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Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Allow me please to draw your attention to the flash fiction challenge that's getting under way.

(If you're doing NaNoWriMo please see note at the end of this post.)

The idea is to write a short story by Christmas, give crits to others who join the challenge, and receive crits in return. If we get 12 takers everyone should get several crits of their work. The challenge won't run without some 12 takers.

The challenge asks you to use one or more "triggers" which are all open to a wide spectrum of interpretation.

If the idea of writing a story that starts in the middle, or features an odd smell, or a secret library, or a child of power appeals to you, please read about the details and sign up here:;f=7;t=000238

(Don't let the discussion on in media res discourage you; it's a trigger open to broad interpretation like all the others.)

The format is flash fiction, between 500 and 1000 words, because it gives participants a relatively small amount of other people's stuff to read and crit. (If we all wrote 5000 word stories for the challenge, we'd never get all the crits in.)

For those who've not considered it before, here's a piece on writing flash fiction, written by Suzanne Vincent, editor at Flash Fiction Online:

(FFO is here:

Suzanne concludes, "The longer the story the less one must exercise discipline. That's the beauty of practicing the craft of very short fiction, however. All writers could benefit from the exercise of discipline, no matter what length fiction they write. Flash Fiction. Try it. You may not like it, but you just might learn something from it."

We have five takers right now, and need about 12 to make it a viable challenge.


P.S. If you would like to participate but are doing NaNoWriMo and therefore need a bit more time, please let me know and we'll see if we can accommodate you. While I think a fairly short time box for a challenge helps focus our minds, it would be a shame to lose people from the challenge who might contribute but for a bit more time.)
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
We're up to six takers. Twelve would double our fun.

For those participating in the challenge I've created a mutual support group here, in line with Hatrack's ethos of learning by doing and sharing.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
We have nine challengers including moi, so I propose we continue with the challenge. If anyone wants to join us now or later, please feel welcome. Closing date is Dec 31st.

The list on the fridge is:


Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
Surprised myself and cranked out a first draft of my contest story.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Excellent. The first draft is the hardest!

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
We now have eleven challengers, a few stories under way, and one completed!

(Mine's in first draft, and way too long. Something precious, to either me or one of the characters, will have to go.)

There's plenty of room for more challengers. There will be no losers, and everyone will give and receive a few crits.

Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
Got my story finished. My first ever flash story, actually. I've never worked (played) in such a short format before. It's been interesting.

This story is a little bit outside my normal sphere, so that has been fun. More than that, I guess I can't say, so as not to spoil anonymity.

I didn't expect to finish it this far ahead of deadline, but then the idea landed and I was able to carve out time to run with it. I'll be sending it to you soon, Talespinner.
Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
Got mine done and submitted.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
three stories received - kudos to y'all from:


if I've missed you out please scream loud!

mine's at 1400 words [Frown] editing and cursing furiously and arguing with Jas, who insists upon her story being recounted faithfully, shouting "dammit, you're just the darned author. What do you know?!"

Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
How long/short do these stories have to be? I'd like to jump in on the next one.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Hi Smiley,

stories should please be Flash Fiction - up to 1000 words, typically 600 to 1000 words.

If you like there's room in this challenge for you, so please do feel welcome to join us

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
I have received stories from:

if you have sent me something and your name is not listed the internet has eaten it so please do send it again.

my story refuses to shrink beyond 1400 words and I like it enough to let it grow. but the 1000 word limit was helpful to me in teasing the essence of the story out so I'll not enter it.

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Thus far I've received stories from (in no particular order):

Josephine Kait

If you have sent me a story and do not see your Hatrack name listed, that means the evil internet gremlins have pushed it over the edge of the internet so please do send it again to me at

If you're still working on your story Panic Not !!

You have until 18.00 GMT Wednesday Dec 31st to get it to me.

Please keep an eye on this thread for guidance on crits and voting.

Thanks for contributing; I could not resist some sneak peaks and there are several great stories for challengers to enjoy and crit.

Someone was worried about word count. I'm choosing to take Word's count as correct despite debates in some writerly places about its accuracy: for our purposes it's surely good enough and if you're a bit over let's not worry. The idea, we'll all recall, is to write something focused and have a bit o' fun. (I've pulled my own story because, at 1400 words, it's more than "a bit over" 1000 and I had fun writing it and plan to let it grow to its own size in due course.)

Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
This is one of those cannardly moments for me. As in, I cannardly wait to see what everyone has written. [Smile]
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
With about 8 hours to go at the time of writing this post there's still time to get last-minute entries to me,

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
All the stories are now in (I hope).

Challengers should shortly receive an email from me with all stories attached in one Word file. (If you don't, scream loud 'n clear!)

I've created a fresh thread for first 13s and posted them all so we can vote on them here:;f=11;t=004733

Please don't discuss stories on Hatrack so as to avoid skewing the vote.

Winner to be decided by vote. You vote for your top three first 13s and top three stories. I will tally the votes like this: three points for your first choice, two for your second, one for your third. You cannot vote for your own story.

I will not be submitting a story or voting myself. (I will write one anyhow, just for fun, and workshop it later after voting is complete.)

In case someone doesn't vote, please include at the end of your 'vote-and-crit' e-mail your votes for the other stories, but not crits.

You must crit your first three choices and send the three crits together with your vote to me by 18:00 GMT Wednesday Jan 14th 2015 (Votes without crits don't count.) If you don't vote I'll delete your story and redistribute the votes.

Please use this vote and crit format in your e-mail to make my administrative life easier:

Your Hatrack name

First 13 1 -- story number
First 13 2 -- story number
First 13 3 -- story number

Story 1 -- story number
Your crit of story 1

Story 2 -- story number
Your crit of story 2

Story 3 -- story number
Your crit of story 3

Story 4 -- story number
Story 5 -- story number

You are honour-bound to crit the other stories within a week or two of the close of voting. If there are more than eight stories submitted you only have to crit eight max--your top three and your choice of another five.

If any stories don't get at least three crits, I'll crit them and request the three winners to help me, so everyone should get at least three or four crits.

If for some reason you're unable to submit your story or vote on time, please let me know and we'll make due allowance.

If I don't hear from you by the due voting date I'll delete your story and redistribute the votes received appropriately.

Thanks to all who contributed - I see some grand stories in this lot and no little talent.

Happy New Year Y'all
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Well, the stories went out to everyone who offered a story in the challenge a few days ago, and I'm pleased to say that I've received votes and crits from two people already!!

Posted by Lamberguesa (Member # 10320) on :
Just to clarify:
We vote for our top three first 13 lines, we vote for and crit our top three full stories and just rank the rest in order (no crits). We email all that to you.
Then, after voting, we crit a total of 8 stories (5 more).

Is that correct?

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Yep, looking forward to hearing from you, Lamberguesa

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
I've received 11 stories and 4 sets of votes and crits.

please if you haven't sent your votes and crits to me, if you want your story to stay in the challenge, remember to do so by 18:00 GMT Wednesday Jan 14th 2015
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
I'm sure the wait is excrutiating for us all. Just so you know I've gotten votes and crits from:


If you have sent me votees and crits and I haven't listed you, please do resend.

One story is ahead, five more are in the running...

Posted by Kent_A_Jones (Member # 10234) on :
I saw protester outside the local military recruiter's office. He had long hair, colorful clothing with anti-war slogans embroidered everywhere, and waved a sign that read 'Don't Join.'
He was excrutiating! [Wink]

Thank you for the update Tale Spinner.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Thanks for the update, if that's what it was, Kent_A_Jones.

Posted by Kent_A_Jones (Member # 10234) on :
I was just poking a little fun at the spelling of excruciating. On this site, I figure go prosaic or go home. [Razz]
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Which nuance of prosaic do you mean Kent? :-P
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Well, it wasn't the best pun I've ever seen, but I got it. Thanks, Kent_A_Jones.
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
Ha Ha Haaaa... !!! Loved it. XD
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Sorry, over my head. might I suggest, Kent_A_Jones, avoiding Callahan's on Pundays?

Posted by Lamberguesa (Member # 10320) on :
I have to say, all great stories! Really, not a bad one in the bunch. Sure, I liked some more than other, but there wasn't a single one I didn't enjoy reading.

Posted by Kent_A_Jones (Member # 10234) on :
Thank you Lamberguesa,
I agree. Both F and SF represented, and a few stories were very close to publishable. The challenge has been an enjoyable experience all around.

(Side note: I apologize for the animated emoticon. I think I hit 'colon, lower case p' and that goofy green face with the tongue intermittently sticking out showed up. I did not intend offense.)
Posted by wetwilly (Member # 1818) on :
After judging and results, can we talk about the stories? There were a couple that really knocked my socks off, and I'd love to discuss as a group.
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
It will be interesting to discuss the stories. I'd say go for it. Also, will we get a chance to play "Guess the author" with this challenge?


