A stiletto hulled Venusian yacht bearing the royal pendant of Venus descended into the clear skies of the moon Europa. Jupiter dominated the moon's western horizon. The Great Red Spot looked down on the waters of Europa unblinking. The Yacht passed the terminator line into darkness as the moon’s orbit moved to the dark side of Jupiter. The red glow of reflected light slowly faded as Jupiter eclipsed the sun.
The yacht circled the moon's capital Sidon-Europa. She came down to land, guided by the array of city lights. She set down in the center of a well lit open tarmac east of the city. Four galleon hull frigates each bearing 46 guns lay docked at each compass point of the tarmac. The ship crews in formal uniform line the rails.
Try searching the NASA archives to find some pioneer images. It will help you see what Jupiter looks like from near europa.
I am no astronomy expert and I may be wrong on one or more of my points. I only pointed them out because I know Hard SF is a very challenging endeavor because readers of that genre really typically know there stuff. Logic holes don't ever seem to get by.
Otherwise I liked the prose and premise here. I thought the writing was great and I would turn the page. Just double check to make sure you got all your facts correct.
Noon would have full light on the Sun side. The Jupiter side would have half light reflected by the giant. You would have an expanding and contracting band of darkness as the moon comes around the sun that would fade into a half dark at noon with darker twilight on the edges just before full light. Or a sunset sunrise band of conflicting light. When the moon goes behind Jupiter it would be complete dark.
I'm not explaining it well enough, and considering the Sky Lords live in the lay of Jupiter's atmosphere that's breathable, the Europian day-night cycle is really minor.
I do appreciate the input and it is a detail I want to get right because it makes this moon feel interesting.
But I truly can't tell where you're taking this. Is there maybe a better place to start?
Also, this line, "The ship crews in formal uniform line the rails." drops into present tense. Maybe you meant 'lined'. And consider 'dress' uniform instead of formal.
Just my thoughts.
I have some astronomy background and there did seem to be a few minor impurities as far as logistic are concerned but nothing glaring and I do not know enough about the 'Hard SF' market to be able to advise on whether or not those minor infractions warrant concern. I did like your style and premise. I felt your prose was strong.
I hope this helps in some way. I could review your entire story if you would like. Just shoot me an email.
[This message has been edited by Phobos (edited November 27, 2009).]
I have to get the MC must be in the first 13 lines for this story. He comes in much to late as it's written. I can add two more paragraphs to solve that problem. That can also establish the reasons for the ceremony at the end of paragraph two.