Where in hell's name did Facebook get all these 'Potential Friends'?
Of course, the original is no longer required after that...
Probably your gmail account, if you (maybe accidentally) allowed it to find friends that way.
Skadder, no wonder you became a writer.
Is it possible that you had already added one friend from this forum? Maybe they got the list from THEIR friend list.
I also routinely delete the cookies and temp files that internet hatches on my hard disk.
Anyway, just thought I should share. I can stay off the grid and be anonymous but then I shouldn't complain that no one buys my ebooks.
If you had a hatrack friend, who in turn had other hatrack friends, then maybe they would be your potential friends.
Facebook privacy seems to be getting looser and looser and every time they update the software, it seems there are a new set of sharing defaults that are available to the public.
I've become so annoyed with slow FB scripts everywhere that I finally blocked FB in my HOSTS file.
It's a good idea to go check your privacy settings every so often (maybe even every time you log in) on Facebook.
Yes check your Facebook setting for privacy all the time. Facebook is great for changing these setting for you on a regular basis.
Also, for the sake of marketing I suggest creating a "fan page" seperate from your regular page. These fan pages are what everyone click like on. I have used these for my old business and now for a couple of community groups I work with. They are handy for getting a message out (and to advertise later).
In the search bar type the name of the page. When you go to that page you should automatically be able to use it. At least thats how it works for the ones I have.
I hate the way Facebook makes me feel like an idiot.
I wonder how you'd remake the original Terminator movies nowadays? All Arnie would have to do to find the real Sarah Connor is log onto facebook and then befriend her.
I think I already created a Fan Page but I don't know how to access it now. Is there any special way?
Go to facebook, from the main newsfeed page there are three sections on the left. First section is your link to your profile, as well as newsfeed, friends, messages, events. Next section is the groups you've created or been added to (not everyone will have these, I don't think. I have half a dozen.)
Last section on my page shows up as: Game Requests, Apps, then "see more"
If you "see more" in this last section, you'll get to an option down the list called "Ads and Pages" - which if you click, will default to showing you "Pages You Admin" (meaning pages you either created or were added as an administrator to.)
It's REALLY convoluted and stupid. Want to know something else convoluted and stupid? An admin of a page can bow out. Thereby leaving a page adminless. Do you know what you need to do to add someone as an admin on a page? BE AN ADMIN! So I have a page that's related to my non-profit work and the dingbat who created the page un-adminned herself without adding me as an admin. So now this page just sits out in the ether, occupying virtual space and making me nuts. Have to figure out how to get FB to delete it so I can create and administer a new page (and note to others; best practice -- find someone else you trust who is moderately technically savvy and ask them to be an admin on your pages, too. If anything happens to you or your FB account, they'd be able to help you get things accomplished.)
I have pages for myself as well as several events I am involved with, non-profits, and a just-for-fun reading group.
It's easy. I'm not currently using them for much but I do hook them up to the blogs that feed them (my author blog to my author page, my non-profit event to the non-profit event page) - using the "networked blogs" app on facebook. That pushes the blog posts to the author pages, and then they are viewable in the newsfeeds of anybody who is a fan of that page. Useful for getting the word out in a consistent way.
Our own Jamie Ford has a nice author page that is a great example. Kevin J. Anderson does one, though I think he uses his personal facebook page as his business one (Jamie has two separate things - a facebook page for friends, and an author page for much more book-related and announcement-related stuff around his appearances and the like.)