It's that time of the week again, time for the kick in the pants. The idea is that having somewhere to report progress will spur you on to make some. So I'm posing the question to all of us here. Did you write this week? As we have been reminded in the past, writing for the purposes of this thread can mean just about anything you want. You did some editing? Report it here. Outlining, pre-writing or any other kind of prep work? Sure, that counts too. And, of course, writing new work always counts.
I've been steadily working my way through the first round of editing for All Stitched Up. I'm done 9 of 32 chapters. Nothing major wrong, which always makes me nervous, but minor changes and paragraph rewrites have been done. I'm getting there.
I've made a ton of notes on my next project, Spire of Time, to the point where I'm starting to think about plot for the first novel. This one's going to be interesting, and I'm looking forward to it. Notes on other ideas as well, to a lesser extent. Also, I figured out that I'll be going back to the world I've been writing in for the last few months, and that story is a little intoxicating, in a good way.
Also, some blog posts, and editing a friend's manuscript.
How about you? Did you write?
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did.
I finished the revision of MAGE STORM. Now, it's wait for feedback.
Also outlined what maybe my next project and started revisions on BLOOD IS THICKER.
And part of a critique and two blog posts. Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
I WROTE!!!!!
I finally moved into my own place on Thursday and got to writing now that I have a usable keyboard. I started writing the story I had thought about for the past couple months and got 1980 words down. NICE!!!!
I have not written any story ideas so far. No time and not a lot of interest, don't have many to post other than my old compost pile.
Posted by AWSullivan (Member # 8059) on :
Finished up my latest story and got it out the door. Began revising a story I started two years ago that I've committed myself to finishing.
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
I usually do not contribute to (or even read) these threads because of my own frustration of how slow I write at present between work, family, and procrastination.
However, my goal is to complete the first drafts of three stories (WIP's) by the end of the year. Last evening the method to end story 1 slipped into place. I knew the ending, but the correct psychological shift in order for my protagonist to reach it had eluded me for weeks while I continued to write up to the climax. I estimate the first draft will, yet again, be over 12K, in unsaleable word count range, and also too long and sexual for WOTF*. >sigh<
I'm also critiquing the esteemed Matt Leo's novel The Quest for Norumbega since he asks so nicely and wanted a Yiddishe kopf perspectivie. As usual, I am duly impressed.
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
*i.e. any depiction/intimation of human sexual activity.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I wrote five hundred words on Saturday, which was an ordeal...nothing, not even today.
Today's the unofficial beginning of a three week vacation from work-that-pays, a vacation-without-going-anywhere...I hope to do better at writing (among other things), but, somewhat to my surprise, today was hellaciously busy...
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
I wrote, edited, submitted. Plugging away.
Posted by rcmann (Member # 9757) on :
Putting together a file for Smashwords and Amazon. Three stories with additions and re-writes.
Posted by Grumpy old guy (Member # 9922) on :
Well, yes, I did. Roughly 2000 words depicting an assault on a castle's walls, and its bloody repulse (from a character's POV). Also finished critiquing a 114k word novel and started on another. Might not be so good this week, work keeps intruding.
Posted by BoldWriter (Member # 9899) on :
I managed to finish the first draft of Venus Falling, my first real shot at an actual science fiction story. I think the ending is weak, but at least it has one. I got to utilize some pretty cool ideas I've been bouncing around, so it's worth it.
Hopefully I'll get some crits and it'll be ready for market in a few weeks.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Further mention of my writing problems...sometimes I'll write something, and it'll come flowing out of me so fast I find it hard to stop at just five hundred words. I know exactly where I'm going with the story, I know what the characters will do. Sometimes I let it flow out and finish it all in one gulp. It's a great feeling when that happens with a story.
This current story is not one of those. It's an ordeal to get out even as much as five hundred words. I don't know where my characters are coming from or where they're going---I started with some ideas, but they're not falling into place the way I expected. I plan to try to finish it, but don't know whether I will be able to---or, for that matter, whether working on something else would be any better.
I have got one older story to revise---in fact, all it was waiting on was for me to write up some original song lyrics. During this three-week "stay-cation," I'll probably pull that one out of the files and work on it, too...
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
Worked on proofing two novels for printing on CreateSpace and made corrections. Wrote a bit on my Brull novel.
Posted by babygears81 (Member # 9745) on :
I wrote. I am so close to the end of my novel now that I'm having trouble with patience. I'm having to force myself to slow down and tell the story, even though I just want to hurry up and write 'The End.' I also entered the first short I've ever written, to the first contest I have ever entered. We'll see how that goes.
Posted by phule1970 (Member # 9944) on :
Started a new story last week and have written about 6000 words. There are some big gaps in the story so it will some rework.