It's that time of the week again, time for the kick in the pants. The idea is that having somewhere to report progress will spur you on to make some. So I'm posing the question to all of us here. Did you write this week? As we have been reminded in the past, writing for the purposes of this thread can mean just about anything you want. You did some editing? Report it here. Outlining, pre-writing or any other kind of prep work? Sure, that counts too. And, of course, writing new work always counts.
I've been doing some editing on a short story and made more notes on a couple novels.
That's it for me. How about you? Did you write?
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes. I've been working on a heavy revision/partial rewrite of MAGIC AND POWER after getting THE SHAMAN'S CURSE ready for beta readers.
Also, working on a full-novel crit and three blog posts. Posted by Reziac (Member # 9345) on :
I wrote one line, in response to a beta's complaint. The beta says it's a good entry point. Now I have probably 100 other places to 'fix'. Yippee??
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Finished that short story / plagiarism exercise when my cold brought me down, nothing since then. But I have an urge to reread and replot my novel, maybe starting over fresh from the beginning---if I can find a beginning.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Wrote another 10,000 words this week on my novel. I reached a point where I had to recast the plot going forward. The last half of the book is one battle after another, so I had to extend some character arcs into it to make it more interesting. I did that by amping up one of my minor, minor characters. Since this is book three of a four book series, I had to extend the new character's plotline into the next novel. As much thinking this week as writing.
I also retouched the first couple of chapters for review.
Posted by extrinsic (Member # 8019) on :
In the quiet hours of the late night, mental composition unraveled final obstacles for a long short story I'm developing. A sticking point or two had been a protagonist internal dramatic complication. Another was context and texture for how a focal object came to be present so it would be problematic. Another was the dynamic between the protagonist and the deuteragonist, and the dynamic contribution of a triagonist. I also came upon context and texture for a quatagonist, who had been waiting in the wings for full realization. Quatagonist meaning fourth position central character. I've not seen the term before, though poeticists have implied it, but needed one for the role's function, so consider it coined.
In the process of the above, I came to a strong appreciation for managing ensemble casts and a complete grasp of what is meant by "full realization." That latter term has been in my toolbox and on my utility belt for a decade: underused.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Yep I wrote. I evidently skipped last week so this is for two weeks
Worked on and finished a story for my Urban Fantasy story set. Started the last story in that set. Depending on how long it is and a few add ons, I will have 56,000 to 60,000 words for the set.
Worked on and finished and started the last story in my Steampunk Sp Ops story set. The story I finished is calmer than the others and goes into some detail about my MC's personal life, and how civilians live in this world. I will have about the same word count as the UF story set when I am done.
Started my Q3 WotF tale. Almost 400 words. Been trying to get the opening the way I want it. I may not be able to get once sentence I want in the first 13 so hopefully Dave will keep reading and see hints on the second problem in this story. I know some of you might say I should wait for the revising to do all this but I want to make sure I remember and besides it's the way I write.
Wrote a personal post on my blog about my Mother-in-Law's death, Right here
And before that did this PS to my first writing update of the year. PSUpDate
I did a few posts here, on the WotF forum and on Google+ including three dealing with the water situation here in Calif. and a couple on writing.
Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
While on my laptop, I dabbled a little on two stories in progress, not much though. I started one, then decided to work on the other, then had to stop before more than a few paragraphs were done on either. I have to seriously find time to write. I have four stories in progress and none are getting fixed up. The keyboard of the laptop is still a learning curve. The delete and backspace are one above the other and I always hit the wrong one. Other keys I depend on are not where they are supposed to be. If I sat and used it seriously for a while, I would get used to it.
I am still on the emergency computer at home, but solved a space and access problem by adding a USB hub I happened to have laying around. It is hard to work with just two USB drives. Everything I am using seriously is on thumb drives so I can carry them from one computer to the other. This computer is windows 98, and only three things on line are not possible, that were possible with the other computer.
I hope to actually accomplish something this week.