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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
Did You Write? July 25, 2011

Got the date right this time!

This note is a prompt to get people to write with more regularity than they normally would. The idea is that you post here and tell about what is going on in your life. You also tell about your writing accomplishments or lack thereof. Next week, you will see this note coming and realize "I have not written yet!" You don't want to say that you fluffed off, so you open something, any thing, just so you can say you wrote.

How much is done does not matter. Word count is wonderful to rack up, but there are times where you might actually go backwards and possibly even on purpose such as to fit into a publication or to correct a horrible plot line. Fixing one word can be called writing, if it is the right word.

What you write is unimportant. New writing is writing. Editing is also writing, even if it is the work of others. Critiquing is also writing. Poetry, technical writing, writing assignments, articles, blogging, world or character creation are all writing. so is E-mails if it is wordy and pertains to story or writing. In essence, if you have to ask if it is writing, the answer is always yes.

As for me, I did horrible. One page #@&^*!!! I added a page and that was a good start on a great idea. Everything I would start to do would take me to bedtime. Really frustrating. This is a fun story and I am just plotting the piece out. I figure when I actually finish writing it, it will be double the length. I might have a maximum of five scenes to plot out before I can get to serious writing.

I did get some ideas, but used up my new ones. I have 33 story ideas in my compost pile. I never like digging deep into the pile. I do have the option of going back through the years of these notes and developing a bit more the ideas I had used as an example and call it a story idea. Since most concern my hobbies, they don't offer much variety.

As for me, I can honestly say,



Posted by KathiS (Member # 9542) on :
Yes. I wrote. Well, I re-wrote which is still writing. So far only a couple hundred words on Chapter 13 of BD&L which I did on a break at work. Hope to put that chap to bed tonight after dinner.

Nothing on The Other Book.


Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Last Thursday, I wrote five hundred words, but then business crowded in and I haven't written since. I seem to be a five-hundred-word-a-week writer these days. I hope to do better coming up, but, then, I always do.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Should be "busy-ness," not "business."
Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes. Some new work on MAGIC'S FOOL. Plus work on the queries and synopses for MAGE STORM and BLOOD WILL TELL.

Plus some crits and two blog posts.

Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Wrote a short story and worked on world building and plotting my novel series.
Posted by EVOC (Member # 9381) on :
Yesterday I knocked out 1200 word starting and finishing the first draft of a new short story. First 13 here.

Today I gave it a once over and sent it out for crits to a few gracious volunteers.


Posted by Natej11 (Member # 8547) on :
Yes, another busy week for me. Continued writing more, but mostly began organizing the story into chapters and filling in the gaps between scenes (which turned out to be quite a lot of writing). Not sure exactly how much this week but I've done about 100k words in the last two weeks combined.

Pretty sure my momentum's about to come to a stuttering halt, though. Family's in town and I don't work too well with distractions >.<.

But as for this week yes indeed I did.

Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
It was a lousy week for word quantity...I averaged less than 480 new words per day. Not a good way to build up a bookshelf.

Still...I made progress on my WotF entry, as well as two of my YA short stories, so the word quality part of my week turned out fine.



Posted by LMermaid (Member # 2778) on :
Worked on writing a synopsis and doing a critique for someone else.
Posted by pdblake (Member # 9218) on :
I did. Just over 6k in 7 days. I'm starting to get back in the swing. Hopefully I'll hit target for the next week too and finish this one off.

Also started a blog at: and added a couple of posts and another post at my gardening blog.

Posted by axeminister (Member # 8991) on :
I'm thrilled to report I've finished my WotF entry. Rarely does a story beat down the door of my brain as this one did.

Now I'll see if I can sneak in the WotF group and hope no one notices I wasn't there all along.

(I truly wasn't expecting to have anything this quarter, but if one writes a story in a week, one is good to go.)

That's almost as fast as WriterDan...


Posted by Wordcaster (Member # 9183) on :
Yes, I wrote.

Finished a 4600 wd short story and added more words to my novel. Also started up the blogging again, hopefully this time for good.

Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
yep, I wrote. Critted and read, but I didnt submit. I guess I still got that to do then.
Posted by Owasm (Member # 8501) on :
I wrote. But not much. I haven't consistently written for some time. I do a flash a week and the WotF story, but lately, not much else.

I sound like Eeyore... and I feel like him too. Gotta get up and do more!

Posted by shimiqua (Member # 7760) on :
I have a two and a half-week-old who just decided colic was a good idea, so no... no, I did not write.

The good news is while I've been pacing back and forth bouncing a screaming newborn, I've come up with a bunch of interesting story idea's. One of which is a novel size idea, and it's clung on and won't let go. Now I just need a second idea to combine with it, and hours of non-screaming ( on my part) and I'll have my next project underway.

Gotta go. Baby boy just woke up.

(grumble, grumble, grumble.)

Posted by LDWriter2 (Member # 9148) on :
Guess I didn't post here after all.

I did write some.

A little on my story, I actually restarted it... I had no idea where the other one was going but I do with this restart... mostly that is. I still have the other story, I may finish it. The story is based on a cover pic on one of Dean Wesley Smith's short stories but my swiss cheese memory added something to the pic that isn't there. I had to change that.

Did a bit in novel Angel Kin and a bit in novel New Mage.

did do at least one note in blog

wrote posts here and on the google+

And a couple of crits.

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