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Posted by rstegman (Member # 3233) on :
02-07-11 Did You Write?

A new month and another week. This note is designed to help you write more than once or twice a month. Hopefully, you remembered that this note was coming up and you opened some work for even a short time so you can announce honestly that you wrote.

We are not picky as to what is writing or as much. I won't give the list this week as I am running short in time. I will just say that if you have to ask if it is writing, the answer is yes.

I did write. I am trying to cut down the word count of my Waxy story and removed 146 words. It would have been more, but I had to fill in some incomplete sentences and correct a couple scenes. The worst part is that I have another six thousand words to remove and there is little that really can be removed. I had zapped a couple short scenes but then added a bit more elsewhere to cover the key information that I removed. I don't have a number of really big scenes that can go.

On the story idea front, I am doing well on posting them and, including what I am posting today, I have 53 story ideas in the compost pile. A couple of the top ones are going to have to be written or they will sink to the bottom of the stack fast.

I had a good weekend on wood working. Several projects are advancing nicely. I am building a wooden toy cannon and am getting the kind of look I am after. Since I want this to border on an art piece, I want to give it a fine finish. I am not a finisher and this thing is big. The barrel is about three feet long. It looks good though.
I have two fairies I carved (twelve inches tall if they were standing) and have started with the scenes they will be in. I dug into the back of the shed and found some disks cut off from other projects that were given to me. I am now making them into mushroom caps. They are pretty. This saves me from using special wood for them.
I have made several vases with faces carved in them. They are in Norfolk Island Pine where the branches grow in a circle around the trunk and then there is a space before the next set of branches. there is usually six branches around each ring. I am carving faces into the side of the vase I turn, using the knots as the eyes of the face. I got a good start on the faces on my latest vase.

Using the above as a seed for a story idea, He is a toy maker. He has a secret, He can animate his toys when desired. solders march around, cannons fire magic cannon balls, birds sing, steam engines chuff, cars drive around.
Some bad guys show up and decide to use his shop as their center of operation. He is kept tied up. He realizes that they are going to kill him as they don't want to have to take care of him any longer and they have to be stopped before they destroy the entire area. they have not completely taken over but will soon.
He uses his powers and animates the toys. The toy soldiers lash the toy horses to the cannons and tow them into position. the cats, dogs, lions and tigers slip into the corners. Birds fly to act as lookouts. He is cut free so he can really do his work. At the right time, he makes a noise and the bad guys come out. His toy army goes to war. cannons fire, soldiers charge with their bayonets and firing their little rifles. the animals attack from hiding, cutting the bad guy's ankles.
It is a real ruckus as the bad guys try to get rid of the toys that are hurting them bad.
Only the leader is left and the toys are all a ruin. The toy maker than hits the bad guy from behind, knocking him out. the bad guys are beaten and the area is saved.

AS to the question of the week,
I can honestly say,




Posted by genevive42 (Member # 8714) on :
Oh gosh, I wrote and wrote and wrote.

While I was supposed to be redrafting my sf novel, I got an inspiration of how to rewrite the opening scene of my first novel. These are characters I've always loved and planned to get back to once I was better and could do them justice. Well, I wrote the scene, then I couldn't stop thinking about them. In a matter of four days, I wrote about 7000 words. Some were practice scenes, some outline, but my brain still won't let them go. It looks like I'm going to be working on my fantasy series for awhile.

Posted by BenM (Member # 8329) on :
Indeed. Another week of words on the page, though it was a few words shy of my 9,000 word per week goal.

A tinder-dry day with 90kmh winds on Sunday blew a bushfire past our property; the same day saw two other fires around town that destroyed around thirty homes. The sky above us became a day-long airshow as water bombers came screaming over our street at treetop level to assist the crews on the ground. If life provides material for our writing, then despite the lower wordcount this week, there's been plenty of material.

Posted by Meredith (Member # 8368) on :
Yes, I did.

I tweaked the synopsis for MAGE STORM a litte, and played with the first 13 lines.

I did a little revision on DREAMER'S ROSE.

I wrote about 1500 words on SEVEN STARS.

And, of course, two blog posts.

Posted by Wordcaster (Member # 9183) on :
Finished my 1st draft and 1st revision of a sf novelette and got a start on another sf story.
Posted by enigmaticuser (Member # 9398) on :
Well I didn't meet my goals on editing or new stuff, but I did write. I'd say about four pages of story for "Evangeline" and another four on the background.

Getting a lot better at a regiment of writing. Turns out, I don't need as much sleep as I thought.

Posted by pdblake (Member # 9218) on :

And made a few submissions too.

Posted by Fahrion Kryptov (Member # 1544) on :
Yes. I worked extensively on my character development, laid out a few scenes in my current story, and started working on my outline, which is turning out to be much bigger than I expected it ever would be. And to think, it started out as a 600 word flash-fic.
Posted by Robert Nowall (Member # 2764) on :
Nah. Down for the count with a horrible cold. I hope to start revision work soon---once I figure out which MS I want to revise first.
Posted by Josephine Kait (Member # 8157) on :
Yes, although not a high word count. I got a little farther into my Amazon story.
Posted by Crystal Stevens (Member # 8006) on :
I'm trying to tweak my latest draft for WoTF.

It's been quite a trial with Dad's recooperation from bypass surgery, the blizzard interfering with my job. (We worked straight through last weekend. Good money but I'd sure like a break.). My husband's W2 hasn't arrived from social security so we can get our taxes down (He's disabled). And our new HD widescreen TV doesn't like to work right on occasion with our antennae. Might have to call up the Geek Squad from Best Buy and have them come look at it.

I'm still hoping to finish the draft on the above mentioned story by the end of February and get some crits. I'd like to get it entered in Q2 of the WoTF.

Posted by Tiergan (Member # 7852) on :
Yes I did. Overall a good week for me. Wrote the basics of a new story. Got my 5 submissions out. Read A book on writing. And as a month has past, started the 2nd draft of my latest novel. It will be heavy and hard. My 2nd draft will add about 1/3 as I fill in the problem areas. I am the writer who adds as the characters develop through the story.
Posted by Crank (Member # 7354) on :
Half editing, half new words....and that's not including the character sketches and new story ideas I created. It was a fairly good week.



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