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Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
For now only comments on the first thirteen, please.
Any crits welcome. I especially want to know if it's funny.

On the same day that Anita almost lost her virginity, and Clara's sense of smell morphed beyond recognition, John found himself bodily transported from Madrid, Spain, to the back of an empty bus, cruising at 40mph from Chicago to Madison.

John zipped up, wiped his hands on his jeans and inventoried his pockets. The road signs informed him he was on the wrong continent. Thankfully he'd had the foresight to put his passport, credit card and a couple hundreds in his back pocket before attempting intimate relations with Anita. Previous efforts had landed him naked in the middle of the Sahara. If it hadn't been for those nice Bedouins he didn't know what would have become of him.

John sat down and wondered how he was going to convince US authorities that he hadn't entered the country illegally.

Posted by pixydust (Member # 2311) on :
Hey Sara, this is good. The only thing I see is that part with the authorities. Why would he need to say anything? It's only at the boarders that you get asked stuff like that.

Oh, and the part with the passport and pocket was weird. I don't mean to be crude but as a reader I'd think: sex with your pants on?

I'm hooked, though. You've got me.

Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
sex with your pants on?

Exactly what I thought. Not sure how to get around it though. Like pixydust, I don't want to be crude, but if he has to do the deed with his pants on, he might not want to use jeans. Without getting graphic, I'll just say zippers would be a no-no to the with-pants-on-sex-haver.

I didn't necessarily think this was FUNNY, per se, but I really like it. Definitely interesting. I want to keep reading it.

Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
He is wearing pants because this teletransportation thingy has happened before, and he doesn't want to end up naked in the middle of the great wall of China.
Any suggestions on how I could pull this off?
The US authorities will give him trouble when he tries to _leave_ the country without having an entry stamp. They'll rightly ask how he got into the US. This is sort of explained in the next paragraph. Is this OK? Or should I cut the passport thingy all together: it's more anecdotal than part of the plot.

[This message has been edited by Sara Genge (edited December 16, 2006).]

Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
I think the passport thing is important. I don't know how to fix it, because it didn't confuse me: I assumed that he brought the passport when he went over to her house.

I am hooked, and would definitely read further. I don't have any suggestions, because it really drew me in.


On rereading, I think I have a fix: he puts his passport etc. in his pockets before dropping by Anita's to attempt intimate relations.

[This message has been edited by wbriggs (edited December 16, 2006).]

Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
You have me wondering what's happening, and what will happen next, but in good ways.

A few random thoughts:

[*] The bus is cruising at 40mph? That's really slow for a highway.

[*] I get the feeling that his teleportation (if that's what it is) was accidental -- but then I read the phrase "previous efforts", which sounds like he tried to teleport. I'm guessing that you meant that as previous efforts at sexual relations, but maybe it could be clarified: He kept his pants on and his money and passport in his pocket -- even during sex -- because he couldn't risk being transported buck naked, penniless, and without identification again. Maybe you make him think about how that has affected the girls he's trying to have sex with. They might find it a little disconcerting, you could explain more clearly what he's worried about, and there might be some humor in the situation to boot.

[*] You started the second two paragraphs with "John". Maybe that's too nit-picky, but I noticed it. I think you could start paragraph two with "He", since John is the only male mentioned in the first paragraph. Come to think of it, that paragraph is a single sentence, and John is its subject.

To your specific questions:

I didn't get confused by the passport thing initially, but I didn't think about him trying to leave the US with a passport without an entry stamp. You might clarify that, but I don't think you'd lose anything by cutting it.

I didn't find it funny per se, but it's hooky. I could see it getting funny in a dry sort of way.

Posted by kkmmaacc (Member # 2643) on :
I like it too. It is hooky. I wouldn't call it funny per se, more like light and entertaining and holding out the promise of being outright funny in pages to come.

I didn't have a problem with the passport thing, but I can also identify with people who did. I think the easy fix is to remove "thankfully". The sentence would read equally well if you just took that word out. Often when you say "thankfully, blah happened" you mean that blah happened just out of dumb luck, and that's why you're thankful for it. But in this case, blah happened through the character's own forethought and careful preparation.


Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
kkmmaacc, welcome back. How have you been doing?
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I've noticed that not everyone seems to have picked up on the fact that the teleportation is associated with Anita rather than him. I think that, overall, this opening doesn't do a good job of presenting the situation.

I'm not really hooked, partly because it doesn't seem like the innuendo really pulls its weight. And there doesn't seem to be much else of interest here, which is odd, because you're starting off with teleportation, but it doesn't seem very interesting.

Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
I've noticed that not everyone seems to have picked up on the fact that the teleportation is associated with Anita rather than him.

Sara, if he's right then I agree, you need to clarify that.

Posted by Josh (Member # 4394) on :
Is that first sentence part of the story? I mainly ask because I'm confused about the mention of Clara. I hope she shows up again soon, or else that part needs to get chopped out and woven in later. Just my opinion...I can make the connection between the sex and the teleportation (though I've obviously no clue why it happens..hope you do, heh)...but what? Were they have a threesome and Clara's side-effect is sensitive smelling and Anita zaps people across the planet? It is an intriguing beginning, so good job there, but that part snagged me and made me frown.

Most of it: << like that

Bit with Clara: << like that other thing. The phrase "The same day" disconnects my time reference. How disjointed are these events? Obvioulsy the John/Anita/sex/teleport happens within a few moment's time (I'm assuming, since it didn't actually go all the way) so maybe instead of "The same day," you could say, "A few moments before Anita lost her virginity, John found himself..."

