How hard is it to publish a novelette of 16,820 words? Any tips/advice for this other than telling me to make it longer. If I have to I will combine the second book in with this, which should be novel length, as I haven't planned it out very far. The novelette is Science Fantasy and it's titled 'The Lost Universe'. I posted the first 13 here, btw.
Posted by Rhaythe (Member # 7857) on :
Toss it up on Kindle under a pen name and charge $2.99 or less for it?
Posted by JohnColgrove (Member # 9236) on :
Hmm, that's always an option. I forgot about that. Or just Epublishing in general. Question is, how good can I get it marketed on that
Posted by EP Kaplan (Member # 5688) on :
Speaking of epublishing, there's always IGMS. I can't say for sure how many longer short fiction pieces they've published (novellas/novelettes), but as a non-print mag, they don't have page constraints.
Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
iirc, the limit for wotf is 17k; if you've not published before it's certainly an option.
Posted by JohnColgrove (Member # 9236) on :
I guess I could see if igms would accept it. I already submitted it to wotf so i'm crossing my fingers. Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Asimov's, Analog and F&SF all take pieces that long. Though it will be a tough sell.