It seemed as if millions of stars, whole galaxies, filled the depths of his eyes. I walked to the back of the bus to sit next to him. “Mind if I sit here?” I asked.
He looked at me, his blue eyes looked tired. “Sure Prof,” he sighed.
“You recognized me?” I was surprised by this. I did not recall meeting him before.
“I plan on taking your Heroes and Anti-heroes class next term. I’ve been writing my own short stories and it should help.”
I made a mental note that I should see of James White could take over the class then. I did not think I should have Aaron in my class. “If you’d like I could review some of it for you?”
We stopped for lunch at the King & I—my favorite Thai buffet.
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited February 08, 2007).]
I suggest you tell us what the story is about in line 1. As it is, I'm not hooked. (Reading about a prof and student talking...I do that every day!)
I think this should replace "It seemed as if millions of stars..." I can't picture this, or rather I don't know what you mean by it.
Why do I care about a student and his Prof. The only things that might get me to read more is the fact that the prof wants to avoid having this kid in his class. Then I was confused as to why the prof would go out to lunch with a student he was trying to avoid.
and maybe it was just me but third time through I finally figured otu that the prof was going to go over the kids writing not the class material. prob just me.
Since I have what I hope is a twist to the ending, I'm trying not to give away too much up front. I will see what I can do.
[This message has been edited by kmckendry (edited February 07, 2007).]
As I sat next to him on the bus, I asked, “Mind if I sit here?”
He looked at me, his blue eyes looked tired. “Sure Prof,” he sighed.
“You recognize me?” Until today, I was careful not to meet with him.
“I’m a student at Carroll; I plan on taking Heroes and Anti-heroes next term. I’ve been writing my own short stories and it should help. I’m told you’re the best at helping with Sci-Fi Fantasy stories.”
I made a mental note that I should see if James White could take over the class then. I did not think I should have Aaron in my class. This chance meeting and being recognized as a professor is one thing. But, what if?
Right here is 13 lines according to the template.
The next is the rest of the intro.
Note from Kathleen:
Sorry. Only the first 13 lines.
Again, thanks for the input.
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited February 08, 2007).]
My comment is that you need to establish the narrative frame up front rather than waiting till the end of your intro. For this particular piece, you really need to establish a little more context for the scene itself, even if you weren't going with an approach that demands a narrative frame.