Work bought me an ipad (okay, I weaseled my way into an ipad but it's mine now! Mine!). I still have my computer at home and my work computer, but any suggestions on productive apps for the ipad would be great. Productive as in I could get more writing done.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I heard somewhere that Scrivener has an iPad app or about to have one. Then all you'll need is a bluetooth keyboard and you can write anywhere.
Posted by Kathleen Dalton Woodbury (Member # 59) on :
Just don't get Angry Birds.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
He said productive Apps.
I don't have one so don't much about the apps but there tons of them. Take a couple of weeks off of writing at least and go through them to find what you might need-want.
The Scrivener suggestion sounds good, if it doesn't come with a wordprocessor. As does the keyboard. I knew someone last year who wrote his Nano novel with one. iPad that is.
Posted by KayTi (Member # 5137) on :
You can use a wireless keyboard + the notes app to write whatever you want (I email the raw text to myself, but then I also use sometimes to capture my writing in a cloud-based way that I can access from a variety of devices.)
I've used a bunch of the different note-taking apps and I like Penultimate the best. I personally prefer using a stylus (capacitive), but I think I'm strange on that front.
But aside from that, use it as a media consuming device - read books, watch shows, read writing websites and otherwise that would be hard to do when not plugged directly in (if you have a wireless plan on the iPad, even better, if not you can do a lot of this once you sync a bunch of content to the device.) There are great writing podcasts, great new ebook forms and formats, check them all out! Loads of great stuff.
Have fun (down the rabbit hole...)
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
I use the iPad version of OmniOutliner for my formal notes and outlines of stories. The notes app it comes with I use for more free-form notes (which later get transferred into the OO document for that novel/short). Last I heard, the iPad version of scrivener wasn't available (as of a couple of weeks ago), but they were working on it.
I don't actually do my draft writing on my iPad, but that's because I had a netbook already when I got the iPad, and I like real keys when I write draft (probably the amount of times I do so with my eyes closed). You can use it for editing though, which I have done. There are a number of apps that will let you do mark up on pdf versions of your manuscript.
Posted by MattLeo (Member # 9331) on :
They make roomy coasters.
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
If you can't write on one - read on one. That's like knowing, and knowing is half the battle.
Posted by philocinemas (Member # 8108) on :
Here are some things you should get that are mostly free:
CNN or FOX News (accept pushes - if the world is about to come to an end, you'll know it first) The Weather Channel Facebook (if you are into that) WallpapersHD (pretty, cool, and pretty cool pictures) Crackle (free movies with commercials) Flixster (the best movie app with lots of reviews) ABC, NBC, and TNT or pay $9/month and get Netflix (I think its worth it) Free Books and iBooks (pay the extra $1.99 and get free audiobooks as well) OverDrive (NOT the car mag) - this allows you to access your local library with either the Kindle or Nook apps and your library's online address. Merriam-Webster or Dictionary GoodReader and/or Pages - this lets you file documents received from email. Dragon Dictation (I don't really like it, but some do) NASA, NASA viz, Discovery, and CUScience are all good science apps Chess Free, TinkerBox, Pinball HD, Touch Hockey, and Dead Space are decent games of various genres.
Finally, check out iTunes U. I am going to post separately about this, but it has free college courses on everything from writing to physics. You won't get credit for the courses, but they can be very educational.
Posted by Pyre Dynasty (Member # 1947) on :
I recommend the Schlock Mercenary app, it's a comic strip. On the surface it may not seem very productive, but I find it inspires me to write.
Also check out the Writing Excuses podcast. I think you can download it from itunes, it's short so you can get your dose of writing theory to charge you up to go and write.