I have been asked to just describe the story and ask for critiques.
This is a story about kid snapping after lengthy and serious bullying. There is only one, mild word, that may cause offense, used a few times.
Many of the moments are drawn from my own experiences.
So if anyone wants to read it please let me know.
Posted by hoptoad (Member # 2145) on :
PS: Its about 1000 words Speculative contemporary.
Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 2067) on :
What the hell? People are offended? What? No!
Did you expect people to be getting drunk while standing on someone? If you're offended by peeing, please feel free to die of a urinary infection...
sorry if I offend anyone, but... well... read my post in the cursing thread and feel free to offend yourself by pretending the asterixes are "uck."
Posted by Dude (Member # 1957) on :
OK, I'm going to have to read this because of misguided moralists that want to censure the language down to " ".
Send to wolf_dude64@yahoo.com
I still have your other story--should get it back to you soon.
Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
There couldn't have been any purpose to that vicious post (Archer's), *except* to offend people. That needs deleting a lot more than hoptoad's first 13.
hoptoad, I'll read.
[This message has been edited by wbriggs (edited November 23, 2005).]
Posted by MG (Member # 2938) on :
I'll take a look at it, hoptoad.
Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 2067) on :
Yes, it was a vicious attack on censorship in a +18 forum. I agree with the founding fathers on this one, and I'll defend that view as fervently as they did. If you delete my post, you prove my point.
Posted by hoptoad (Member # 2145) on :
Thanks folks. I will send it out soon.
[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited November 23, 2005).]
Posted by apeiron (Member # 2565) on :
Oh come now, we're not exactly in the town square. This is OSC's forum. His space, his bandwidth, his rules. I'm not saying I agree with the decision to take it down, but I think it was very reasonable of hoptoad to accomodate members who were offended. Sometimes civility is worth the sacrifice.
Posted by sojoyful (Member # 2997) on :
I second that. hoptoad was very gracious about the whole thing. It certainly doesn't merit some of the negative comments being made. I'm very disappointed to have these negative attitudes creep into an otherwise warm and friendly community.
Posted by Kickle (Member # 1934) on :
I agree about the overly negitive attitudes being unnessary. And I did read the original post. Though it may have been too shocking for some members, I did not take offence to it and I did think it was realistic. My concern was: where does a story go from there? Starting with such a strong scene makes it hard to have the traditional rising plot line. Then again there are other ways to plot a story and 1,000 words is not very long to get a reader emotionally involved with characters -- hoptoad certainly accomplished that.
[This message has been edited by Kickle (edited November 24, 2005).]
Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Hopper, send it to me, but make sure it's in .rtf format because I'm working on a very old computer after my laptop died.
Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 2067) on :
No, this isn't a town square. It IS OSC's space. But that means we shouldn't dissagree with his rules? If he made a rule that said blacks can't join his forum, should we just say, "Oh well. It IS his forum."
And while no profanity isn't anywhere near as malicious as a racial ban, I'm just using it to say that I dissagree with this rule and should have the right to express that view. Call it negativity if you will, but I'm just trying to bring my argument in the most effective way I can. I mean no harsh feelings toward those who enforce, or created that rule. Just the rule itself.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
quote:No, this isn't a town square.
That's right. It's hoptoad's topic for his story.
So it isn't the place to discuss anything but whether or not someone wants to read his story and comment on it for him.
ArCHeR, you have not offered to read hoptoad's story. Instead, you are using his topic for something else. Whether you agree or disagree with OSC's rules does not matter. Helping hoptoad with his story is what matters here.
Posted by john d. clark (Member # 2977) on :
Hey Hoptoad, I'd like to read it. Please do send it.
Posted by Monolith (Member # 2034) on :
I never got to see it up on the thread. I'd love to take a read, if you don't mind.
Email's in my profile.
Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
Wow, hoptoad. You've got plenty of help, it looks like.
*Dang! I always miss out on the great opportunities!*
Send if you need it. Otherwise, feel free to save me for a future draft--or a future story.