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Posted by JainaSolo21 (Member # 5598) on :
When I imagined falling in love, this isn’t what I pictured. As a child, I had always hoped I would date someone I had grown up with. But when he walked into my life, even though I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved, I couldn't help myself. It's ironic that when I finally fell in love, it was with an alien.

“That’s not fair, Jacob! Your legs are longer than mine!”

At the sound of Jeff, my younger brother’s childish protests, I placed my pen down and closed my journal. With a smile I pushed open the sliding glass doors and walked out onto the wooden balcony overlooking the backyard. The air had been calm, cool, still instead of the blistering and stuffy heat mid July was know for. However, the unusual weather had not been unwelcome. Folding my arms across my chest, I leaned over the railing and watched.

Hello. I'm new here, but I love getting feedback on my stories and am always looking for new ways to improve. I'm not sure about this beginning, they are (beginnings) always hard for me. What do you guys think? Would anyone be interested in reading the final version? Also as a side note, the first paragraph is supposed to be part of a journal entry.

[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited June 18, 2007).]

Posted by kings_falcon (Member # 3261) on :
You are likely to get clipped down as soon as SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED sees this one. I suspect you are over 13 lines.

You had me and then you lost me.

I liked the journal entry. Then I was confused.

My 2 cents:


When I imagined falling in love, this isn’t what I pictured. As a child, I had always hoped I would date someone I had grown up with. But when he Give me a name walked into my life bit cliche but I can live with it as long as you get away from the cliche this is fititng into ASAP , even though I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved, I couldn't help myself. It's ironic [probably not the right word. You can use this to tell me a lot about her. Is doing something outrageous part of who she is or was this out of character? But that telling is all in the word you use to describe it. that when I finally fell in love, it was with an alien. I'm interested now

“That’s not fair, Jacob! Your legs are longer than mine!”
Who the heck said this? Where are we? A clearer transition is needed - M'b - Jeff, my younger brother, said as he played with my alien lover. Resigned to acting as referee again, I closed my journal.

At the sound of Jeff, my younger brother’s childish protests, I placed my pen down and closed my journal.
With a smile I pushed open the sliding glass doors and walked out onto the wooden balcony overlooking the backyard. The air had been calm, cool, still instead of the blistering and stuffy heat mid July was know for. However, the unusual weather had not been unwelcome. Lost me. I don't want to know about the weather. I want to know about the alien. Also she's passive now.

Folding my arms across my chest, I leaned over the railing and watched. passive. She stopped writing in her journal to watch these two fight?

“Just because you’re short, Jeffrey doesn’t mean you can’t make a basket.” said the Evil Robot Monkey King.

“But you’re taller!” Jeff hated it when people poked fun at him for being short.

The journal entry was the hook for me but you lost me transitioning into the present. If you are going to jar me into the present, drop me into the action. Have her interact with Jeff and Jacob. Also the two "J" names will drive some people nuts. Unless there is a really good reason to do it, you might want to change one of those names.


Posted by Mauvemuse (Member # 5488) on :
First off welcome and it looks like it will be an interesting story.

When I imagined falling in love, this isn’t what I pictured. {This says to me that we are about to hear a long, rambling thesis on their love, but it makes more sense knowing that it is a journal entry, but still made me instantly bored.}As a child, I had always hoped I would date someone I had grown up with {kind of awkward; I had hoped that I had grown up with}. But when he walked into my life, even though I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved, I couldn't help myself {why is he so attractive?}. It's ironic that when I finally fell in love, it was with an alien {Confused me. I suppose that it was supposed to, but here I am expecting a sappy romance and now it's SF}.
“That’s not fair, Jacob! Your legs are longer than mine!”

At the sound of Jeff, my younger brother’s {a comma here.} childish protests, I placed my pen down and closed my journal. With a smile I pushed open the sliding glass doors and walked out onto the wooden balcony {now a lot of desription? This makes me picture those specific things instead of the scenew as a whole. Maybe just, 'I slid open the door and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the backyard and basketball court'} overlooking the backyard. The air had been calm, cool, still instead of the blistering and stuffy heat mid July was know for {We know what July is like, so don't need, 'is known for'}. However, the unusual weather had not been unwelcome {because she doesn't like the heat? Tell us why}. Folding my arms across my chest, I leaned over the railing and watched {And spoke? was that her in the next line?}.

“Just because you’re short, Jeffrey doesn’t mean you can’t make a basket.”

“But you’re taller!” Jeff {If this is her POV why does she call him Jeff and then Jeffery? Wouldn't she speak the was she thought?} hated it when people poked fun at him for being short.

From the begining I guess that this is where she first meets the alien (and the odd weather) and I also assume that the story is about them falling in love?

I'm not hooked yet (probably wouldn't buy it) but I am interested enough to want to know what happenes next (so I guess I am really hooked ). If you want me to read it, reeply here and I'll email you if your email is listed (mine isn't).


Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
My take:


When I imagined falling in love, this [isn’t<-- This violates the tense, makes it 3rd-person-present.] what I pictured. As a child, I [had<--don't need this "had".] always hoped I would date someone I had grown up with. But[,] when he walked into my life, even though I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved, I couldn't help myself. It's ironic that when I finally fell in love, it was with an alien.[<--Interesting hook. You took the passive way of getting to it, though.]
“That’s not fair, Jacob! Your legs are longer than mine!”[Huh? Who's saying this? Who is Jacob?]

At the sound of [Jeff,<--these two need to be switched--> my younger brother’s][And, Jeff needs the apostrophy] childish protests,[Why is he protesting her writing in her journal?] I placed my pen down and closed my journal. With a smile[,] I pushed open the sliding glass doors and walked out onto the wooden balcony overlooking the backyard. The air had been [calm, cool, still<--The first and last words are redundant] instead of the blistering and stuffy heat mid July was know[n] for. However, the unusual weather had not been unwelcome.[<--You murdered the hook by getting passive and getting away from the subject you started with.]

This is the end of your thirteen lines, and this:

Folding my arms across my chest, I leaned over the railing and watched.[Watched what?]

“Just because you’re short, Jeffrey[<--This is the second "J" name and the name needs to be followed by a:[,]] doesn’t mean you can’t make a basket.”[How does this make sense? I wouldn't assume short people could make baskets. Assuming here that you are refering to him playing basketball -- you never really tell us.

“But you’re taller!”[How is this a logical retort?] Jeff hated it when people poked fun at him for being short.

is almost thirteen lines extra. The lines are just by the size of the posting box, and blanks are included..

  • This is totally disjointed and what little hook you had, you killed directly after you made it.
  • If it's a journal/diary entry, date it and open with:,Dear Diary or something and let us know.
  • kings_falcon has some valid points in the first paragraph, and about the mix of "J" names.
    Posted by JainaSolo21 (Member # 5598) on :
    First, I'd like to thank everyone who has reviewed. I really appreciate your comments and will definitely take them into consideration when I revise my story. Second, about the names Jeff and Jacob, can I change Jeff to Geff instead? Is that going to annoy future reader/reviewers?
    Thank you all again.
    Posted by InarticulateBabbler (Member # 4849) on :
    You can do anything you'd like. YOU are the writer. However:


    ...can I change Jeff to Geff instead? Is that going to annoy future reader/reviewers?

    The name "Geff" is normally spelled "Geoff".
    Posted by Badger (Member # 3490) on :
    Personally, I enjoyed the gentle lead in and the introduction of the hook at the end of the first paragraph. However, as others have commented, the introduction of the dialogue (which is confusing in itself - who is talking) jarred me straight away from the hook and into confusion.

    I know the first paragraph is free, but the way this is laid out just leads to confusion. Maybe start the second paragraph with something like "Yup, I fell in love with Jacob, an evil robot monkey from the planet apeland. I remember my parents face when he stooped through the front door and crammed his fifteen foot farame into the hallway.."

    Ok, thats fairly rubbish, but it doesn;'t grate against what has come before quite so much IMHO

    Posted by Rick Norwood (Member # 5604) on :
    On my first read, I was able to figure out who was who and the genders of the characters (male pov character, male alien lover). But kings_falcon got confused on that point, so you do need to make it clearer.

    Why would a little brother complain that his older brother had longer legs. That would be a given, unless they were playing basketball.

    Is the younger brother outside or inside. In other words, in the pov character walking toward or away from the character who just spoke to him.


    Posted by JainaSolo21 (Member # 5598) on :
    Tuesday, June 19, 2007
    When I imagined falling in love, this wasn’t what I pictured. As a child, I always hoped I would date someone I had grown up with. When I met Taryn however, things changed. It's ironic that when I finally fell in love, it was with an alien.
    “Jake, give me the ball back!” Sam, my younger brother protested. Resigned to acting as referee for my brothers again, I closed my journal, slid open the door, and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the backyard and basketball court.
    “Jake, leave your brother alone,” I said, my hands on my hips.
    “Yes, mother.” I rolled my eyes at him. Although Jake and I were twins, he sometimes regressed to the age of a five or six year old.

    Here's a revised version of my story beginning. Thank you again for everyone who has reviewed. I really appreciated your comments. Please tell me what you think of this new version.

    Posted by Rick Norwood (Member # 5604) on :
    Better, but you need to establish the name and gender of the POV character right away. There may be a good reason to hide the gender of the alien lover until later (if gender has any meaning for the alien).

    Also, you now have four characters in the story, where before you just had three. That means that the fourth character must play a major role. Does he?


    Posted by JainaSolo21 (Member # 5598) on :
    Actually in my previous version I also had four characters; I'm sorry if I didn't really make that clear. All my characters play a major role, just some more than others.
    Posted by Rick Norwood (Member # 5604) on :
    I thought of an idea that might help. Your story starts when your character falls in love with the alien. Have you ever fallen in love? (If not, write about something else.) Write about the first time you set eyes on the person you came to love. Then do a rewrite, with all of the necessary changes if that person had been an alien.


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