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Posted by ChrisG (Member # 2761) on :
Hi, I need readers to look at my book, "Earth Stone" and give me some feed back. I'm in the process of proff reading, but it is complete as it is for reading. Its the first book in a complted trilogy, however Earth Stone can stand alone.
163,000 words, double spaced

Bacis blurb:
Evolution is a tricky subject, especially when you throw in religious fundamentalism. No doubt Henry James as a history student and former seminarian struggled with the duality of the subject, but he never thought to throw Elves into the mix of discussion. Yet, neither did he think one of them would pull him in either.

I'm not sure how this works, but post your e-mail address and I can send you the manuscript electronically. Its in Microsoft Word.

Here are the first 13 lines of the Prologue:

“You know why Fenril,” Garron responded gazing up at the night sky and breathing in the salt air.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, I tell you. I was making real progress in the east,” Fenril said.
“And I in the South,” Greggor added.
Garron sighed and turned to regard his four companions. Each of them looked withered and impossibly old though their strength lay not in their limbs. This discussion was pointless and each of them knew it. They had their lifetimes to try and avoid this night and those lives were at an end now.
“Before you all start chiming in, tell me your ‘progress’ lasted any longer than it took for you to leave and try elsewhere?”
Eyes shifted at that as the men went through varying stages of denial and finally glowered at one another. Greggor seemed to gather his thoughts.

By the way...posting only 13 lines is WAY lame!

[This message has been edited by ChrisG (edited August 01, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by ChrisG (edited August 01, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (edited August 02, 2005).]

Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Posting 13 lines may be "way lame", but it's the Rules, and like them or not, they're still Rules.

163,000 words is a pretty sizeable work. You're asking for a lot of commitment from a reader to give you comment on something that size.

What concerns me is what you've posted here. Your "bacis" (I assume you mean basic) blurb doesn't work for me; the three sentences don't seem to actually connect to one another. "throw in religious fundamentalism" - how? "No doubt" - well, as the author, you should KNOW, don't share your assumptions. Just tell us whether he did or didn't struggle with "the duality" of the subject (what duality? Do you simply mean the conflicting ideas of Creationism/Intelligent Design vs Evolution?). "pull him in" - pull him into where? How? What?

Then there's your prologue. You've got Fenril, Greggor and Garron talking (plus two others, nameless), but we don't know what they're talking about, or who they are. Sure, Fenril "knows why", but we don't; we don't even know what he was asking about, let alone the answer. You then tell us "the discussion is pointless", so it's asking a lot for the reader to stay interested in it.

For good measure, there are some punctuation issues - missing commas ("You know why, Fenril", Garron responded, gazing up...), inconsistent capitalisation (east and South), incorrect tense use (They'd had or They had had, not They had - the correct form is ugly, so you might want to break up the repitation - "They had each had a lifetime...").

I'm afraid my honest feeling is that you will need to work seriously on those elements of your novel, and I really don't have time to provide input for 163,000 words at that level.


Posted by benskia (Member # 2422) on :
Ditto on the above.
I was lost by the bacis thing. Couldn't even get my head around that. But, then again, I'm rubbish at religion. So not sure how the fundamentalist part of it fits with elves, and all that other complicated stuff you said. This is probably above my reading ability TBH.

I can sense a response on its way about all the stuff that we dont understand yet will soon be revealed, but it comes later than the 13 lines. Make sure to have a read of some of the other posts on here before you do though.

Have you received criticism on any of the book before now? Any comments and feedback as you've been going along?

I'm trying to figure what stage this book is at and how much rework you are willing to do after receiving critique. Is this the final version, apart from a bit of a tidy up re: spelling / comma placement etc. Or are you still on first draft stage?

Oh, and nearly forgot to mention. 163,000 words. That is a magnificent achievement. Well done.

Posted by benskia (Member # 2422) on :
Ooops, forgot to mention.
I think it unlikely that anybody will be up for simply proof-reading, but you may be lucky and find 1 or 2 that can do a more general critique.

If this is the end version, it may be worth spending a few quid (that's money in england) and getting it proofread by a professional. There are quite a few websites offering such services, I believe might have something up your street. I know it's not an ideal solution, having to pay for this service, but proofreading isn't the most interesting of tasks eh? And after all the work you've put into this, a bit of cash to see your dream realised is surely worth it.

Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
It may seem harsh, but the comments you've received are gentle compared to what an editor will think.

Your "Bacis blurb" is enough to convince me I don't want to read or critique.

Your sentence structure in the blurb doesn't make sense, and that is all I need to know that probably there are issues throughout your manuscript.

You have roughly 13 lines to convince an editor to continue reading. If you can't accomplish that in 13 lines, you might as well forget about being published. Sentence structure, spelling, grammar... if you don't have the mechanics mastered the editors won't move past that first page, which is what the first 13 lines amounts to.

I'm getting a touch sensitive regarding all the new members who recognize the 13 line rule yet choose to disregard it because they think it's "lame." It seems rude to me to come onto a board like this and thumb your nose at the established conventions. If you don't LIKE the established conventions, I'm sure there are other places that don't hold 13 lines as a requirement. However, if you would do just a little research on "first 13" using the "search" feature of the board or better yet, the FAQ section, you would find that there are solid reasons behind the rule, one of which is to protect your copyright of your manuscript. Gee, it's not such a "lame" rule if violating the rule causes you to lose your right to publish, is it?

I still consider myself fairly new on the board, but I wouldn't have dreamed of violating a clearly stated restriction when I first joined. Yes, the first 13 seemed odd to me at first, too. But instead of thumbing my nose, I spent time trying to find the reasons. I was grateful that I learned some things I didn't know about the publishing world, like the fact that if you release too much of your manuscript electronically, you may find yourself shut out from being considered by any professional publishing firm.

I think you'll find that none of us will want to spend time reviewing your manuscript unless you can demonstrate a willingness to respond in a mature manner to critique. You would be well advised to edit down to the first 13 as required.

Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
Well, it looks as if Kathleen has assisted you. Good for her!

Now I might mention something else. When I first joined I stated how I was looking forward to the commentary everyone could give me. I was told clearly by a couple of people, "Don't expect to get without giving." In other words, offer your services in critique to others. Develop relationships. Establish your presence.

Critiquing a novel the size of yours is a daunting task. I have a WIP that will easily rival yours in size, yet I wouldn't expect a single person to critque it in one sitting.

I suggest you join one of the Hatrack groups that offer critique for each other, and feed the book to them about 3 chapters at a time. It will take a while to get through the whole thing, but the advantage to you is that as you critique for others you will begin to understand what works and what doesn't, and why. Nothing like seeing someone else make the same errors you make to become clear on why they are errors.

You might ask for a reader for the first 3 chapters. You are far more likely to find someone willing to critique a couple of thousand words, rather than 160,000+.

On the word length, you might do a spot check on book length. Orson Scott Card says most of his books are around 110,000 words. Consider there is a cost associated with each page printed in a book, that 70% of books published by new authors never make back their advance, that most new authors are lucky to get a publisher to print 5,000 copies, that it takes 10,000 copies for a book to become financially successful. That said, the length of your FIRST novel may be a handicap. I suggest you find as many ways to pare it down as possible so that the cost of publication doesn't become a factor in the editor's decision. Once you are a successful, established author, you can get away with novels the size of a small house. Ask Robert Jordan or Jean Auel about that.

Posted by ChrisG (Member # 2761) on :
First, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to respond in such a thoughtful manner to an "obvious ass." I appologize.

Second, I put my "bacis" (typo for basic) blurb up there and my off the cuff bit about evolution and such because it was at the end of a VERY long day for me and I wasn't in the right frame of mind for putting a lot of thought into it. That said, I probably should not have been so hasty and done it at all.

Lastly, and this is for tchernabyelo:

I understand the need for rules and I didn't break them on purpose, I didn't count what I pasted. Also, your criticisms are unwarranted and unfair becaue if the entire page were to be pasted, your questions wouldn't have have been asked. They would have been answered ON THE PAGE!

No, I have not recieved any feed back at all. That's been extremely difficult and is the reason why I have begun to enter online writer's groups. I really need the readers, but 163,000 words IS long. Not only that, but its the first book of a completed trilogy. Total trilogy length is 910,863 words.

Long book length being frowned on by publishers is discouraging and that's another reason why I need help with Earth Stone. Its been sitting cold without my looking at it for about 6 months, but I'm TOO close to the work. That's why I need help. Also, a few chaps at a time would be good.

