This is topic Destination: Bootcamp! in forum Fragments and Feedback for Short Works at Hatrack River Writers Workshop.

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Posted by Jeraliey (Member # 2147) on :
One, two, three....GO!

When MaryRobbinette arrived, she had little idea of what to expect. Luckily, this time she had some of her fellow Hatrackers (legitimately) involved in her story.

And it unfolds...

Posted by Keeley (Member # 2088) on :
Mary blinked at the computer screen and sighed. "They're doing it again."

"What?" Dakota turned around and looked over Mary's shoulder.

"They've started another 'Destination' thread on fragments and feedback."

"Great!" Dakota pulled up a chair and settled in. "I wonder what's going to happen to you this time."

"Well, there's not much more that they can do to me, is there?"

"Let's see." Dakota rubbed her hands, an expression of pure glee on her face. "In addition to the usual stuff, they can make references to Mike's Flash Challenge, upgrade the HUB--"

"I hope so," Mary said giving hers a loving pat.

"--and maybe this time they could come up with a plot." Dakota and Mary looked at each other, biting their lips to hold back the laughter.

It didn't work.

They laughed and laughed until their sides hurt and they were nearly falling out of their chairs, then they laughed some more.

Then, Dakota stopped laughing with a quiet, "Oh."

"What is it?"

"We went to Boot Camp. They could ... no, they wouldn't do that. He's been too good to them."

Mary frowned at Dakota. "False suspense, dear. Please express your thoughts."

Dakota looked around then leaned in close to Mary.

"They could make Orson Scott Card a character in the story."

Mary shook her head, horror slowly twisting her stomach. "They wouldn't do that. Would they? I mean, kdw would stop them, right?"

[This message has been edited by Keeley (edited June 27, 2005).]

Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
However, in their absence kdw had gone astray and unwisely gave magical administrator rights to mikemunsil. Who promptly used them to...
Posted by Killerkop (Member # 2671) on :
open up a new section of the forum to be used only for
Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
flash fiction.

Mike Munsil gazed fondly at his realm and began to laugh. "Mwhahahahaha." He poured a glass of Bunnahabhain and swirled the amber liquid. "With kdw away, and Dakota and MaryRobinette tied up in BootCamp, I can do anything I want."

Little did he realize that MaryRobinette and Dakota had switched to an Omniscent Point of View and were able to zoom in on his thoughts.

MaryRobinette shook her head in dismay. Pulling out her Glowing Blade of Words she looked at Dakota. "I think it might be time to use our new critiquing skills on Mr. Munsil. Don't you?"

Dakota unsheathed her Blade of Words, honed to a sharp edge by OSC, and grinned. "Oh, yes. I've been waiting for this for a looooong time."

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
When suddenly, out of nowhere, a baby cried...
Posted by Monolith (Member # 2034) on :
Monolith pulls up a chair with a bucket of popcorn, soaked in butter and offers some to Spaceman and the others that are gathered for the epic Blade of Words fight.

"Go Mary and Dakota, give em a good what for!" Monolith said with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Who's got a drink with them?" Monolith said getting up and leaving the scene to find a beverage.


Posted by Elan (Member # 2442) on :
"Say," whispered Elan to Monolith. "Does anyone have the marketing rights to this duel? We can have t-shirts made, and pennants. I'm confident the DVD and book-on-tape will sell well. And a website with pictures would be great. What do you think?"
Posted by HSO (Member # 2056) on :
MaryRobinette scowled fiercly. There were interlopers in the story: Monolith and Elan. What right did they have to write themselves into the story? None, as far as she was concerned. Worse, there is no coherent POV.

So she glanced at Dakota, who seemed to understand perfectly, and together the two wrote them out of story, permanently. Or at least until they learned the rules.

"That'll teach 'em," Dakota said.

"Agreed," MaryRobinette said. "If this is going to work, then we need to focus on a small number of characters. Anyone who writes themselves in will be written out immediately."

"Of course that doesn't mean new characters won't pop up though."

"No, of course not. But right now, let's stay focused on the four characters we do have. You, me, OSC and mikemunsil."

"Yes, let's."

With the interlopers taken care of, and the rules set forth, MaryRobinette felt a lot better about proceeding with the story.

And she then told Dakota what was troubling her. "I think OSC and mikemunsil want to implant alien technology into our heads during bootcamp."

"Huh? For what reason? I didn't know that Mike knew OSC," Dakota said.

"Neither did I. Be Mike knows a lot of people. He's usually pretty quiet about it. I got this strange, anonymous e-mail last night that said those two were up to no good, and that they possessed alien technology -- brain implants. I don't know if it's genuine, but I do think it's a good idea if we keep our eyes open."

"Well, I've got my HUB, and that should be enough. But if it's true, I'm going to be really disappointed. I wanted OSC to sign my first edition hardcover copy of Ender's Game. But if he's going to take over my mind, well... I might have to reconsider it."

"Maybe we should get him to sign it before he tries anything funny. What do you think?"

"Good idea. Let's go see OSC, and maybe we can find some clues as to what he and Mike are up to."


[This message has been edited by HSO (edited June 28, 2005).]