To me, the tongue sticking out emoticon means playful. In other words, you didn't really mean the statement, but you saw the opportunity to say something slightly edgy and said it. In the same sense of playfulness, I called you on it - thus my attempt to create the emoticon. I, and perhaps some others, was enjoying your wit (including the attempted pun, and I say attempted, because surely the spelling should have been "excruitating" to really work [Razz] ).
Posted by Kent_A_Jones (Member # 10234) on :
Thank you Brendan,
But if my octogenarian mother had seen it, with no accompanying apology, she would have found me and hurt me.

Yes to story discussions.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
I've received crits and votes from:

The three challengers missiong from this list should please send crits and votes to me by 18.00 this evening UK time (GMT)

Thanks to all for some great stories, insightful crits and enthusiasm

Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
in answer to points raised above, I'll announce winning stories and their authors later this week (well as soon as I can).

I'm not sure about discussing the stories as a group. It's not what everyone signed up for. What would be the purpose?

I think we would need to ask all challengers permission for such a discussion and keep the discussion closed to challengers and to be consistent with normal Hatrack practice, e.g. disallow comments on crits.

It might be helpful to have a discussion amongst challengers about the challenge, sharing lessons learned about writing and creativity and critting and writing within a limited word count.

[ January 14, 2015, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: TaleSpinner ]
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Final call for crits and votes from Michael, please.

Thanks in anticipation,
Posted by Smiley (Member # 9379) on :
Sounds fun. [Smile]
Posted by Kent_A_Jones (Member # 10234) on :
Tale Spinner,
Are you still working on that 1,400+ story? Don't forget to send it to me for a crit when it's done.
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Originally posted by Kent_A_Jones:
Tale Spinner,
Are you still working on that 1,400+ story? Don't forget to send it to me for a crit when it's done.

It should be ready next week. Life is taking priority.

Thanks for asking,
Posted by TaleSpinner (Member # 5638) on :
Here’s where we’re at with the Challenge:

I’ve received crits and votes from everyone but Michael, despite two email reminders and a reminder posted in this thread. According to the rules we all signed up for, that means Michael’s story is disqualified from the voting. I propose to send him the crits y’all wrote so that hopefully your crit work wasn’t in vain and so that this is as positive an experience as possible for Michael, unless anyone objects strongly.

But what we all want to know is how’d we all do?

Well, two stories scored 13 points and two scored 6 points. Michael’s votes might have resolved those two ties but that’s all. (and if his vote is received now, it’s too late to count and will not change anything.) If I were to be asked to resolve these ties I’d refuse, because having read the stories and their crits, I think there’s little between them but personal preference, and I’ve learned that my tastes may not be in step with popular taste.

So the two highest scoring stories were:

• Beyond the Boundary by rabirch
• Draconic Olfactory Library by Josephine Kait

And the two next highest scoring stories were:
• The Library Beneath the Sea by besimirch
• Three Reasons Why Superheroes Suck by wirelesslibrarian

The highest scoring first 13s were:
1. Three Reasons Why Superheroes Suck
2. Beyond the Boundary
3. 100 Ways to Die

For me this challenge produced some great winners and no losers. Congratulations to all!
I’ll send the crits to everyone later today.

Thanks for your participation,
Posted by Brendan (Member # 6044) on :
Congratulations Rebecca and Josephine, well deserved for two excellent stories.

Thanks Pat for putting this on - it's been a while since we have had a challenge like this, and this got my creative juices going. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And thanks to everyone for letting me read their stories. It was a strong set of stories. If any do get published, make sure that you come back and tell us.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Agreed. Thanks Pat!

I sucked the big one this time because I didn't write a superhero story (I blame myself), but I wrote... something, and I'm glad for the challenge.

Posted by Kent_A_Jones (Member # 10234) on :
Congratulations to the winners!

To everyone who has critiqued so far, I'm sure your kind words will help polish this story and help me in future endeavors. Thank you.

Thanks in advance to those who have yet to critique.

Thank you all for making the challenge a positive experience all around.

Much praise to Tale Spinner. Take care,
Posted by rabirch (Member # 9832) on :
Thanks everybody for a great challenge! TaleSpinner, I really appreciate you organizing this. It's a great way to get the creative juices flowing. =)

I loved reading the stories and I hope to see them in publication some day!

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