[This message has been edited by ChrisG (edited August 03, 2005).]

Posted by Beth (Member # 2192) on :

Hint: arguing with critiques is not a good way to solicit more of them.


Posted by tchernabyelo (Member # 2651) on :
Lastly, and this is for tchernabyelo:

I understand the need for rules and I didn't break them on purpose, I didn't count what I pasted. Also, your criticisms are unwarranted and unfair becaue if the entire page were to be pasted, your questions wouldn't have have been asked. They would have been answered ON THE PAGE!

Yes, but would I have continued reading to find out? I am not suggesting that the first thirteen lines (oh, and regarding your (perhaps ill-advised) sarcasm to the board administrator - perhaps you should check the definition of "13 lines", which I'll freely admit I misinterpreted when I first submitted here) need to explain everything, by any means. A certain amount of confusion is no bad thing, so long as the reader's curiosity is piqued as well. You are trying to convince a reader that they want to find out what's happening, and my points were that for me (and naturally the criticism was purely my own opinion, with which you are entirely free to disagree - I'm just trying to explain how I reached that opinion) I was not convinced that I wanted to read further to find out. There wasn't a single clear character to "latch on to" as a reader; the subject of their conversation was unclear; and they themselves admitted that it was pointless, which really doesn't encourage the reader to think "well, they may think that, but I know better so I'm determined to find out what's going on".

You are entirely at liberty to reject my opinions, in precisely the same way I am entirely at liberty not to be entranced by your writing. However, before you complain, perhaps you should consider, as Beth has hinted, that ultimately what you are asking for here is for other people to use up their time to assist you. As you may imagine, I certainly feel less inclined to do so in the future.


Posted by ChrisG (Member # 2761) on :
“You know why, Fenril,” Garron responded gazing up at the night sky and breathing in the salt air.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, I tell you. I was making real progress in the east,” Fenril said.
“And I in the South,” Greggor added.
“The races of Faerie are leaving and that is the end of it,” Yarras said. “I don’t like it anymore than the rest of you, but there it is.”
“Face it, brothers,” Pestin sad sadly. “We did our best but it wasn’t good enough.”
Garron sighed and turned to regard his four companions. Each of them looked withered and impossibly old

What I really want to know is do I even NEED the dang prologue? I'd like to send the prologue and first 3 chaps to ANYone willing to read and comment on them. Two things I need from such a read...1. is the writing good. 2. do I need a prologue?
Also, whatever comments any of you would care to make.

[This message has been edited by ChrisG (edited August 03, 2005).]

Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
For novels, here, we usually use the Hatrack Groups (see the main page).

Look, I went on another board ( and did a "request for dedicated readers," which meant, "read my novel." I don't think my novel sucks, but I got 0 takers. It's not just you. To get this working, I strongly recommend you do one of the Hatrack Groups.

[This message has been edited by wbriggs (edited August 03, 2005).]

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
If you can wait till later in the month, I'll do a trade with you. I'm backed up right now on work, but I have a novel I could use a dedicated reader for.

We can swap our first chapters and go from there. In fact, I have gotten readers for my novels from Hatrack, but basically by offering the first chapter and letting those who were interested request the rest on a chapter by chapter basis.

You might also sign up for Critters which has a dedicated reader program for novels.


Posted by ChrisG (Member # 2761) on :

That would be great. As for wbrigg's comment "For novels, here, we usually use the Hatrack Groups (see the main page)." I thought that's what this forum was for?!?!?!?!?

"I strongly recommend you do one of the Hatrack Groups." HUH??? Isn't that what this is???

VERY confused here. (Maybe just dense though too, so be nice )

[This message has been edited by ChrisG (edited August 03, 2005).]

Posted by DavidGill (Member # 1688) on :
You probably don't need the prologue, no matter how good it is.
Posted by wbriggs (Member # 2267) on :
Chris, go to the main page, , and click on "Hatrack Groups" rather than "Fragments and Feedback." That's what I'm talking about.
Posted by benskia (Member # 2422) on :
How many words are the first 3 chapters that you want looking at?

If it's less than about 3,000 I might be willing to give it a go.

Have you had chance to check out any of the other 13 lines submissions from other authors on the site yet?

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