Posted by mikemunsil (Member # 2109) on :
In the gal's absence, Mike had taken to reading on the nature of consciousness. This was to form the basis of his pernicious plan of provocation.

Quietly he whispered a cantrip...

As we stare into the dust and rubble of the last chapter, hoping Pygmalion-like to see consciousness newly step forth pure and pristine out of the detritus, let us ramble out and around the subject a little way as the dust settles, talking of different things. J Jaynes, from "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind"

...and grinned evily as his bicameral spell attached itself to MaryRobinette's subconscious. Soon she would hear voices, and in time she would obey them, as her noveau-conscious mind submerged itself into slavish obedience.

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Lurking in the corner, Spaceman wonders why the walls are still standing....
Posted by rickfisher (Member # 1214) on :
"Now Spaceman is trying to write himself into the story," Dakota said.

MaryRobinette shook her head. "He thinks we won't notice him in that corner. And I thought he was smarter than that." She moved to write him out of the story.

"Wait!" Dakota said, frowning. "We can't write him out. I mean, he's really here, at Boot Camp."

MaryRobinette frowned. Did that make a difference? This was a sticky area. "Well . . . has anyone else written about him yet?"

"I think so . . . yes. rickfisher has."

"All right. I guess we can leave him in, then."

"But--" Dakota broke off.

"What is it?"

"What about rickfisher? Has he written himself into the story. Or is he just writing about Spaceman?"

MaryRobinette put her hands to her head. What should she do about Mr. Fisher? Did he need to be written out? Was he even in the story? Or we they all just thinking about him for some reason?

That was it! It was starting already. mikemunsil and OSC had put their nefarious plot in action, and were already invading their thoughts, making them think about rickfisher!

But why rickfisher? Maybe because he was about halfway between mikemunsil's age and OSC's, and all three of them were close to the same age.

She heard Dakota begin to sing "Happy birthday," and stared in horror.

"Stop that!" she said. "It isn't his birthday!"

[This message has been edited by rickfisher (edited June 28, 2005).]

Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
MaryRobinette pressed her hands to her head, trying to clear her thoughts of other people's POV. "Okay. I think we're in an event story...Right?"

Dakota frowned and pulled out her notes from the day's lecture. "That sounds good. In an Event story, something is wrong with the world--"

"Which would be the existence of this thread," MaryRobinette muttered.

"--The story begins when the hero gets involved," Dakota glanced up, "That's us. And it ends when either the problem with the world is fixed, or the hero fails."

"So what do you want to do? Fix or fail?"


Posted by Jeraliey (Member # 2147) on :
"I was actually thinking about descending into incomprehensibility and then getting lost in the shuffle," said Dakota. "But I'd be up for fixing something."
Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
MaryRobinette laughed, "I'll admit that's tempting, but we would probably be stuck here forever, unless we could bring about a clear failure."

Staring into the distance, Dakota narrowed her eyes in thought. "If only there were some way to get admin powers..."

MaryRobinette jumped, as a thought struck her full force from behind. She rubbed the back of her head, where the thought had bruised her. "I know! If I take the kdw attachment from my HUB and crosslink it with a handwavium pellet, I can reverse the polarity and should be able to access the admin powers."

Dakota's face blanched. "But that could destroy the fabric of Hatrack, if it goes wrong."

"Nah." MaryRobinette waved her hand airily, "It's when I try to give them back that we've got worries. Having the absolute power could corrupt me absolutely. Look what's happened to MikeMunsil."

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Spaceman had a plan to make this thread go awry. He wheels in a television set and fires up the DVD player. In goes a disk continaing the original Star Trek, episode "And The Children Shall Lead." Everyone clears the room, knocking over chairs in the process. One person starts to sneak back into the room, but Spaceman hold up the disk containing "The Way To Eden," and the invader is repelled.
Posted by djvdakota (Member # 2002) on :
"What was that?" Dakota said. "Did you hear that?"

"I heard it," MaryRobinette replied, a smirk gracing her lips. "Sounded like one of those accursed story cards OSC made us do yesterday."

"Of course! That damned present tense--drove me crazy!"

"Yeah, but why are we hearing it now? What's its purpose?"

Dakota jumped to her feet and began pacing the industrial carpeted floor. "Hmm. Let's see. Who would have put it there? Man or woman?"

"Man," Mary said.

"How old?"


"What does he do for living?"

"Hmm. He's an accountant..."

"Cliche. Try again."

"Maybe a marine biologist?"

"Something else."

"He's a..." MaryRobinette grasped Dakota's shirtsleeve as she paced by. "Stop it, Dakota. Don't you see what's happening? We're being distracted. Get back to the story. What are we going to do?"

[This message has been edited by djvdakota (edited June 29, 2005).]

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
[intermission] I didn't even realize I wrote that in present tense, but I HAVE been writing an outline, which , of course, is in present tense. How funny. [/intermission]
Posted by hoptoad (Member # 2145) on :
More interlopers arrived.
Plenty of them, veritable piles of them, maybe a hundred. They shuffled through the corridors, looking for the "just another American in London" who'd banned them.

