My heart is pounding. It is hard for me to breathe. My death is drawing ever closer...I can't think of what it will feel like. My execution is scheduled for daybreak. As I look out of my jail cell I can see that it is thankfully still dark. I can't believe that I will never see those stars on this earth again…but...I am getting off track. I need to write my story down so that all I have suffered and done will not be in vain. I do not want someone else to have my same fate...where to begin? I guess I shall begin with the Moharian Crusades since that is when everything started going wrong...
I was a captain in the King’s army during the Moharian crusades. The King had ordered his whole army to go on the Crusade to regain the fabled Sword of Darkness from the
[This message has been edited by Eldrang (edited November 06, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited November 06, 2006).]
My only bone to pick is this: I assume from the second half that this is in a medeival fantasy kind of setting. If you could somehow establish that immediately, maybe even in the very first sentence, it might work a little more smoothly. As it is, I assumed in the first paragraph that this was in a modern setting, so it was a bit jarring when I got to the part about the Crusades and Kings and stuff. I had to re-envision what the first paragraph looked like.
My heart has not pounded so hard against my chest since the hectic battles of the Crusades. It is hard for me to breathe. My death is drawing ever closer...I can't think of what it will feel like. My execution is scheduled for daybreak. As I look out of my jail cell I can see that it is thankfully still dark. I can't believe that I will never see those stars on this earth again…but...I am getting off track. I need to write my story down so that all I have suffered and done will not be in vain. I do not want someone else to have my same fate...where to begin? I guess I shall begin with the Moharian Crusades since that is when everything started going wrong...
I was a captain in the King’s army during the Moharian crusades. The King had ordered his whole army to go on the Crusade to regain the fabled Sword of Darkness.
that last sentence goes on but evidently I had to sorta stop it mid-sentence so I'll keep it that way for this.
[This message has been edited by Eldrang (edited November 07, 2006).]
I did wonder why the MC was having a hard time breathing (is it hyperventilation or is it because of the jail cell?).
I definitely want ot know why he's got a death sentence and what happened.
The 6 or so sentences before this point just delay me getting to this line. There's some important information in there but I feel like it's only 1 sentence: "My execution is scheduled for daybreak."
So, I'd suggest cutting the opening paragraph down to something along the lines of:
My execution is scheduled for daybreak. I need to write my story down so that all I have suffered and done will not be in vain. I do not want someone else to have my same fate...where to begin? I guess I shall begin with the Moharian Crusades since that is when everything started going wrong...
That's a little choppy, but you get the idea.
By the way, it's not that the description of the character's reactions to his imminent death are badly written, I just don't think they're that necessary to the story you're trying to tell, and, in fact, are getting in the way.
Just my 2 cents.
- The jail in this crusade era supplies it's prisoners with all the paper, pen and ink they desire as well as the light to write by.
- This jail will fold up the prisoner's writing and preserve it, rather than throw it away.
- The thing in this world the character will miss the most is the stars.
- The character has given up any hope of reprieve and wants to help other people that he hasn't met
Now, of course I haven't read the rest of your story so all these issues might be addressed on the next page.
However, what if instead of writing his story down, the narrator's wife / sister / best friend (the one thing that the narrator will miss the most in the world) finally bribe their way into the prison where the narrator can tell them his tale in the last hours before he dies? Then the story is oral history rather than written and the narrator is emotionally tied to his world by his loved one, who will pay attention and listen to the tale.
This could also lead to deeper character development, maybe cutting between the past (the quest for the dark sword) and the present (the last hours of the narrator and his loved one's reactions to his tale).
I hope that is helpful. Best of luck.