Another week has passed and for many of us, another week of coming with reasons (excuses) for not writing. Others of us will have reasons for not writing as much as we should, and then there are those of us who will meet our goals for the week. Posting here every week gives you a "diary" of sorts of your writing exploits. It is a place where a good number of people will see it. As to what is writing, we all know new writing is writing. Editing is also writing since many of us write by editing, editing is also writing, even if it is on the work of others. Critiquing is also a form of editing and therefore counts as writing. Poetry. synopsis and query letters,, technical writing, articles, writing assignment, blogging, world and character development are all forms of writing. E-mails and Board posts can also be writing if they are very wordy and pertain to writing or story. In essence, if you have to ask if it is writing, the answer is yes. You might also decide some of these don't count. It is up to you.
As for me, I did not write as much as I wanted to. I had planned on some heavy writing on Saturday and ended up instead beneath my truck with my brother, replacing the starter in a store parking lot. The wonderful design of my truck provided so that the attaching wires were six inches shorter than needed to easily take the thing out. My brother found way to make the next time, which I hope I never have to do, much easier. That killed my planned for heavy writing time. Even so, I did get to write five pages this week. I am up to page 22. Well, I have a word and page count at the end of the document so I know how I did over the past couple weeks and that is the only thing on page 22. I plan to zap half of what I have later which is my plot line, and the other half will require heavy rewriting. I know where I want to go, but have to explore the situations to get there. I am making headway. adding nearly 2000 words this week is still pretty good considering.
On the story idea front, I am at this second, two story ideas behind as I don't have time to write tonight's story idea and I missed Saturday's story idea. I have 42 story ideas in my compost pile. On Saturday, I remember at least three story ideas fading out of existence as I did not have anything to write them down on, and I remember one on Sunday also. I hate when that happens. I also remember that they were not spectacular. I never "edit" on whether an idea is worthy of posting when I come up with them. My editing is only when I sit and write them, which is why my compost pile as 42 ideas in them.
As to the question of the week,
I can honestly say
YES, I DID WRITE (though not as much as I wanted to)
Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Yes I did. It didnt come easy, well, yeah it did. It just didnt come good. Started 2 stories and pretty much finished first draft but have stalled out there, where i really wanted to edit and submit. Hoping this week will submit those two stories and finish another.
Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
Yep. Finished a short. Started chapter 6 of the novel I've decided to working-title "The Dawn Prism." And made a few blog posts. Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes I did. I finished the polishing edit on SEVEN STARS and worked on both the synopsis and query. PLUS, I finally did a little work on my short story.
And a few critiques and two blog posts. Posted by rcmann (Member # 9757) on :
Ground my way through some revisions, got depressed at the pile of rejections. Tried to pick up on three different shorts I have underway and finally hung it up to take a nap.
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
Very definitely, but that might be because I'm in the middle of a February NaNo for my first draft of Possession. I had a highly successful week with it, putting in about 28.5k words for the week on the draft. In addition, some notes on other stories and a few blog posts. Busy week behind, busy week ahead.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Nah...another washout week. Had something in mind, but didn't get around to starting it.
Posted by Wonderbus (Member # 9494) on :
Yep, wrote 1500 words a day on Blood of the Gods and am ready to start chapter 9 tonight hopefully.
Also started a crit on a longish story for a friend. Never got around to that flash story I wanted to write for a contest though. Seem to have less free time than ever these days and I thought I had little enough to start with
Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
Indeed. Almost an entire flash piece. I have a deadline, you know. This, despite having a roaring chimney fire that sent me up to the roof with a bucket of water at 5:30am. That... was distracting.
Posted by History (Member # 9213) on :
Well, I'm into the second act of a new fable. This one is pure fantasy and nothing at all Jewish in it--unless subconsciously there is an association between a unicorn's horn and the size of the tribal schnoz.
Yeah. I know. Unicorns. But I look at it as a rite of passage.
Respectfully, Dr. Bob
Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
There is absolutely nothing wrong with unicorns, Dr Bob. One of my very first stories was a unicorn story...perhaps I will revisit it one day.
Actually, I now and then spend a few moments of thought-time on how unicorns would fit into my UotNRs.
Posted by pdblake (Member # 9218) on :
None at all this week. Too busy editing:)
I found an old novel I wrote in 2004 and rewrote a couple of years ago. It's pretty good and it's right what they say about putting the thing aside for a while. While I'm editing I'm actually reading it because I can't remember what the plot is
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
I was thrilled to stumble across a new dragon concept in my subconscious. I wrote down the salient points and the largest bones of a story arc. Of course that’s always the fun/easy part. I also wrote an opening 13, but I think I’ll wait to post them until I have more of the skeleton and some flesh.
So yes, I wrote, not much, but yes.
Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I wrote very little but I can say I wrote.
On my short stories dealing with the first line challenge- I may get ten stories out of those lines. My current one is kinda gross though, my MC while searching a dragon nest falls into a pool of what dragons leave behind.
Revised my WotF story for Q2.
Wrote on Stone Within, I think I like this story and it's coming along just fine even though I will starting only the third chapter tomorrow.
Wrote a bit on that second chapter of New Mage Now titled "Two Struggles". Still not quite what I want but it fits it better.
I did a crit or two and here and on the Universe Annex forum, write a couple of E-mails, posts here and Blog