[This message has been edited by RinkRatWriter (edited October 06, 2006).]
[This message has been edited by RinkRatWriter (edited October 06, 2006).]
Also, you need to turn a spellchecker on this piece, and the title instantly makes me groan and roll my eyes.
[This message has been edited by AeroB1033 (edited October 06, 2006).]
If he was looking for proof that he was on the right track, this alone would tell Marcus that the creatures he was tracking had passed this way.
Okay, first mistake I see is the fact that you don't use his name until you've already said "he" twice. Just come right out and say what's up, who we're hangin' with, and why.
The reason this doesn't grab me is that you don't tell me enough to care about what's going on. I don't feel his urgency to catch this creature--especially if I don't know why he needs to find it. You could tell me in the first sentence why.
"Marcus followed the trail of his wife's blood. The creature had just been here, its feet compressing the earth with its swift passage. He could still smell the pugnant stench of it's fir....bla-bla-bla..."
See what I mean. Let us know right away--why? In my example he's following because of revenge, and to perhaps find his wife. Questions remaining: is she dead or alive? Will he find her in time? Those questions are okay, cause he (Marcus) doesn't know the answers himself.
Also, how do you think it would work if the MC does not make an attempt to remember the name of another character based on the MC making the assumption that the other character probably won't be around long enough to worry about it?
Not sure what you're asking here, exactly, sorry. Are you referring to hiding info? Cause that's not okay 99.9% of the time, and the last point is left over for those most clever and manipulative writers who are superheros and can do the impossible.
Hope this helps...
Also, let us feel what Marcus is feeling about the situation. The reason behind it will provoke his thoughts and feelings -- very different if it's a sporting hunt as opposed to tracking his wife's killer as pixydust mentioned.
Also, I agree that you should use Marcus' name up front - in place of the first "he." And you don't need to repeat it in each subsequent sentence - maybe just once more.
I like your writing style -- keep it up!