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Posted by AStJohn (Member # 2280) on :
This is much different from my earlier post: "Man". This is a story I created a few months ago. I know how the rest of the story will unfold but I only did ten double spaced pages a few months ago; I should continue writing it soon.

I guess you could say I had a pretty average childhood. Mom was barely ever home. Dad had been gone ever since I could write my name. People always said he was a good man and it was a shame; from what I could remember I guess I'd have to agree with them. I don't think I ever heard a word of him from John's or my Mom.

John and I have been friends for as long as I can recollect. Even if his Mom weren't my Dad's sister we probably still would have been as close as brothers… or cousins for that matter. I'm an only child, but John was practically my sibling. I mean, we grew up together. We both went to R.H.S. and both our moms were gone in the morning, so he'd walk to my place for breakfast, we'd walk to the bus stop, and when we came home around four he usually wouldn't leave till after dinner. In other words, my day consisted mainly of John.

We'd always eat breakfast fast and run to the bus stop, especially when it came to Mr. Pineapple and The Old Drunk Guy, or atleast that's what we called them. They lived across from each other in rickety old houses that were on our way to the stop. <There's more to this paragraph and to the story. If you think I should post the rest, just say so.>

That's all for now!

Thanks, Adam

Posted by Netstorm2k (Member # 2279) on :
Quote:This is a story I created a few months ago. I know how the rest of the story will unfold but I only did ten double spaced pages a few months ago; I should continue writing it soon.

I think you should finish one thing at a time. Ten pages, even double spaced, is a good start. Don't waste the rhythm with the distractions of other story ideas; you'll never finish anything that way.
Instead, open a new doc. (if you use word) and write down a brief concept of the new idea each time, then save it, close it, and don't go looking at it until you're done with what you were doing in the first place.
Trust me on this. I received similar advice very early on, when all I was doing was putting out beginnings. A beginning is good, have to have it, but if it's all you have, then you will NEVER be a writer.
The first, and often hardest task, is to finish something. It scares us, as writers, because our muse whispers this interesting little idea into our brains, and instantly, our fever rises. But then comes the hard part: making it work. And we get nervous. We're so well aware of our shortcomings, that when we start plodding through that FIRST draft, we realize, "Hey, this isn't as good as I imagined it would be. This character isn't as interesting, or scary or funny, or brave. My plot is plodding. My details are confusing.",etc. But that's what first drafts are for: 'telling us what our story is about'-Bernard Malamud.
But you have to finish the dang thing. Once you've done that, no matter how bad you think it is, you can make it better, and once you've done will have more confidence when it comes time to write the next, better piece; the one you submit and get published and get that interesting little contract form for, and then a few months later that really neat little check that the teller at your bank looks at skeptically...
But finish. First, and foremost, finish.
It's vital.

[This message has been edited by Netstorm2k (edited January 02, 2005).]

Posted by Netstorm2k (Member # 2279) on :
Okay, and this is on the fragment.
I'm assuming that the Dad died? If he split, then why would he be a good guy and it a shame? So I would expand that a little and clarify. A boy's father dying when he is a child is something that would affect him; use it.
I would clarify the relationship with his cousin. The way it is written, it sounds confusing, as if they were 'only' as close as brothers or...cousins. Well, they were cousins, so, uh, yeah.
But I like the tone. The narrator's voice makes me like him, makes me want to hear what he has to say.
And I'm curious about Mr. Pineapple...

[This message has been edited by Netstorm2k (edited January 02, 2005).]

Posted by AStJohn (Member # 2280) on :
Thank you so much for your advice.

You really have to understand though, I'm not as old as you may think I am, and writing isn't my career. I began writing this story in late summer and then... Yes... School started. I've been so wrapped up in work and studies that the only real new story I've written was on new years eve when I wrote some of "Man" because it was just a fun idea.

I haven't committed myself to writing anymore of this story because I want to make it good. I don't want to end up forcing myself to write a page of it here and there when I have time because I know it will lack quality if I do.

Sometimes I just wish the world would stop for me to sit down and do one thing straight through.

Posted by AStJohn (Member # 2280) on :
And about the father... I tried to create a sense that the boy barely even remembers his father and that it didn't really affect him so much because he was so young.

I think the relationship between him and John will be more apparent as more of the story is read. In other words... That's only thirteen sentances and I wouldn't expect anyone to understand their relationship right away.

I wanted this to start out slightly vague. The narrator isn't going to explain everything at the moment.

And he does go on to talk more about Mr. Pineapple and The Old Drunk Guy. They are very important character in the story later on... But the reader doesn't know that.

Thanks for all the feedback.

[This message has been edited by AStJohn (edited January 02, 2005).]

Posted by Netstorm2k (Member # 2279) on :
Chuckling. Sorry to sound so lecturous. And I understand about life pressures.
But your words sound strong, so keep at it.

Don't feel bad about still being in school. You have to start somewhere. And we all went through it at one point or another.

But..a page here and there gets it written, and re read what I said about first drafts. You can always edit them afterwards. In fact, you're expected to.

[This message has been edited by Netstorm2k (edited January 02, 2005).]

Posted by AStJohn (Member # 2280) on :
Again thank you, I savor every piece of advice I am granted.

A few years ago I used to go on these message boards all the time. When did the 13 lines rule go into effect? Should I post more of the story later?

[This message has been edited by AStJohn (edited January 02, 2005).]

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Don't post the rest, only send copies to specific persons. Posting the entire work will use up your first publication rights. Since the primary purpose of this forum is to serve the needs to authors seeking to sell those publishing rights, it would be counterproductive to encourage posting entire stories. Those who are not concerned with attempting to sell their work are encouraged to abide by the rule to avoid making this an avenue for amatuer web-publishing. If you do wish to publish a story online, it isn't difficult and several people here can give you pointers. I've published a few of my short stories and some poetry using a free website, and I feel that's better than publishing something here anyway, since you can actually control things like formatting and fonts and stuff.

For a first person story, you have to begin at the end. The character writing the story exists after the events of the story, right. So if you don't already know the end, it is probably a mistake to try and write the story in first person. As it stands, this opening does seem a bit...directionless. As if the character writing doesn't really have any purpose in writing this. It isn't a journal entry, and it isn't a letter, and it isn't really a story, eh?

Posted by AStJohn (Member # 2280) on :
Thanks for the feedback.

Just so you know, I wasn't going to post the entire story... I just think that thirteen lines is a little short. Oh well.

I do know what will happen at the end. I already know the plot of the story and have already in those first few sentances avoided saying things that would contradict the fact that the narrator knows whats going to happen. If that makes sense.

I made up the plot to this story backwards. Literally. I thought of an ending I wanted and asked myself how that happened and how the characters got there. Then worked backwards from there. Now that I had the plot worked out I could stop and write from the beginning. This working backwards allowed me to create a nice twist to the story.

I would greatly suggest working backwards like that. It allows the writer to add in little details at the beginning of the story that will be overlooked by the reader until the end of the story when they greatly affect the resolution.

Anyway, thanks for feedback.

Posted by Survivor (Member # 213) on :
Ah well. It might be more of a pacing problem than a structure problem, then. First person fiction can be difficult that way.

The thirteen line rule is derived from what would be the first page of a standard submission format, and only applies to text. You can give information on genre, subgenre, characters, and whatever else you like outside that limit. I personally think it best to initially restrict the information to what any reader would get with the story, things like title, length and genre (maybe even a back cover blurb, sadly you can't post potential cover art here ).

Posted by AStJohn (Member # 2280) on :
But you can post potential cover art HERE!:

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