Cathy and I are twelve, and we love each other. Bad Joe keeps us locked in his cellar with only a slit of light to entertain us. Cathy has pigtails and blue eyes, which I think are beautiful. We can't leave the cellar, but that's okay; Cathy can take us to magical places. That's the best thing about magic: you can do anything you want without even moving.
'We're going to kill him, Sadie,' she says to me with a smile. She's been putting on violet lipstick and its smudged all over her chin.
I frown. 'How?'
'Don't worry about that,' she says, and kisses me, smearing purple across my face. Her mouth is sticky and syrupy. She brings sweetmeats from her travels and eats them with me in the darkness. And I know she's ready for another voyage.
I'll read it if you're looking for critiques any time soon.
Put Hatrack in the email subject line so I know you're not a spammer.
[This message has been edited by arriki (edited March 20, 2008).]
Cathy and I are twelve, and we love each other. Bad Joe keeps us locked in his cellar with only a slit of light to entertain us. We can't leave the cellar, but that's okay; Cathy can take us to magical places. That's the best thing about magic: you can do anything you want without even moving.
'We're going to kill him, Sadie,' she says to me with a smile. Cathy has pigtails and blue eyes, which I think are beautiful. She's been putting on violet lipstick and its smudged all over her chin.
I frown. 'How?'
'Don't worry about that,' she says, and kisses me, smearing purple across my face. Her mouth is sticky and syrupy. She brings sweetmeats from her travels and eats them with me in the darkness. And I know she's ready for another voyage.
Also the smearing purple across my face seemed strange considering it was his POV.
I was confused as to whether or not the MC goes with Sadie. At first I thought yes, but in the end it sounded like no.
Present tense is risky, but so far so good. Keep at it!
[This message has been edited by MrsBrown (edited March 21, 2008).]