The day started out as most of them do when you are a single mother raising two ADHD sons. I was running late, the boys could not find anything. Breakfast was just something we dreamed about when we had the time to dream.
The house was a wreck, my desk at work was a wreck, and at this point my nerves were a wreck. But the last thing in my thoughts was my bills. After all, I made good money, received child support from my sons’ father, and our expenses were not great. We live very conservatively.
The boys made it to school and I made it through another hectic day at the office. Now, I had to drive the five minutes home and start the daily routine of trying to clean (yea, right) feed the boys, get the showers completed, make sure the laundry needed for the next day was done and then I could relax.
Market/Audience: Adults with ADHD or other adults with interest in ADHD issues.
Length: Book of approximately 50+ essays on variety of subjects entailing the life of an ADHD mother.
Purpose of book is to provide confirmation to other adults living with ADHD that they are not alone.