, through the telescope, the first of two red planets orbiting the star Sol, but try to remember the vids, the old 2D ones. That footage, it’s not from Inheritance; they were made on Earth! Our homeworld was once blue and green, like this planet. That was before the Scourge drove us to the world of Inheritance. Now, I was younger than you kids are when the war happened, not that there really was much of a war, but this is what I can tell you.
Our first contact with extraterrestrial life had no explosions. Bombs did not strike our cities. Also Sprach Zarathustra was not played. Earth’s skies did not burn, did not darken, did not illuminate. They bled.
[This message has been edited by EP Kaplan (edited November 30, 2009).]
There was some redundancy that may not have been necessary there, but I'm not sure how best to massage it. And I suspect they don't all need to be changed. Nevertheless, my attention was drawn to
the repetition of vids in remember the vids, the old 2D ones. Those vids
the repetition of Earth in they were made on Earth! Earth was once
the repetition and redefinition of Inheritance, which I had determined from the context to be a planet name at the first, as in made on Inheritance ... to the world of Inheritance
If you'd like a full crit, send it through.
I would be delighted to read the full version and critique it, if you would send it to me.