Maybe you want to be more subtle than that, however.

Posted by kkmmaacc (Member # 2643) on :
Hi Kathleen! I've been doing fine. It's just that between work, my little boy (he'll be 3 yrs. Jan. 1) and finding time to write, I practically never have time to go on the internet. Right now I'm doing some research where I have to run a lot of data analysis scripts, and they take between 10 and 15 minutes to run. So I'm getting in little 10 to 15 minutes snippets of web surfing! It's fun to catch up and see what everyone is up to.

(Hi everyone! [waves])

Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
X stands for whatever speed in mph buses reach on highways in the US.

Just when Anita was finally going to lose her virginity, John found himself bodily transported from Madrid, Spain, to the back of an empty bus, cruising at X mph from Chicago to Madison.
John pulled up his pants, wiped his hands with a hanky and inventoried his pockets. The road signs informed him he was on the wrong continent. Thank God he'd had the foresight to put his passport, credit card and a couple hundreds in his back pocket before attempting sex with Anita. Previous efforts had landed him naked in the middle of the Sahara. If it hadn't been for those nice Bedouins he didn't know what would have become of him.
When, and if he got back, he'd have a serious conversation with Anita. She had to stop teletransporting him away every time they were about to do it.

Posted by xardoz (Member # 4528) on :
Officially, probably 55 mph - interstates tend to limit at 65 nowadays, but a bus company will want to play it safe, and 55 is more economical. In reality, probably closer to 60, since the driver would want to allow for potential slow downs.
Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
My points are minor.

>Just when Anita was finally going to lose her virginity,
I prefer your original first line for 2 reasons.
* This version sounds like the story's going to be about Anita through the first clause. To me.
* I want Clara back. The rest of the text is clear enough I can trust you that Clara's going to show up again, and putting the reference in there adds a certain level of crazyness that just makes me laugh. And remember, I'm usually the one saying "explain what you're saying!" in those first 13

>John ... wiped his hands with a hanky
That's what you might call Too Much Information (seems a little gross)!

USA: 65-75 on Interstate, 55 on other non-city roads. However, traffic can slow it down further. I'd expect full speed as you got close to Madison, but in metro Chicago, it could even be stopped!


Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
Ditto Briggs about the first line.

Also on TMI. Wiping his hands on his jeans was just ambiguous enough to make it not-quite-icky, but by pulling up his pants -- and I think that's a better move -- and wiping his hands on a hanky, it's a little too much.

If he's pulling up his pants, I'm interested in who's watching. Doesn't need to be in the first 13, but it should probably be taken into account.

Anita must use pretty advanced technology to be able to put him down, apparently stationary, in a desert, and also to transport him into a vehicle moving at 65 miles an hour without killing him.

Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
The chances of EVER being able to actually drive the speed limit in Chicago are slim to none. The traffic in Chicago is horrible. Driving in Chicago, he would probably be driving a LOT slower than 55 or 65.

I'm much more comfortable with pants that don't necessarily have a zipper.

Still like it. I liked both versions, actually.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
She's not using technology, she's using an untrained class-4 psionic ability. That probably also needs to be clarified...okay, no it doesn't, either people get it or not.
Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
If it's really a natural capability rather than a technology, I might use a different term than "teletransporting".
Posted by xardoz (Member # 4528) on :
Depending on how graphic you want to get, you should also know that zipping up could be uncomfortable and a little tricky for John if Anita was mere seconds away from losing her virginity.
Posted by xardoz (Member # 4528) on :
I'm curious about what the driver's reaction is going to be when he notices he suddenly has a passenger on his previously empty bus.
Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
I was frankly more than a little put off by the wiping his hands on his jeans thing. Let's not go for realism, shall we? We'll just say that the blood in certain places got teleported back to whatever this guy uses for brains.
Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
Ok, so the hanky part icked you:

How about: John pulled up his pants, zipped and inventoried his pockets...

Let's all assume the pants aren't too tight.

Posted by kkmmaacc (Member # 2643) on :
I'm curious: when you say "a couple of hundreds"...

In American English, this can only mean "two $100 bills." If you mean "miscellaneous bills totalling about $200" it would have to be "a couple hundred."

Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
I mean he has about 200$
Posted by oliverhouse (Member # 3432) on :
How about: John pulled up his pants, zipped and inventoried his pockets...

Better. And I agree it should be "a couple hundred" if it's misc bills, and "a couple of hundreds" if it's two $100 bills.

Posted by Sara Genge (Member # 3468) on :
Thanks, I was confused about the 200 thingy
Posted by apeiron (Member # 2565) on :
My $0.02:

-I've been flying internationally recently, so I understood immediately when you mentioned explaining how he got into the US. Although, my mind immediately followed with the observation that nobody was probably going to look close enough to notice anyway. Even if I had no idea how international flight works, I don't think I would have questioned your narrative, or been slowed down by wondering about it.

-I was left wondering whether it was Anita or John that had the ability to "teleport" or whatever it is. Not that I need that question answered immediately--it drew me in. Good job.

-Loved the first paragraph. Immediate hook. Hopefully it doesn't drag now that John is all alone on a bus.

-40mph is pretty slow if he's on a highway. I'd change it to 60mph.

[This message has been edited by apeiron (edited December 27, 2006).]

Posted by Tara (Member # 4638) on :
This is really funny! I don't have anything to say other than, I would definitely keep reading.

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