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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did you Write? 02-06-12

It is that time of the week again, to report what is going on and in the process tell about your writing. The idea is that you post regularly and repeated "I did not write" will bother you enough to open something during the week so you can report positively in these notes.
This note is really for those who write once a month or a couple times a year. If you force yourself to write because of this note, it could become a habit. Not all habits are bad. For others, reporting that you did not meet your goals might cause you to buckle down and write more intensely.

As to what is writing, we all know that new writing is writing. Editing, even if it is the work of others, is also writing. Critiquing is a form of writing so that also counts. Poetry, technical writing, blogging articles, writing assignments, synopsis, query letters, world or character creation, are all writing. E-mails and Bulletin board posts can also be writing if they are very wordy and pertain to story or writing. In essence, if you have to ask if it is writing, the answer will always be yes.

How much writing counts does not matter either. it could be THE RIGHT WORD or it could be a whole book. The amount does not matter as long as you open something.

As for me. I am not writing as much as I feel I should. It is surprising at how long little things take to be done.
almost every timer I open my work, I end up spending time editing what I already have down, before I get around to add something new. I should concentrate on new content and let the editing sit until I am done with the actual story. it would be worth more to actually get the story done.
As it is, I added four pages, 2400 words. I did add several fresh scenes this week. That feels good. While writing this passage, I thought of a key scene that was needed and wrote that out roughly. I will build on it in my next writing session. This story is drifting away from my original concept, but fits what happened in the first story which was nothing like the original two page short story I wrote that seeded it.

I have 45 story ideas in my compost pile. I don't have time to write the idea for tonight, but since the month is young, I am not bothered by that.
I finished last month's story ideas last week. I did well last month on the story idea front. I wrote 32 story ideas for a 31 day month, they covered 31 pages and ended up with 18618 total words. That is not bad.

As to the question of the week,
I can honestly say,


Posted by Merlion-Emrys (Member # 7912) on :
Yepper, still chugging along on a short, did some crits, and my first blog posts in ages.
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did. Mostly revisions to MAGIC'S FOOL. Some work on the query and synopsis for SEVEN STARS.

Plus, a few crits and two blog posts.
Posted by Heresy (Member # 1629) on :
Very definitely. I finished my last pass of editing for Dark Mirror last week, and am boxing it up to go out to my test readers tonight. In some ways it's nerve-wracking, and in other ways it's sweet to be at this stage with that one.

In addition, I have started a slightly late February NaNo for book 2 in that series, Possession. Goal of 75k words in 30 days. I should be able to hit that, as long as I don't slack off, which I don't feel like doing. I feel like flying. The outline was finished last week, I think, and after letting it sit, I reread it and was happy with it. I started writing this past Friday, and kept at it all weekend. I'm at 11,411 so far and quite happy with it, what little I've slowed down long enough to reread. We'll see how this one goes. I will, of course, be blogging regularly about it. It keeps me motivated with the potential shame of having to report failure to achieve pace as the stick.

Now, back to the grindstone. I have 2500 words to write tonight.

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
I believe I skipped last week, and perhaps the week before so I will post this now.

I did write. On my First line stories, taken from the challenge a while ago. I'm on my fourth story using the opening lines from that challenge and I have three maybe four more in my mind to do.

Critted a couple of stories as well as revised a story or two.

And started a new novel and worked on Stone Within novel and worked a bit on another one.

Posted posts here and on another site.

And of course three to five new posts on

My Blog
Posted by pdblake (Member # 9218) on :
I did. I finished a novella.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
I returned to writing with three days of revision on one story, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, after which I decided I'd done enough and printed it out and sent it off. (Sent another one on my desk off, too.) After that, two days of quiet.

What's next? Well, my last "previous story" is still too new for perspective...I have several ideas and may write one out...

In the course of my last week's quest for my social security card, I turned up, among other long-missing things, one of my old idea notebooks. This one runs from 1978 to 1988, and giving it a quick thumb-through---nothing seems interesting enough to write about. I guess times change and other things grab me now...
Posted by Wonderbus (Member # 9494) on :
I did, 1500 words minimum a day and coming up to the end of chapter 7.

A couple of crits too.

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