"Brains, brains" they moaned as they went. But alas...


Posted by hoptoad (Member # 2145) on :
[This message has been edited by MayRobinette and Dakota to allow zombie interlopers back in the story (edited June 29, 2005).]
Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
MaryRobinette looked at the chaos around her. The plot, if there ever had been one, was in tatters. POV fluttered in inconstant surges, causing her a raging headache. There was no help for it. She would have to assume Admin powers and lock the thread.

She looked at Dakota. "I'm going to do it."


Posted by shadowynd (Member # 2077) on :
***The disconsolate reader shook her head. How very sad that one of her favourite authors would resort to such a device! Invoking admin powers to lock the thread was a veritable deus ex machina.

Surely such imaginative folks and excellent writers as MaryRobinette, DJVDakota, RickFisher, Spaceman, Keeley and the rest could come with a better plot than that?

She wondered why they had bothered to bring up the fabled HUB, if there was not to be some clever use of it in the offing? And what of that wonderful craft, the Penmanship?

Dark days has surely fallen upon this latest incarnation of the Destination threads. She closed her browser sadly, vowing to never again read a Destination thread if the authors could not come up with a better plan than to simply close the thread.

Weren't they up to the challenge? If not, then how had they even gotten accepted into Boot Camp in the first place? What had they gained from the experience? And how, oh how, would OSC take this failure of his newest graduates?***


Posted by MaryRobinette (Member # 1680) on :
Dakota looked at her aghast. "No! You can't." In her frantic desperation to stop MaryRobinette, Dakota accidentally invoked an As-You-Know-Bob.

A short balding man appeared momentarily at the bottom of the page. "As you know, MaryRobinette, reversing the polarity on the kdw with the handwavium could end Hatrack as we know it." And then he vanished.

"Thank you, Mr. Exposition." MaryRobinette sheathed her Blade of Words and brought out a small 3x5 card. She placed it flat on the table. "I just realized that our problem is that there's no plot. So, I'm going to write a synopsis so we know how this ends. If anyone deviates I'll sic a Tom Swifty on them."

"But--" Dakota clapped her hand over her mouth.

"What?" MaryRobinette was getting tired of the conversation and wanted some action. "Don't withold information."

"That's just it. If you write the plot down, well, you're a POV character. The readers have to know what you're thinking, which means that Mike Munsil and OSC will know and that will give them an advantage in their nefarious plot to implant alien technology in our brains."

MaryRobinette sighed. Dakota had a point. In this post everything she thought or observed was instantly accessible to readers as part of her POV. "Well, can we at least identify what's wrong with the world? Since this is an event story?"

[This message has been edited by MaryRobinette (edited July 02, 2005).]

Posted by Isaiah13 (Member # 2283) on :
Dakota looked back over her shoulder. "Perhaps we should deal with the zombies first," she said, hand poised over her HUB.
Posted by Keeley (Member # 2088) on :
Mary looked behind her. The zombies groaned, inching their way towards her and Dakota with the speed of a snail.

"I really don't think they're that big a problem, Dakota." Suddenly, a thought occurred to her and, since this was her POV, it became instantly accessible.

mikemunsil and OSC had seen her solution. The zombies were a distraction.

Grabbing Dakota's arm, Mary yanked her out the door and down the corridor. Ideas. That's what was needed here.

She handed Dakota a 3x5. "Quick. Write down what's happening here and where the plot could go from this point on. Try to come up with a reasonable ending. If you feel it's safe, use the Thousand Ideas Generator OSC gave us for our HUBs. I'll take care of the zombies."

"Shouldn't we stay together?" But Mary had already left.

[This message has been edited by Keeley (edited July 02, 2005).]

Posted by hoptoad (Member # 2145) on :
Narrator: As you know Bob, to combat starving brainivorous zombies one must increase the "so-whattage" of the story. Our heroes, Mary and Dakota's choice to employ the 1000 Ideas Generator looks to be the perfect solution.

On the Other Hand, looks can be deceiving...

[This message has been edited by hoptoad (edited July 03, 2005).]

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Where was Mary, where could she be? She couldn't have gone far. Dakota reviewed her notes. "We're supposed to go in pairs, so which part of the assignment could pairs work separately? Dakota thought long and hard. Interviews were the main reason for pairing off, so that's out, and it's helpful to bounce an observation off a friend. That leaves the research, meaning either Borders, or the library. "The library!" dakota exclaimed.

Off she went, following the directions given by Mrs. OSC. Down the hall and up the stairs she ran, until she was met by a person sitting behind a desk. dakota said, "Have you seen Mary?"

The person sitting behind the desk said, "I don't know anyone named Mary, but someone who looks a lot like a Mary went upstairs about five minutes ago. Why don't you try the periodical racks? They are just upstairs."

dakota looked dejected. "Stairs, again!"

"Sorry," said the person behind the desk.

dakota climbed the stairs and found Mary paging through the latest issue of....

...edited for typing faster than I think...

[This message has been edited by Spaceman (edited July 03, 2005).]

Posted by Spaceman (Member # 9240) on :
Footnote: Rick and Jeremy say do not try to interview the Mall Nazi.

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