“What! Jesus!? Arrghhh,” spat out Calda, along with a good deal of dried mucous.
“Reconstitution by shipboard computer complete,” said an emotionless voice.
“Nugh,” she managed. The Employee Materials Chamber had split open and birthed her yet again onto cold linoleum tiles. She was naked and sprawled all over the tasteful mosaic of Cradlow Burns, Chief Executive Officer of the Quasar Corporation. He was holding a golden scepter and beatifically smiling at the other cryogenically preserved genetic samples of employees. The scepter terminated in the blue-green orb of a planet, its continents divided into perfect geometric shapes.
Also, in the beginning she spits out complete words, but she can't manage anything but "Nugh" as her next phrase.
Finally, I understand what you are saying in the last paragraph, but I think it can be reworded to a better effect.
Still, I am hooked and would like to know why she keeps getting birthed, and why this time.
some quick an easy notes:
--- “What! Jesus!? Arrghhh,” spat out Calda, along with a good deal of dried mucous.
the punctuation could be simplified, "What? Jesus!...
--- The Employee Materials Chamber had split open and birthed her yet again onto cold linoleum tiles.
Why use past-perfect for something you could use simple past just a sentence earlier?
--She was naked and sprawled all over the tasteful mosaic of Cradlow Burns, Chief Executive Officer of the Quasar Corporation. He was holding a golden scepter and beatifically smiling at the other cryogenically preserved genetic samples of employees.
Rhythm, Two sentences in sequence both starting with "(Pronoun) was" I am all for occasional use of "was" and don't require that passive sentences be completely avoided. However two in a row in the first few paragraphs...well, you get the idea.
[This message has been edited by pantros (edited October 05, 2005).]
I found it slightly implausible that the EMC would be designed to dump naked people right on top of the mosaic, so if you have a reason that happened, I'd rather see that then a tangential and apparently out of POV description of the floor. If the EMC does that on purpose, then you can describe the mosaic while explaining why it's there.
I did like the juxtoposition of "She was naked and sprawled all over the tasteful mosaic of Cradlow Burns," but you still need to justify it somehow.